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Semien Bohms 18049.8 40.9 1.31 1.92 0 0 0 0 266 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1442 0 0 0 0
Zissou 17863.1 20.6 1.01 1.74 0 0 0 0 206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1346 0 0 0 0
Alpaca Lunch 17439.4 138.5 1.34 1.78 0 0 0 0 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1267 0 0 0 0
Bring On The Heat 17194.3 64.3 1.17 1.87 0 0 0 0 235 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1385 0 0 0 0
Quadraphonic Blaupunkt 17007.4 84.9 1.48 1.80 0 0 0 0 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1294 0 0 0 0
AKA Big Papi 15699.5 127.9 1.41 1.72 0 0 0 0 267 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1149 0 0 0 0
Miami Vibes 14546.9 58.9 1.21 1.62 0 0 0 0 211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1170 0 0 0 0
Algae Pressing 14357.3 52.4 1.20 1.58 0 0 0 0 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1007 0 0 0 0
insert dad joke here 13499.0 47.2 1.10 1.60 0 0 0 0 161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1071 0 0 0 0
¿¿care about caring??🤔 9789.4 18.8 0.77 1.45 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 784 0 0 0 0
Sticks and Stones 6158.1 36.5 1.12 1.92 0 0 0 0 86 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 546 0 0 0 0
R.O.U.S. 1388.4 19.4 0.27 1.53 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 142 0 0 0 0

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Miami Vibes 58.9 472.9 2,351.8
Algae Pressing 52.4 468.2 2,080.0
R.O.U.S. 19.4 96.1 456.2
AKA Big Papi 127.9 636.4 2,388.7
Sticks and Stones 36.5 275.0 1,558.8
Bring On The Heat 64.3 557.3 3,008.0
Semien Bohms 40.9 533.6 2,526.2
Alpaca Lunch 138.5 751.8 3,062.7
insert dad joke here 47.2 487.8 2,191.1
Quadraphonic Blaupunkt 84.9 621.6 2,578.5
¿¿care about caring??🤔 18.8 253.7 1,438.1
Zissou 20.6 152.3 2,692.1

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Miami Vibes 163 162 160 137 106 102 652 154 1446.1
Algae Pressing 143 164 136 129 135 120 683 130 1271.1
R.O.U.S. 26 73 44 97 186.0
AKA Big Papi 228 153 156 150 161 102 675 158 1334.2
Sticks and Stones 112 66 32 44 2 390 78 569.2
Bring On The Heat 160 162 151 152 156 154 797 154 1479.2
Semien Bohms 163 162 160 153 160 151 790 164 1501.1
Alpaca Lunch 159 143 152 160 157 155 753 158 1424.2
insert dad joke here 134 121 18 132 80 117 710 64 1342.2
Quadraphonic Blaupunkt 149 162 153 150 150 154 699 140 1441.1
¿¿care about caring??🤔 244 21 150 148 151 114 478 42 1079.1
Zissou 159 163 156 158 163 157 803 163 1544.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Miami Vibes Lineups 164 163 161 138 107 103 656 155 1454.2
Algae Pressing Lineups 144 165 137 130 136 121 687 131 1278.2
R.O.U.S. Lineups 0 26 73 0 44 0 98 0 187.0
AKA Big Papi Lineups 229 154 157 151 162 103 679 159 1342.1
Sticks and Stones Lineups 113 66 32 44 0 2 392 78 572.2
Bring On The Heat Lineups 161 163 152 153 157 155 802 155 1488.0
Semien Bohms Lineups 164 163 161 154 161 152 795 165 1510.0
Alpaca Lunch Lineups 160 144 153 161 158 156 757 159 1432.2
insert dad joke here Lineups 135 122 18 133 80 118 714 64 1350.1
Quadraphonic Blaupunkt Lineups 150 163 154 151 151 155 703 141 1449.2
¿¿care about caring??🤔 Lineups 245 21 151 149 152 115 481 42 1085.1
Zissou Lineups 160 164 157 159 164 158 808 164 1553.1

  • Miami Vibes
  • Algae Pressing
  • R.O.U.S.
  • AKA Big Papi
  • Sticks and Stones
  • Bring On The Heat
  • Semien Bohms
  • Alpaca Lunch
  • insert dad joke here
  • Quadraphonic Blaupunkt
  • ¿¿care about caring??🤔
  • Zissou


  • Miami Vibes
  • Algae Pressing
  • R.O.U.S.
  • AKA Big Papi
  • Sticks and Stones
  • Bring On The Heat
  • Semien Bohms
  • Alpaca Lunch
  • insert dad joke here
  • Quadraphonic Blaupunkt
  • ¿¿care about caring??🤔
  • Zissou
