T-shirt sale


Nootbaar Crunch 18398.1 235.2 5.53 5.02 7456 1923 400 45 341 785 130 87 33 1523.2 57 53 1646 1285 458 73 202
BomboRivera 18347.4 46.4 5.40 5.36 6994 1813 396 25 328 775 101 80 22 1511.2 80 74 1661 1224 472 74 186
Taking Back Santo 18220.7 17.1 5.48 5.18 6890 1796 368 28 303 884 108 81 24 1527.1 59 45 1726 1333 444 72 187
Calvin and Roy Hobbs 17836.5 32.4 5.31 4.99 7247 1829 380 22 381 730 75 92 28 1506.1 67 49 1706 1287 531 73 196
Duran Duran 17825.3 49 5.69 4.84 6900 1864 324 19 325 825 102 128 29 1496.0 36 48 1637 1323 483 75 192
Raganomics 17431.0 77 5.06 5.21 7007 1857 368 24 250 786 68 137 32 1487.0 55 93 1690 1265 503 52 189
Bazzball! 17084.8 65.9 5.29 4.84 7017 1917 382 29 273 633 91 121 37 1494.0 52 45 1550 1283 451 48 206
The Bronx Empire 16920.0 47.1 5.12 4.68 7211 1845 364 17 316 747 111 76 25 1501.1 70 58 1470 1349 431 49 216
Boys of Summer 2.0 15293.7 77.8 5.44 5.04 6681 1730 355 27 306 662 109 158 38 1136.0 73 30 1280 983 425 39 145
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 14453.6 36.3 4.62 4.15 6528 1650 340 34 239 603 62 97 34 1501.2 42 90 1398 1474 539 88 206
Buehler’s Year Off 14368.4 65.1 4.82 5.06 6048 1497 317 34 245 581 101 103 34 1279.2 133 41 1345 1151 419 55 171
Chief Justices 9993.0 53 4.39 5.11 4688 1161 221 16 179 505 46 37 19 801.2 96 28 875 686 320 40 107

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Chief Justices 53.0 379.9 1,443.2
Taking Back Santo 17.1 623.2 2,967.7
Buehler’s Year Off 65.1 461.0 2,375.0
Nootbaar Crunch 235.2 736.8 2,925.0
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 36.3 397.7 2,116.3
Boys of Summer 2.0 77.8 665.1 2,500.0
The Bronx Empire 47.1 709.7 2,698.6
Raganomics 77.0 435.4 2,554.2
Bazzball! 65.9 483.0 3,016.5
Calvin and Roy Hobbs 32.4 466.2 3,059.2
BomboRivera 46.4 547.0 3,034.2
Duran Duran 49.0 631.7 3,117.1

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Chief Justices 157 115 101 122 92 151 478 127 801.2
Taking Back Santo 162 162 159 161 146 151 802 138 1527.1
Buehler’s Year Off 131 143 156 117 128 125 687 151 1279.2
Nootbaar Crunch 162 162 162 162 161 162 810 162 1523.2
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 116 162 151 145 150 145 765 147 1501.2
Boys of Summer 2.0 162 162 136 143 161 136 712 148 1136.0
The Bronx Empire 162 162 162 162 162 162 799 162 1501.1
Raganomics 162 160 162 152 161 162 794 160 1487.0
Bazzball! 162 156 146 151 161 159 775 153 1494.0
Calvin and Roy Hobbs 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1506.1
BomboRivera 162 155 155 155 154 154 808 155 1511.2
Duran Duran 162 162 157 152 153 162 757 156 1496.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Chief Justices Lineups 158 116 102 123 93 152 481 128 806.1
Taking Back Santo Lineups 163 163 160 162 147 152 807 139 1536.2
Buehler’s Year Off Lineups 132 144 157 118 129 126 691 152 1287.1
Nootbaar Crunch Lineups 163 163 163 163 162 163 815 163 1533.0
Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶 Lineups 117 163 152 146 151 146 770 148 1510.2
Boys of Summer 2.0 Lineups 163 163 137 144 162 137 716 149 1143.0
The Bronx Empire Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 804 163 1510.1
Raganomics Lineups 163 161 163 153 162 163 799 161 1496.0
Bazzball! Lineups 163 157 147 152 162 160 780 154 1503.0
Calvin and Roy Hobbs Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1515.2
BomboRivera Lineups 163 156 156 156 155 155 813 156 1521.0
Duran Duran Lineups 163 163 158 153 154 163 762 157 1505.0

  • Chief Justices
  • Taking Back Santo
  • Buehler’s Year Off
  • Nootbaar Crunch
  • Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶
  • Boys of Summer 2.0
  • The Bronx Empire
  • Raganomics
  • Bazzball!
  • Calvin and Roy Hobbs
  • BomboRivera
  • Duran Duran


  • Chief Justices
  • Taking Back Santo
  • Buehler’s Year Off
  • Nootbaar Crunch
  • Les Coureurs de Bois 🛶
  • Boys of Summer 2.0
  • The Bronx Empire
  • Raganomics
  • Bazzball!
  • Calvin and Roy Hobbs
  • BomboRivera
  • Duran Duran
