T-shirt sale


Wicked 18795.5 124.9 5.75 5.46 6679 1815 381 24 322 812 115 87 28 1496.0 83 51 1722 1201 445 59 189
Jagged Little Pills 18080.6 11.5 5.51 4.89 7205 1915 383 23 351 713 121 103 28 1512.0 126 55 1615 1300 517 81 219
Rags to Riches 17226.8 44.7 5.19 5.12 6959 1860 343 28 301 651 80 147 39 1450.0 127 17 1532 1218 440 67 194
Moonlight Graham 17089.8 44 5.06 5.36 6989 1867 375 27 265 757 79 78 26 1364.2 86 44 1492 1140 431 56 159
Silver Bullets 16732.6 16.8 5.26 4.41 6990 1807 369 24 306 836 88 124 41 1504.1 15 70 1649 1369 522 76 228
Big Papi memories 16505.3 17.7 4.83 5.02 6878 1715 353 26 281 677 66 87 22 1520.2 32 52 1601 1328 500 65 166
Troicinet 14471.0 76.7 4.49 4.94 6307 1595 300 25 236 639 97 45 15 1289.0 65 33 1385 1101 392 58 178
The Great Rebuild 14432.3 22.5 5.26 4.83 6415 1646 304 23 297 649 94 130 29 1125.0 50 39 1181 983 382 55 146
The Gyorko Store 14369.2 61.8 4.63 4.65 6508 1594 350 22 291 637 90 79 25 1250.2 54 64 1239 1145 413 46 170
Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽 13988.4 96.9 5.77 5.28 6031 1593 335 38 304 674 72 101 37 895.1 70 62 988 778 379 40 97
Donnie Sadler 13802.9 18.9 4.26 4.79 6332 1543 329 31 198 645 78 134 38 1290.1 42 72 1373 1199 425 66 164
Northern Lights 11539.7 36.9 5.41 4.73 5325 1413 311 21 235 588 70 79 33 780.1 26 45 806 701 323 32 91

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Jagged Little Pills 11.5 313.3 2,717.5
Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽 96.9 427.9 2,236.1
Donnie Sadler 18.9 314.4 1,759.5
Northern Lights 36.9 323.0 1,715.3
Troicinet 76.7 410.0 1,881.0
The Great Rebuild 22.5 432.0 2,075.8
Moonlight Graham 44.0 352.2 2,674.9
Silver Bullets 16.8 281.8 1,906.4
Rags to Riches 44.7 631.6 2,637.6
Wicked 124.9 660.3 3,240.6
The Gyorko Store 61.8 327.1 1,827.7
Big Papi memories 17.7 270.4 1,570.9

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Jagged Little Pills 162 162 161 161 162 159 810 162 1512.0
Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽 162 155 146 115 127 108 651 142 895.1
Donnie Sadler 162 147 162 148 152 148 732 139 1290.1
Northern Lights 162 127 136 66 140 136 628 56 780.1
Troicinet 162 162 156 113 149 160 746 156 1289.0
The Great Rebuild 162 130 147 141 152 158 713 110 1125.0
Moonlight Graham 162 162 156 162 162 162 809 160 1364.2
Silver Bullets 162 162 162 161 157 157 798 162 1504.1
Rags to Riches 151 162 160 157 156 148 794 162 1450.0
Wicked 159 155 151 135 146 156 784 162 1496.0
The Gyorko Store 162 151 162 162 161 154 735 162 1250.2
Big Papi memories 162 162 150 153 152 162 733 162 1520.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Jagged Little Pills Lineups 163 163 162 162 163 160 815 163 1521.1
Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽 Lineups 163 156 147 116 128 109 655 143 900.2
Donnie Sadler Lineups 163 148 163 149 153 149 737 140 1298.1
Northern Lights Lineups 163 128 137 66 141 137 632 56 785.0
Troicinet Lineups 163 163 157 114 150 161 751 157 1297.0
The Great Rebuild Lineups 163 131 148 142 153 159 717 111 1131.2
Moonlight Graham Lineups 163 163 157 163 163 163 814 161 1373.0
Silver Bullets Lineups 163 163 163 162 158 158 803 163 1513.2
Rags to Riches Lineups 152 163 161 158 157 149 799 163 1459.0
Wicked Lineups 160 156 152 136 147 157 789 163 1505.0
The Gyorko Store Lineups 163 152 163 163 162 155 740 163 1258.1
Big Papi memories Lineups 163 163 151 154 153 163 738 163 1530.0

  • Jagged Little Pills
  • Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽
  • Donnie Sadler
  • Northern Lights
  • Troicinet
  • The Great Rebuild
  • Moonlight Graham
  • Silver Bullets
  • Rags to Riches
  • Wicked
  • The Gyorko Store
  • Big Papi memories


  • Jagged Little Pills
  • Paper Falls Everywhere 🗽
  • Donnie Sadler
  • Northern Lights
  • Troicinet
  • The Great Rebuild
  • Moonlight Graham
  • Silver Bullets
  • Rags to Riches
  • Wicked
  • The Gyorko Store
  • Big Papi memories
