T-shirt sale


The Pendletones 18759.3 80.6 5.22 6.09 6878 1841 358 35 317 710 74 77 41 1433.2 144 24 1565 1161 412 49 116
The Art of Pitching 18534.9 82.8 5.39 5.43 7226 2003 374 34 275 736 72 97 33 1503.2 67 50 1601 1314 439 69 143
SSS Fluke 17749.2 67.2 5.20 5.16 7396 2052 381 35 272 542 78 196 67 1501.1 58 77 1413 1324 433 46 155
One O' Cat 17339.0 75.1 5.33 5.55 6705 1809 389 31 264 751 77 101 44 1365.0 94 70 1422 1219 351 30 147
Cow Ripkens 🐄 17141.9 87.6 5.22 5.24 6859 1796 392 34 272 762 92 95 44 1418.2 112 74 1375 1302 418 57 151
Grumble Grumble 16240.5 14.1 4.71 5.04 6771 1858 335 59 189 559 52 125 44 1503.1 34 70 1371 1349 443 57 141
WAR Horse 🦄 16101.4 102.6 5.06 5.16 6810 1829 379 43 259 575 83 164 60 1312.1 127 48 1200 1214 420 46 131
Seven Sneeze Army 15819.6 105.1 4.51 5.35 6582 1726 352 28 194 544 56 86 37 1471.0 128 48 1412 1333 414 47 148
Bo Hunters 🏹 15109.1 90.6 4.88 4.82 6078 1633 327 35 206 626 48 127 43 1413.0 57 66 1371 1330 396 65 170
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 14855.2 43.2 4.44 4.89 6563 1648 327 37 211 571 74 157 62 1429.0 79 91 1185 1331 430 28 153
Catz 12569.9 37.8 4.70 5.06 5373 1410 278 28 195 511 60 36 21 1092.1 131 18 981 1094 325 33 108
Bednars & Boomsticks 8792.1 4.5 4.59 3.93 4408 1174 237 20 160 371 36 50 21 780.1 3 23 669 839 204 32 103

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
The Pendletones 80.6 675.6 3,011.6
The Art of Pitching 82.8 697.6 3,082.0
WAR Horse 🦄 102.6 508.0 2,197.7
Bednars & Boomsticks 4.5 169.5 1,011.1
Catz 37.8 422.7 2,033.9
Cow Ripkens 🐄 87.6 554.3 2,780.3
SSS Fluke 67.2 381.8 2,687.4
Bo Hunters 🏹 90.6 651.2 2,242.7
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 43.2 571.6 2,401.2
Grumble Grumble 14.1 356.1 2,348.7
One O' Cat 75.1 519.3 2,570.2
Seven Sneeze Army 105.1 473.9 2,319.1

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Pendletones 162 157 157 163 157 162 801 163 1433.2
The Art of Pitching 163 162 158 156 162 163 796 163 1503.2
WAR Horse 🦄 155 156 156 154 154 161 753 153 1312.1
Bednars & Boomsticks 136 112 110 151 149 117 426 46 780.1
Catz 24 158 152 145 136 143 658 82 1092.1
Cow Ripkens 🐄 162 160 152 153 151 163 766 154 1418.2
SSS Fluke 162 160 160 144 162 163 810 162 1501.1
Bo Hunters 🏹 129 160 147 161 100 152 700 150 1413.0
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 163 160 151 159 154 159 683 143 1429.0
Grumble Grumble 149 161 142 156 155 162 757 159 1503.1
One O' Cat 150 150 137 156 157 157 776 148 1365.0
Seven Sneeze Army 161 142 151 149 157 135 731 138 1471.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Pendletones Lineups 163 158 158 164 158 163 807 164 1443.2
The Art of Pitching Lineups 164 163 159 157 163 164 802 164 1514.0
WAR Horse 🦄 Lineups 156 157 157 155 155 162 758 154 1321.1
Bednars & Boomsticks Lineups 137 113 111 152 150 118 429 46 785.2
Catz Lineups 24 159 153 146 137 144 663 83 1100.0
Cow Ripkens 🐄 Lineups 163 161 153 154 152 164 771 155 1428.1
SSS Fluke Lineups 163 161 161 145 163 164 816 163 1511.2
Bo Hunters 🏹 Lineups 130 161 148 162 101 153 705 151 1422.2
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 Lineups 164 161 152 160 155 160 688 144 1439.0
Grumble Grumble Lineups 150 162 143 157 156 163 762 160 1513.2
One O' Cat Lineups 151 151 138 157 158 158 781 149 1374.1
Seven Sneeze Army Lineups 162 143 152 150 158 136 736 139 1481.1

  • The Pendletones
  • The Art of Pitching
  • WAR Horse 🦄
  • Bednars & Boomsticks
  • Catz
  • Cow Ripkens 🐄
  • SSS Fluke
  • Bo Hunters 🏹
  • Mallard Power 🦆🚂
  • Grumble Grumble
  • One O' Cat
  • Seven Sneeze Army


  • The Pendletones
  • The Art of Pitching
  • WAR Horse 🦄
  • Bednars & Boomsticks
  • Catz
  • Cow Ripkens 🐄
  • SSS Fluke
  • Bo Hunters 🏹
  • Mallard Power 🦆🚂
  • Grumble Grumble
  • One O' Cat
  • Seven Sneeze Army
