T-shirt sale


Bednars & Boomsticks 18495.9 6.8 5.93 4.62 7328 1999 376 29 405 759 78 80 34 1516.1 52 75 1487 1383 477 61 207
Seven Sneeze Army 18459.3 31.6 5.93 4.60 7315 2043 425 47 315 809 112 140 45 1516.1 118 36 1530 1457 534 57 202
WAR Horse 🦄 18344.3 77.7 5.42 5.17 7407 1953 401 34 313 789 75 139 54 1511.1 60 59 1555 1295 453 51 174
Bo Hunters 🏹 17787.3 169.6 5.47 5.36 6624 1809 394 26 263 774 71 106 27 1466.0 77 73 1635 1297 445 59 167
The Pendletones 17093.7 12.8 5.54 4.71 6973 1876 381 40 330 708 84 115 40 1409.1 95 40 1451 1236 554 53 186
Cow Ripkens 🐄 16899.0 51.4 5.07 5.27 6784 1697 334 30 307 776 100 115 41 1407.2 94 67 1521 1218 436 53 174
Grumble Grumble 16780.1 162.4 5.47 4.40 7115 1922 368 35 314 721 78 117 48 1460.0 70 72 1352 1358 504 51 205
Catz 16723.5 0 5.31 4.54 6700 1714 343 23 342 818 68 73 43 1500.1 114 44 1401 1425 545 51 191
SSS Fluke 16441.4 70.8 5.56 4.01 6959 1963 400 29 285 704 62 119 45 1498.1 85 34 1447 1523 566 62 219
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 15572.1 -4.2 5.07 4.21 6853 1817 359 38 261 638 67 164 38 1478.0 47 76 1368 1460 476 54 212
One O' Cat 14668.2 18.9 5.19 4.64 6375 1691 333 23 246 700 62 101 31 1244.1 95 54 1243 1136 445 61 174
The Art of Pitching 14427.8 66.6 4.86 4.65 6141 1607 323 26 249 576 58 60 31 1336.2 24 70 1402 1243 455 56 172

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
The Pendletones 12.8 464.2 2,433.1
The Art of Pitching 66.6 440.6 2,572.6
WAR Horse 🦄 77.7 436.4 2,548.2
Bednars & Boomsticks 6.8 462.4 3,213.1
Catz 0.0 307.5 2,708.1
Cow Ripkens 🐄 51.4 521.4 2,873.4
SSS Fluke 70.8 654.8 2,695.6
Bo Hunters 🏹 169.6 956.2 3,398.6
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 4.2 392.6 2,589.4
Grumble Grumble 162.4 580.5 2,752.6
One O' Cat 18.9 458.2 1,664.7
Seven Sneeze Army 31.6 608.8 3,059.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Pendletones 122 148 162 162 162 162 805 162 1409.1
The Art of Pitching 162 144 124 144 132 158 689 136 1336.2
WAR Horse 🦄 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1511.1
Bednars & Boomsticks 161 162 162 159 162 162 810 162 1516.1
Catz 162 154 153 160 151 162 771 153 1500.1
Cow Ripkens 🐄 156 160 156 158 154 157 767 160 1407.2
SSS Fluke 162 147 162 155 154 152 790 155 1498.1
Bo Hunters 🏹 154 161 147 146 147 130 787 143 1466.0
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 156 154 149 149 149 150 781 156 1478.0
Grumble Grumble 158 162 155 158 162 161 781 155 1460.0
One O' Cat 137 139 158 157 156 156 678 134 1244.1
Seven Sneeze Army 162 162 161 162 162 162 804 162 1516.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Pendletones Lineups 123 149 163 163 163 163 810 163 1418.0
The Art of Pitching Lineups 163 145 125 145 133 159 693 137 1344.2
WAR Horse 🦄 Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1520.2
Bednars & Boomsticks Lineups 162 163 163 160 163 163 815 163 1525.2
Catz Lineups 163 155 154 161 152 163 776 154 1509.1
Cow Ripkens 🐄 Lineups 157 161 157 159 155 158 772 161 1416.1
SSS Fluke Lineups 163 148 163 156 155 153 795 156 1507.1
Bo Hunters 🏹 Lineups 155 162 148 147 148 131 792 144 1475.0
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 Lineups 157 155 150 150 150 151 786 157 1487.0
Grumble Grumble Lineups 159 163 156 159 163 162 786 156 1469.0
One O' Cat Lineups 138 140 159 158 157 157 682 135 1252.0
Seven Sneeze Army Lineups 163 163 162 163 163 163 809 163 1525.2

  • The Pendletones
  • The Art of Pitching
  • WAR Horse 🦄
  • Bednars & Boomsticks
  • Catz
  • Cow Ripkens 🐄
  • SSS Fluke
  • Bo Hunters 🏹
  • Mallard Power 🦆🚂
  • Grumble Grumble
  • One O' Cat
  • Seven Sneeze Army


  • The Pendletones
  • The Art of Pitching
  • WAR Horse 🦄
  • Bednars & Boomsticks
  • Catz
  • Cow Ripkens 🐄
  • SSS Fluke
  • Bo Hunters 🏹
  • Mallard Power 🦆🚂
  • Grumble Grumble
  • One O' Cat
  • Seven Sneeze Army
