T-shirt sale


R.O.U.S. 18056.8 59.2 5.33 5.14 7362 1944 432 16 286 763 138 97 38 1502.2 43 101 1526 1320 439 69 172
Zissou 17803.0 51.2 4.91 5.98 6818 1771 344 31 250 629 96 112 40 1488.1 97 53 1540 1132 407 66 124
Miami Vibes 17472.9 23.1 5.11 5.08 7366 1875 395 42 278 762 107 111 39 1503.1 16 7 1643 1295 508 42 152
Algae Pressing 17278.3 43.4 4.84 5.95 6821 1715 386 22 263 627 65 87 25 1447.2 94 62 1585 1197 392 56 125
Alpaca Lunch 17267.4 65.8 5.40 4.97 6859 1837 335 36 309 747 89 117 29 1429.2 62 81 1513 1251 462 64 187
Quadraphonic Blaupunkt 16765.2 38.5 4.83 5.13 6861 1734 345 28 268 715 73 104 25 1509.0 72 68 1590 1328 435 75 183
Sticks and Stones 16406.5 44.4 4.66 5.31 6445 1628 343 22 234 653 108 64 23 1519.1 69 64 1636 1281 452 92 169
AKA Big Papi 16098.3 25.2 4.78 4.98 7296 1852 349 27 286 616 73 114 40 1404.2 52 63 1379 1246 405 57 166
insert dad joke here 15439.5 80.2 4.59 5.38 6917 1746 382 26 230 595 79 198 53 1284.2 78 69 1243 1119 397 57 120
Bring On The Heat 14884.9 0.5 4.47 4.51 6466 1617 342 18 220 675 81 67 27 1509.1 78 46 1438 1427 495 87 191
¿¿care about caring??🤔 12002.4 60.2 4.84 4.82 6012 1510 289 26 250 583 88 88 28 854.2 22 27 822 756 243 39 102
Semien Bohms 11657.1 66.4 3.63 4.70 5165 1229 242 25 112 433 63 104 38 1376.1 62 47 1297 1225 432 60 175

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Miami Vibes 23.1 392.3 2,382.8
Algae Pressing 43.4 557.2 2,615.9
R.O.U.S. 59.2 448.1 2,529.3
AKA Big Papi 25.2 359.6 2,111.1
Sticks and Stones 44.4 242.8 2,277.3
Bring On The Heat 0.5 159.8 1,814.1
Semien Bohms 66.4 414.8 1,320.7
Alpaca Lunch 65.8 502.4 2,795.5
insert dad joke here 80.2 616.9 2,619.4
Quadraphonic Blaupunkt 38.5 699.4 2,770.4
¿¿care about caring??🤔 60.2 384.9 1,751.3
Zissou 51.2 516.8 2,544.9

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Miami Vibes 162 162 161 162 159 154 810 156 1503.1
Algae Pressing 104 162 155 162 154 156 743 154 1447.2
R.O.U.S. 162 163 162 162 162 162 807 161 1502.2
AKA Big Papi 162 156 154 162 162 162 791 157 1404.2
Sticks and Stones 83 162 161 162 152 162 746 161 1519.1
Bring On The Heat 162 149 128 162 162 160 737 145 1509.1
Semien Bohms 162 121 139 133 132 138 491 113 1376.1
Alpaca Lunch 162 146 162 159 162 162 768 160 1429.2
insert dad joke here 153 147 151 147 148 162 796 156 1284.2
Quadraphonic Blaupunkt 151 157 151 148 146 155 806 155 1509.0
¿¿care about caring??🤔 60 159 148 121 144 131 702 162 854.2
Zissou 161 157 144 151 141 154 750 156 1488.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Miami Vibes Lineups 163 163 162 163 160 155 815 157 1513.0
Algae Pressing Lineups 105 163 156 163 155 157 748 155 1457.0
R.O.U.S. Lineups 163 164 163 163 163 163 812 162 1512.1
AKA Big Papi Lineups 163 157 155 163 163 163 796 158 1413.2
Sticks and Stones Lineups 84 163 162 163 153 163 751 162 1529.1
Bring On The Heat Lineups 163 150 129 163 163 161 742 146 1519.1
Semien Bohms Lineups 163 122 140 134 133 139 494 114 1385.1
Alpaca Lunch Lineups 163 147 163 160 163 163 773 161 1439.0
insert dad joke here Lineups 154 148 152 148 149 163 801 157 1293.0
Quadraphonic Blaupunkt Lineups 152 158 152 149 147 156 811 156 1519.0
¿¿care about caring??🤔 Lineups 60 160 149 122 145 132 707 163 860.0
Zissou Lineups 162 158 145 152 142 155 755 157 1498.0

  • Miami Vibes
  • Algae Pressing
  • R.O.U.S.
  • AKA Big Papi
  • Sticks and Stones
  • Bring On The Heat
  • Semien Bohms
  • Alpaca Lunch
  • insert dad joke here
  • Quadraphonic Blaupunkt
  • ¿¿care about caring??🤔
  • Zissou


  • Miami Vibes
  • Algae Pressing
  • R.O.U.S.
  • AKA Big Papi
  • Sticks and Stones
  • Bring On The Heat
  • Semien Bohms
  • Alpaca Lunch
  • insert dad joke here
  • Quadraphonic Blaupunkt
  • ¿¿care about caring??🤔
  • Zissou
