T-shirt sale


Nootbaar Crunch 18698.2 90.2 5.20 5.78 7464 1906 356 44 324 718 109 95 34 1488.0 98 51 1666 1242 449 69 135
Taking Back Santo 17756.5 1.6 5.08 5.49 7220 1911 388 25 261 722 85 112 43 1464.0 60 81 1512 1186 424 72 152
Raganomics 17587.6 37.3 5.00 5.16 7310 1818 378 27 300 803 82 93 28 1530.0 9 58 1705 1282 416 74 188
Bazzball! 17467.2 25.8 4.96 5.22 7123 1850 387 29 253 748 97 145 51 1512.2 95 65 1613 1277 443 66 196
Calvin and Roy Hobbs 17023.7 67.8 4.88 5.11 7164 1796 367 22 291 713 64 110 30 1517.0 75 37 1465 1262 485 67 162
Boys of Summer 2.0 16947.3 16.8 4.66 5.53 6644 1694 352 24 257 597 91 120 40 1511.1 135 27 1634 1285 431 61 168
The Bronx Empire 16919.0 18 4.98 4.83 7397 1892 377 20 281 702 125 121 29 1499.2 57 41 1439 1370 419 62 177
BomboRivera 16241.6 157.7 4.28 5.35 7100 1707 333 32 235 676 79 63 23 1513.2 69 56 1545 1254 475 79 149
Duran Duran 16235.2 109 5.01 5.01 6599 1745 363 32 216 605 90 134 29 1503.2 41 64 1422 1223 505 77 160
Chief Justices 15187.9 -9.9 4.50 4.83 6473 1584 334 26 224 677 78 69 25 1500.1 87 44 1459 1357 482 63 181
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 14852.8 36.2 4.56 4.42 6600 1726 357 26 195 609 66 130 48 1501.0 30 75 1314 1415 484 65 181
Buehler’s Year Off 13415.5 44.2 4.49 4.73 5845 1416 283 17 234 500 101 86 34 1339.2 40 92 1318 1277 453 59 156

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Chief Justices 9.9 206.2 1,120.2
Taking Back Santo 1.6 699.7 2,855.1
Buehler’s Year Off 44.2 553.5 1,865.9
Nootbaar Crunch 90.2 692.4 3,261.6
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 36.2 258.0 1,604.1
Boys of Summer 2.0 16.8 285.1 2,526.7
The Bronx Empire 18.0 477.8 2,827.6
Raganomics 37.3 615.7 2,856.8
Bazzball! 25.8 643.0 2,983.5
Calvin and Roy Hobbs 67.8 432.0 2,518.4
BomboRivera 157.7 626.2 2,918.1
Duran Duran 109.0 323.0 1,959.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Chief Justices 162 156 133 144 127 162 726 155 1500.1
Taking Back Santo 162 162 159 159 155 162 798 154 1464.0
Buehler’s Year Off 160 132 141 151 138 105 614 135 1339.2
Nootbaar Crunch 163 163 163 162 161 161 809 162 1488.0
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 162 155 135 162 148 143 753 143 1501.0
Boys of Summer 2.0 162 155 154 159 153 150 776 137 1511.1
The Bronx Empire 162 162 162 162 162 162 811 162 1499.2
Raganomics 162 160 162 162 162 162 808 162 1530.0
Bazzball! 162 157 160 161 161 158 810 162 1512.2
Calvin and Roy Hobbs 162 160 157 156 154 158 793 159 1517.0
BomboRivera 155 162 162 158 160 162 781 162 1513.2
Duran Duran 117 159 140 158 151 161 689 160 1503.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Chief Justices Lineups 163 157 134 145 128 163 731 156 1510.0
Taking Back Santo Lineups 163 163 160 160 156 163 803 155 1473.2
Buehler’s Year Off Lineups 161 133 142 152 139 106 618 136 1348.1
Nootbaar Crunch Lineups 164 164 164 163 162 162 814 163 1497.2
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 Lineups 163 156 136 163 149 144 758 144 1510.2
Boys of Summer 2.0 Lineups 163 156 155 160 154 151 781 138 1521.1
The Bronx Empire Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 816 163 1509.1
Raganomics Lineups 163 161 163 163 163 163 813 163 1540.0
Bazzball! Lineups 163 158 161 162 162 159 815 163 1522.2
Calvin and Roy Hobbs Lineups 163 161 158 157 155 159 798 160 1527.0
BomboRivera Lineups 156 163 163 159 161 163 786 163 1523.2
Duran Duran Lineups 118 160 141 159 152 162 694 161 1513.1

  • Chief Justices
  • Taking Back Santo
  • Buehler’s Year Off
  • Nootbaar Crunch
  • Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶
  • Boys of Summer 2.0
  • The Bronx Empire
  • Raganomics
  • Bazzball!
  • Calvin and Roy Hobbs
  • BomboRivera
  • Duran Duran


  • Chief Justices
  • Taking Back Santo
  • Buehler’s Year Off
  • Nootbaar Crunch
  • Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶
  • Boys of Summer 2.0
  • The Bronx Empire
  • Raganomics
  • Bazzball!
  • Calvin and Roy Hobbs
  • BomboRivera
  • Duran Duran
