T-shirt sale


Chief Justices 19011.2 111.3 5.55 5.47 7244 1991 424 29 283 844 68 78 27 1506.0 96 66 1458 1374 432 44 127
Nootbaar Crunch 18731.2 37.9 4.89 6.16 7324 1911 410 32 239 757 56 96 40 1497.2 108 54 1592 1240 380 47 105
BomboRivera 18607.9 56.5 5.49 5.35 7332 2026 441 50 258 698 111 168 75 1507.0 140 24 1355 1393 402 54 130
Taking Back Santo 16956.4 105.7 5.08 4.94 7125 1925 402 25 257 659 87 93 35 1469.1 86 54 1283 1373 431 43 149
Calvin and Roy Hobbs 16485.3 41.9 4.73 5.21 6862 1817 356 30 174 698 92 141 47 1503.1 58 58 1397 1400 373 32 143
The Bronx Empire 16091.0 80.5 4.56 5.07 7001 1830 362 29 201 646 81 116 40 1468.2 51 79 1422 1348 492 68 134
Buehler’s Year Off 15890.3 17.2 4.60 4.90 6905 1840 353 49 191 596 57 109 45 1500.1 4 74 1359 1385 486 46 129
Bazzball! 15839.9 37 4.30 4.98 7352 1909 350 58 176 563 59 205 83 1503.0 47 68 1321 1438 442 43 130
Duran Duran 15588.4 115.5 4.51 5.20 6483 1734 348 39 167 535 67 172 52 1455.2 122 61 1387 1374 493 59 130
Boys of Summer 2.0 15453.2 71.5 4.25 4.97 6898 1777 339 28 185 589 50 163 40 1491.0 81 36 1307 1339 418 38 158
Raganomics 15396.4 55 4.37 5.36 6525 1716 325 34 206 463 64 74 34 1419.2 128 46 1360 1323 424 42 130
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 15068.0 29.4 4.48 4.63 6489 1666 317 37 201 619 73 128 31 1546.1 91 31 1200 1531 434 53 163

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Chief Justices 111.3 609.5 3,060.9
Taking Back Santo 105.7 569.8 2,573.9
Buehler’s Year Off 17.2 305.8 2,517.6
Nootbaar Crunch 37.9 467.0 2,660.1
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 29.4 210.3 1,341.6
Boys of Summer 2.0 71.5 434.6 2,115.6
The Bronx Empire 80.5 586.2 2,506.3
Raganomics 55.0 451.7 2,825.7
Bazzball! 37.0 157.6 1,118.4
Calvin and Roy Hobbs 41.9 579.4 2,588.2
BomboRivera 56.5 795.2 3,089.9
Duran Duran 115.5 534.2 2,273.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Chief Justices 162 162 163 155 163 162 813 162 1506.0
Taking Back Santo 161 162 147 163 159 162 790 163 1469.2
Buehler’s Year Off 150 150 159 149 163 159 775 149 1500.1
Nootbaar Crunch 163 163 162 159 162 162 811 160 1497.2
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 147 154 139 157 156 152 741 160 1505.2
Boys of Summer 2.0 162 161 161 163 162 156 769 159 1491.0
The Bronx Empire 162 153 162 153 158 157 794 155 1468.2
Raganomics 145 162 142 139 141 153 740 159 1419.2
Bazzball! 163 162 162 161 160 162 813 161 1502.2
Calvin and Roy Hobbs 162 155 150 156 151 158 750 150 1503.1
BomboRivera 162 162 162 162 162 162 787 162 1507.0
Duran Duran 162 144 158 161 153 116 741 141 1455.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Chief Justices Lineups 163 163 164 156 164 163 818 163 1515.1
Taking Back Santo Lineups 162 163 148 164 160 163 795 164 1478.2
Buehler’s Year Off Lineups 151 151 160 150 164 160 780 150 1509.1
Nootbaar Crunch Lineups 164 164 163 160 163 163 816 161 1506.2
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 Lineups 148 155 140 158 157 153 746 161 1515.0
Boys of Summer 2.0 Lineups 163 162 162 164 163 157 774 160 1500.0
The Bronx Empire Lineups 163 154 163 154 159 158 799 156 1477.2
Raganomics Lineups 146 163 143 140 142 154 745 160 1428.1
Bazzball! Lineups 164 163 163 162 161 163 818 162 1512.0
Calvin and Roy Hobbs Lineups 163 156 151 157 152 159 755 151 1512.2
BomboRivera Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 792 163 1516.1
Duran Duran Lineups 163 145 159 162 154 117 746 142 1464.2

  • Chief Justices
  • Taking Back Santo
  • Buehler’s Year Off
  • Nootbaar Crunch
  • Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶
  • Boys of Summer 2.0
  • The Bronx Empire
  • Raganomics
  • Bazzball!
  • Calvin and Roy Hobbs
  • BomboRivera
  • Duran Duran


  • Chief Justices
  • Taking Back Santo
  • Buehler’s Year Off
  • Nootbaar Crunch
  • Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶
  • Boys of Summer 2.0
  • The Bronx Empire
  • Raganomics
  • Bazzball!
  • Calvin and Roy Hobbs
  • BomboRivera
  • Duran Duran
