T-shirt sale


One O' Cat 18960.0 9.8 5.64 5.31 7498 1978 434 34 328 749 108 196 44 1511.0 104 84 1572 1358 432 63 174
Bednars & Boomsticks 17923.5 145.1 5.64 4.62 7439 1985 391 28 324 777 114 167 41 1522.2 49 40 1646 1405 511 71 206
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 17727.2 38 5.20 5.18 7177 1861 369 30 298 743 97 118 30 1502.2 54 63 1585 1312 506 53 158
Bo Hunters 🏹 17711.3 51.9 5.72 4.91 7098 1934 376 29 312 782 85 220 56 1411.2 58 45 1455 1318 408 48 171
Catz 16721.8 41 5.43 4.47 6991 1778 341 42 336 751 79 141 32 1500.2 65 50 1429 1361 476 75 211
The Art of Pitching 16697.9 81.9 4.88 4.88 7247 1798 358 30 290 690 113 147 28 1501.0 48 96 1553 1313 545 73 182
Seven Sneeze Army 16563.7 -4.1 5.16 4.83 6777 1769 362 24 273 679 86 124 36 1501.2 71 43 1587 1322 530 74 188
SSS Fluke 16467.0 7.8 5.13 4.91 6755 1705 374 19 297 790 96 106 26 1405.2 84 36 1414 1228 487 57 168
WAR Horse 🦄 16163.5 79.1 4.63 4.86 7031 1764 357 44 255 615 72 193 47 1510.1 83 31 1516 1311 516 80 180
Grumble Grumble 15592.9 55.3 5.11 4.81 6792 1794 342 31 275 669 84 153 36 1275.0 87 77 1301 1109 495 41 175
The Pendletones 15160.1 6.2 4.75 4.85 6941 1713 345 31 258 710 74 145 46 1322.1 39 41 1460 1184 454 46 169
Cow Ripkens 🐄 15148.9 127.6 4.84 4.58 6489 1640 316 38 224 628 66 210 36 1492.0 102 33 1668 1428 511 65 223

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
The Pendletones 6.2 326.6 1,926.0
The Art of Pitching 81.9 661.6 2,836.1
WAR Horse 🦄 79.1 534.3 2,586.3
Bednars & Boomsticks 145.1 390.6 2,547.4
Catz 41.0 242.5 2,031.4
Cow Ripkens 🐄 127.6 619.6 2,667.0
SSS Fluke 7.8 355.1 2,311.7
Bo Hunters 🏹 51.9 682.5 2,953.9
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 38.0 414.9 2,995.0
Grumble Grumble 55.3 415.8 2,548.2
One O' Cat 9.8 616.2 3,061.8
Seven Sneeze Army 4.1 127.0 2,157.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Pendletones 162 142 161 154 157 157 765 145 1322.1
The Art of Pitching 162 162 148 158 156 162 810 162 1501.0
WAR Horse 🦄 162 152 158 162 155 160 801 156 1510.1
Bednars & Boomsticks 162 161 162 162 162 162 800 161 1522.2
Catz 160 163 159 160 154 151 746 152 1500.2
Cow Ripkens 🐄 135 160 133 134 151 144 713 147 1492.0
SSS Fluke 124 162 151 155 158 162 792 162 1405.2
Bo Hunters 🏹 155 157 162 156 147 159 802 146 1411.2
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 162 152 159 162 159 162 796 161 1502.2
Grumble Grumble 162 162 149 156 154 162 750 156 1275.0
One O' Cat 162 162 162 162 162 162 804 162 1511.0
Seven Sneeze Army 162 143 149 154 158 136 753 151 1501.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Pendletones Lineups 163 143 162 155 158 158 770 146 1330.1
The Art of Pitching Lineups 163 163 149 159 157 163 815 163 1510.0
WAR Horse 🦄 Lineups 163 153 159 163 156 161 806 157 1519.2
Bednars & Boomsticks Lineups 163 162 163 163 163 163 805 162 1532.0
Catz Lineups 161 164 160 161 155 152 751 153 1509.2
Cow Ripkens 🐄 Lineups 136 161 134 135 152 145 717 148 1501.0
SSS Fluke Lineups 125 163 152 156 159 163 797 163 1414.1
Bo Hunters 🏹 Lineups 156 158 163 157 148 160 807 147 1420.1
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 Lineups 163 153 160 163 160 163 801 162 1512.0
Grumble Grumble Lineups 163 163 150 157 155 163 755 157 1282.2
One O' Cat Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 809 163 1520.1
Seven Sneeze Army Lineups 163 144 150 155 159 137 758 152 1510.2

  • The Pendletones
  • The Art of Pitching
  • WAR Horse 🦄
  • Bednars & Boomsticks
  • Catz
  • Cow Ripkens 🐄
  • SSS Fluke
  • Bo Hunters 🏹
  • Mallard Power 🦆🚂
  • Grumble Grumble
  • One O' Cat
  • Seven Sneeze Army


  • The Pendletones
  • The Art of Pitching
  • WAR Horse 🦄
  • Bednars & Boomsticks
  • Catz
  • Cow Ripkens 🐄
  • SSS Fluke
  • Bo Hunters 🏹
  • Mallard Power 🦆🚂
  • Grumble Grumble
  • One O' Cat
  • Seven Sneeze Army
