T-shirt sale


Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽 18438.1 -3 5.32 5.42 7359 1867 364 36 324 788 92 156 47 1517.1 90 43 1625 1357 390 76 158
Wicked 18073.7 57.4 5.43 5.22 6811 1755 361 21 326 862 94 81 25 1508.2 84 43 1513 1303 466 72 155
Jagged Little Pills 17284.8 21.1 4.63 5.49 7273 1861 359 18 264 607 112 56 27 1517.0 122 64 1568 1300 414 68 169
Rags to Riches 16946.5 63 4.78 5.26 6991 1846 407 35 227 603 69 142 38 1503.0 78 52 1530 1272 476 69 157
Troicinet 16631.0 10.6 5.02 5.24 7020 1780 361 34 288 683 80 99 37 1406.0 69 63 1428 1141 442 62 164
Moonlight Graham 16151.0 60.5 4.68 4.88 6853 1725 399 25 248 681 87 86 25 1500.1 30 69 1389 1364 391 56 171
Northern Lights 15663.0 92.9 4.67 5.00 6632 1731 385 21 184 691 74 55 28 1461.2 20 74 1476 1306 419 60 164
Big Papi memories 15510.6 181.5 4.48 5.21 6575 1612 344 15 252 578 85 78 29 1450.0 49 38 1502 1257 465 61 141
Silver Bullets 15478.2 33.6 4.85 5.18 6629 1711 361 30 217 698 113 125 31 1289.1 61 52 1365 1062 486 57 139
Donnie Sadler 15208.4 34.5 4.30 5.01 6458 1608 322 24 205 572 79 132 34 1508.0 31 64 1629 1291 473 78 184
The Gyorko Store 15036.2 23.4 4.39 4.93 6570 1643 316 28 242 549 100 142 40 1409.2 72 69 1397 1269 446 57 171
The Great Rebuild 13946.4 51.6 4.52 4.75 6311 1555 299 31 224 576 68 122 43 1337.1 58 41 1320 1184 475 50 161

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Jagged Little Pills 21.1 576.3 2,894.8
Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽 3.0 549.8 2,856.9
Donnie Sadler 34.5 296.4 1,943.6
Northern Lights 92.9 490.5 2,314.8
Troicinet 10.6 553.7 2,615.4
The Great Rebuild 51.6 313.4 1,592.3
Moonlight Graham 60.5 338.5 1,800.9
Silver Bullets 33.6 403.4 2,241.6
Rags to Riches 63.0 572.8 2,554.1
Wicked 57.4 563.0 2,869.2
The Gyorko Store 23.4 535.8 2,452.0
Big Papi memories 181.5 497.3 2,295.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Jagged Little Pills 162 162 162 162 162 162 803 162 1517.0
Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽 162 162 157 162 155 148 810 162 1517.1
Donnie Sadler 160 154 141 151 152 143 736 144 1508.0
Northern Lights 138 146 151 154 151 160 744 142 1461.2
Troicinet 162 162 142 159 154 155 749 162 1406.0
The Great Rebuild 159 163 112 151 136 157 644 157 1337.1
Moonlight Graham 162 159 148 162 162 160 778 156 1500.1
Silver Bullets 162 152 158 162 157 155 728 139 1289.1
Rags to Riches 162 161 162 157 162 151 785 152 1503.0
Wicked 162 161 159 162 151 155 765 162 1508.2
The Gyorko Store 162 149 156 162 156 161 747 150 1409.2
Big Papi memories 162 153 115 131 139 154 765 157 1450.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Jagged Little Pills Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 808 163 1527.0
Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽 Lineups 163 163 158 163 156 149 815 163 1527.1
Donnie Sadler Lineups 161 155 142 152 153 144 741 145 1517.2
Northern Lights Lineups 139 147 152 155 152 161 749 143 1471.1
Troicinet Lineups 163 163 143 160 155 156 754 163 1415.0
The Great Rebuild Lineups 160 164 113 152 137 158 648 158 1346.0
Moonlight Graham Lineups 163 160 149 163 163 161 783 157 1510.0
Silver Bullets Lineups 163 153 159 163 158 156 733 140 1297.2
Rags to Riches Lineups 163 162 163 158 163 152 790 153 1512.2
Wicked Lineups 163 162 160 163 152 156 770 163 1518.1
The Gyorko Store Lineups 163 150 157 163 157 162 752 151 1419.0
Big Papi memories Lineups 163 154 116 132 140 155 770 158 1459.1

  • Jagged Little Pills
  • Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽
  • Donnie Sadler
  • Northern Lights
  • Troicinet
  • The Great Rebuild
  • Moonlight Graham
  • Silver Bullets
  • Rags to Riches
  • Wicked
  • The Gyorko Store
  • Big Papi memories


  • Jagged Little Pills
  • Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽
  • Donnie Sadler
  • Northern Lights
  • Troicinet
  • The Great Rebuild
  • Moonlight Graham
  • Silver Bullets
  • Rags to Riches
  • Wicked
  • The Gyorko Store
  • Big Papi memories
