T-shirt sale


Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 18725.8 0 5.77 4.96 7423 2005 393 34 361 811 58 96 36 1511.2 81 57 1615 1315 534 62 190
Honey Nut Ichiros 18156.1 11.2 5.66 4.86 7410 2085 359 66 301 622 82 216 72 1505.2 59 90 1498 1410 430 55 191
The Back Fields 17947.8 16.5 5.28 5.23 7195 1883 384 34 273 829 75 135 39 1505.0 86 80 1632 1298 477 60 187
Funky Cold Molina 17458.6 7.5 5.45 4.75 7138 1877 377 32 324 807 93 86 41 1476.0 79 67 1427 1340 551 53 173
50 shades of Verlander 16986.1 109.3 5.74 4.62 6833 1856 410 40 318 732 71 119 36 1403.0 57 76 1342 1339 467 41 176
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit 16782.5 65.7 5.19 4.57 6999 1821 362 32 345 642 67 99 34 1508.2 45 42 1630 1354 533 63 213
Wandering A's 16766.2 23.7 5.48 5.03 7000 1904 396 29 301 750 80 114 29 1260.0 117 45 1319 1108 412 49 173
Glue Factory Candidates 15060.7 72.1 4.69 4.56 6367 1633 332 22 229 697 53 88 37 1476.1 83 59 1312 1354 486 52 190
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) 14827.2 21.9 5.23 4.92 5958 1530 335 18 304 686 51 83 28 1218.2 89 53 1241 1165 408 50 143
Otto Four 14485.8 54.6 5.12 4.83 6030 1574 298 22 262 589 82 103 28 1266.1 57 31 1373 1184 383 46 166
slevy314 13932.6 5.1 5.41 4.88 5861 1627 310 14 239 686 59 51 31 1068.0 150 16 1112 1000 393 31 151
The Daring Erstads 13788.2 53.5 4.69 4.23 6035 1541 301 36 243 605 74 135 40 1336.0 25 62 1396 1215 502 43 212

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
50 shades of Verlander 109.3 560.6 2,058.7
The Daring Erstads 53.5 411.9 2,590.8
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit 65.7 361.6 2,718.5
slevy314 5.1 347.3 1,726.4
Wandering A's 23.7 381.5 2,413.4
Glue Factory Candidates 72.1 671.9 2,292.3
Otto Four 54.6 244.5 1,792.4
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) 21.9 347.6 1,320.9
Funky Cold Molina 7.5 229.4 2,694.3
Honey Nut Ichiros 11.2 506.3 2,586.7
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 0.0 395.3 3,217.0
The Back Fields 16.5 574.6 2,981.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
50 shades of Verlander 160 156 138 158 161 152 747 157 1403.0
The Daring Erstads 162 148 119 156 134 150 724 143 1336.0
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit 149 158 161 160 158 162 803 154 1508.2
slevy314 162 162 155 80 110 158 718 66 1068.0
Wandering A's 162 161 162 162 159 157 779 160 1260.0
Glue Factory Candidates 145 159 143 147 153 151 720 157 1476.1
Otto Four 162 108 140 152 141 121 685 125 1266.1
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) 127 138 153 147 159 123 690 151 1218.2
Funky Cold Molina 137 162 162 158 162 162 810 162 1476.0
Honey Nut Ichiros 159 156 158 159 162 161 804 155 1505.2
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1511.2
The Back Fields 147 161 158 159 157 161 810 157 1505.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
50 shades of Verlander Lineups 161 157 139 159 162 153 752 158 1411.2
The Daring Erstads Lineups 163 149 120 157 135 151 728 144 1344.0
Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit Lineups 150 159 162 161 159 163 808 155 1518.0
slevy314 Lineups 163 163 156 80 111 159 722 66 1074.1
Wandering A's Lineups 163 162 163 163 160 158 784 161 1267.2
Glue Factory Candidates Lineups 146 160 144 148 154 152 724 158 1485.1
Otto Four Lineups 163 109 141 153 142 122 689 126 1274.0
nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!) Lineups 128 139 154 148 160 124 694 152 1226.0
Funky Cold Molina Lineups 138 163 163 159 163 163 815 163 1485.0
Honey Nut Ichiros Lineups 160 157 159 160 163 162 809 156 1515.0
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1521.0
The Back Fields Lineups 148 162 159 160 158 162 815 158 1514.1

  • 50 shades of Verlander
  • The Daring Erstads
  • Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit
  • slevy314
  • Wandering A's
  • Glue Factory Candidates
  • Otto Four
  • nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!)
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Honey Nut Ichiros
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • The Back Fields


  • 50 shades of Verlander
  • The Daring Erstads
  • Antonio Alfonseca's 6th Digit
  • slevy314
  • Wandering A's
  • Glue Factory Candidates
  • Otto Four
  • nVenue AI 🤖 (Now w/ 122 Inputs!)
  • Funky Cold Molina
  • Honey Nut Ichiros
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • The Back Fields
