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Nootbaar Crunch 19269.1 -0.9 5.65 5.47 7521 1983 408 47 311 847 77 174 30 1517.0 103 70 1703 1302 459 61 178
Calvin and Roy Hobbs 18862.9 2.6 5.63 5.24 7458 1968 376 32 355 736 103 174 40 1517.2 72 75 1587 1374 429 45 172
Taking Back Santo 18033.3 56.1 5.34 5.16 7342 1854 375 29 332 804 116 132 38 1496.1 85 49 1625 1360 436 57 180
BomboRivera 17553.2 122 5.01 5.22 7312 1828 346 43 294 737 107 162 37 1509.2 113 50 1591 1269 476 58 190
Raganomics 16834.5 97.5 5.33 4.57 7059 1805 361 24 303 864 89 153 38 1467.1 40 42 1486 1326 467 68 198
The Bronx Empire 16749.7 38 5.22 4.44 7363 1934 377 36 287 725 96 172 40 1488.1 61 72 1512 1345 551 76 215
Boys of Summer 2.0 16619.6 61.9 5.07 4.76 6761 1798 378 32 271 619 101 156 35 1498.2 81 43 1578 1361 509 69 197
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 15700.9 0.8 5.04 4.37 6670 1787 377 19 225 687 83 150 45 1504.2 51 65 1478 1449 545 55 200
Duran Duran 15068.2 84.2 4.94 4.44 6421 1629 323 30 263 556 82 162 32 1500.0 80 50 1509 1402 545 79 207
Buehler’s Year Off 14848.6 77.1 5.18 4.35 6496 1692 328 36 260 648 79 169 40 1353.0 28 87 1294 1299 472 55 183
Bazzball! 14440.5 39.2 4.69 5.07 6487 1627 329 28 221 648 76 140 38 1241.2 128 37 1286 1134 434 49 151
Chief Justices 13441.1 46.8 4.86 3.57 6204 1534 320 18 238 685 87 129 36 1492.2 42 36 1320 1537 551 66 233

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Chief Justices 46.8 362.2 1,924.3
Taking Back Santo 56.1 457.2 2,889.4
Buehler’s Year Off 77.1 472.9 2,202.2
Nootbaar Crunch 0.9 607.0 2,908.0
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 0.8 247.9 2,214.2
Boys of Summer 2.0 61.9 507.6 2,537.9
The Bronx Empire 38.0 435.3 2,700.0
Raganomics 97.5 596.2 2,522.3
Bazzball! 39.2 376.3 2,421.4
Calvin and Roy Hobbs 2.6 218.3 2,741.7
BomboRivera 122.0 442.7 2,585.4
Duran Duran 84.2 349.3 2,107.9

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Chief Justices 161 153 123 156 141 158 633 145 1492.2
Taking Back Santo 162 162 160 160 159 162 804 163 1496.1
Buehler’s Year Off 145 152 153 153 142 119 729 138 1353.0
Nootbaar Crunch 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1517.0
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 133 157 151 158 155 155 748 154 1504.2
Boys of Summer 2.0 154 162 152 162 156 162 773 152 1498.2
The Bronx Empire 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1488.1
Raganomics 146 156 155 158 158 156 810 160 1467.1
Bazzball! 132 144 152 142 137 147 743 139 1241.2
Calvin and Roy Hobbs 162 162 161 159 162 158 810 162 1517.2
BomboRivera 162 160 162 162 162 162 798 162 1509.2
Duran Duran 158 143 149 152 132 162 664 142 1500.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Chief Justices Lineups 162 154 124 157 142 159 637 146 1501.2
Taking Back Santo Lineups 163 163 161 161 160 163 809 164 1505.1
Buehler’s Year Off Lineups 146 153 154 154 143 120 734 139 1361.1
Nootbaar Crunch Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1526.1
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 Lineups 134 158 152 159 156 156 753 155 1514.0
Boys of Summer 2.0 Lineups 155 163 153 163 157 163 778 153 1507.2
The Bronx Empire Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1497.1
Raganomics Lineups 147 157 156 159 159 157 815 161 1476.1
Bazzball! Lineups 133 145 153 143 138 148 748 140 1249.1
Calvin and Roy Hobbs Lineups 163 163 162 160 163 159 815 163 1527.0
BomboRivera Lineups 163 161 163 163 163 163 803 163 1519.0
Duran Duran Lineups 159 144 150 153 133 163 668 143 1509.0

  • Chief Justices
  • Taking Back Santo
  • Buehler’s Year Off
  • Nootbaar Crunch
  • Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶
  • Boys of Summer 2.0
  • The Bronx Empire
  • Raganomics
  • Bazzball!
  • Calvin and Roy Hobbs
  • BomboRivera
  • Duran Duran


  • Chief Justices
  • Taking Back Santo
  • Buehler’s Year Off
  • Nootbaar Crunch
  • Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶
  • Boys of Summer 2.0
  • The Bronx Empire
  • Raganomics
  • Bazzball!
  • Calvin and Roy Hobbs
  • BomboRivera
  • Duran Duran
