T-shirt sale


Jagged Little Pills 19608.4 41.5 6.21 5.02 7538 2111 405 40 391 806 83 71 31 1501.2 126 35 1651 1379 490 58 197
Wicked 18662.1 22.4 5.82 5.56 6534 1793 366 40 322 672 97 158 48 1505.0 124 33 1691 1282 418 55 175
Moonlight Graham 18630.3 23.8 5.95 4.77 7092 1986 397 50 342 765 86 164 35 1504.2 81 31 1643 1370 487 74 205
The Gyorko Store 18102.5 12.4 5.47 4.97 7203 1912 398 38 321 798 61 132 48 1513.0 65 62 1585 1261 461 47 213
Troicinet 17872.1 41.2 5.80 4.74 7224 2003 427 35 343 638 96 111 36 1456.1 73 60 1532 1312 441 54 215
Donnie Sadler 16576.4 10.7 5.28 4.66 6515 1726 308 27 318 641 110 114 39 1508.2 21 68 1691 1331 516 68 218
The Great Rebuild 15532.9 111.8 5.86 4.43 6377 1733 356 24 363 628 89 74 30 1223.1 40 51 1138 1214 378 44 154
Big Papi memories 14887.4 18.1 5.24 4.45 6666 1687 320 27 325 728 84 66 27 1231.2 72 39 1260 1114 447 39 188
Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽 13842.1 24.6 5.12 4.98 5966 1554 340 24 253 677 67 50 14 1067.2 58 68 1243 940 347 35 166
Silver Bullets 13261.1 45.2 5.18 4.78 6004 1573 305 40 266 559 72 103 37 1015.1 64 53 1060 961 341 54 132
Northern Lights 12923.7 46.9 5.03 4.09 6029 1490 327 24 313 667 74 78 32 1050.2 30 42 1044 985 370 52 167
Rags to Riches 12427.4 13.6 5.04 4.02 5688 1441 303 20 286 544 71 43 19 1118.0 37 53 1123 1114 381 49 182

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Jagged Little Pills 41.5 613.4 3,101.7
Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽 24.6 272.4 1,689.3
Donnie Sadler 10.7 299.6 1,205.4
Northern Lights 46.9 430.3 1,761.0
Troicinet 41.2 384.4 2,539.0
The Great Rebuild 111.8 464.1 2,219.9
Moonlight Graham 23.8 461.2 2,495.8
Silver Bullets 45.2 293.1 1,390.9
Rags to Riches 13.6 183.6 1,222.4
Wicked 22.4 480.8 2,938.6
The Gyorko Store 12.4 221.1 2,132.9
Big Papi memories 18.1 270.6 1,690.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Jagged Little Pills 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1501.2
Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽 162 162 158 158 135 152 599 140 1067.2
Donnie Sadler 162 131 153 158 152 145 766 140 1508.2
Northern Lights 126 137 137 156 162 159 680 159 1050.2
Troicinet 141 161 151 162 162 162 795 157 1456.1
The Great Rebuild 162 144 145 138 149 152 677 158 1223.1
Moonlight Graham 162 162 162 162 160 157 806 154 1504.2
Silver Bullets 145 158 136 162 142 101 621 156 1015.1
Rags to Riches 162 161 160 137 101 122 576 155 1118.0
Wicked 162 118 137 158 143 135 773 143 1505.0
The Gyorko Store 162 160 162 162 162 162 804 162 1513.0
Big Papi memories 129 162 150 145 128 162 756 162 1231.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Jagged Little Pills Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1511.1
Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽 Lineups 163 163 159 159 136 153 603 141 1074.2
Donnie Sadler Lineups 163 132 154 159 153 146 771 141 1518.1
Northern Lights Lineups 127 138 138 157 163 160 685 160 1057.1
Troicinet Lineups 142 162 152 163 163 163 800 158 1465.2
The Great Rebuild Lineups 163 145 146 139 150 153 681 159 1231.1
Moonlight Graham Lineups 163 163 163 163 161 158 811 155 1514.1
Silver Bullets Lineups 146 159 137 163 143 102 625 157 1022.0
Rags to Riches Lineups 163 162 161 138 102 123 580 156 1125.1
Wicked Lineups 163 119 138 159 144 136 778 144 1514.2
The Gyorko Store Lineups 163 161 163 163 163 163 809 163 1523.0
Big Papi memories Lineups 130 163 151 146 129 163 761 163 1239.2

  • Jagged Little Pills
  • Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽
  • Donnie Sadler
  • Northern Lights
  • Troicinet
  • The Great Rebuild
  • Moonlight Graham
  • Silver Bullets
  • Rags to Riches
  • Wicked
  • The Gyorko Store
  • Big Papi memories


  • Jagged Little Pills
  • Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽
  • Donnie Sadler
  • Northern Lights
  • Troicinet
  • The Great Rebuild
  • Moonlight Graham
  • Silver Bullets
  • Rags to Riches
  • Wicked
  • The Gyorko Store
  • Big Papi memories
