T-shirt sale


¿¿care about caring??🤔 20433.5 46.2 6.16 5.65 7244 2013 427 39 362 898 93 109 44 1502.2 139 35 1681 1286 439 72 159
R.O.U.S. 17723.3 120.2 5.46 4.86 7035 1879 397 27 300 792 94 112 27 1504.1 97 101 1407 1403 473 55 186
Algae Pressing 17436.8 9.5 5.49 4.77 7112 1932 383 32 321 722 62 116 44 1460.2 95 56 1570 1349 487 75 202
Bring On The Heat 16879.2 12.7 5.30 5.10 6822 1862 384 29 276 636 61 86 33 1420.1 58 78 1489 1262 440 45 172
insert dad joke here 16401.5 83.1 5.75 4.54 7023 1969 418 41 323 615 95 129 44 1248.1 46 80 1287 1238 409 29 176
AKA Big Papi 15825.3 19.3 5.46 5.00 6901 1845 386 24 281 821 60 105 35 1149.2 101 63 1234 1064 408 36 153
Semien Bohms 15744.3 18.6 5.59 4.94 6497 1824 362 41 269 676 47 121 44 1202.2 65 42 1263 1056 406 57 150
Zissou 15377.5 99.9 4.89 4.74 6380 1610 349 19 268 652 62 85 34 1454.0 112 32 1503 1296 539 46 198
Alpaca Lunch 14847.9 7.4 5.23 3.40 6990 1841 328 36 298 694 74 158 54 1505.0 0 5 1271 1502 530 57 237
Sticks and Stones 14246.7 27.2 5.05 4.71 6388 1693 336 14 257 715 63 96 32 1115.2 67 30 1167 1033 392 27 150
Quadraphonic Blaupunkt 14016.9 79.4 5.16 4.80 6392 1624 332 24 303 704 73 88 25 1029.0 67 14 1036 977 322 40 123
Miami Vibes 12028.0 75.4 4.55 4.01 5387 1384 245 30 218 488 65 119 38 1236.1 21 86 1168 1256 468 44 177

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Miami Vibes 75.4 392.8 1,858.1
Algae Pressing 9.5 464.4 2,404.0
R.O.U.S. 120.2 554.5 2,755.1
AKA Big Papi 19.3 246.6 2,025.9
Sticks and Stones 27.2 554.3 1,927.6
Bring On The Heat 12.7 486.9 2,533.3
Semien Bohms 18.6 425.1 2,370.3
Alpaca Lunch 7.4 313.9 1,534.9
insert dad joke here 83.1 475.3 2,540.1
Quadraphonic Blaupunkt 79.4 514.7 1,914.1
¿¿care about caring??🤔 46.2 661.4 3,453.9
Zissou 99.9 512.3 2,148.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Miami Vibes 122 142 147 153 117 111 654 107 1236.1
Algae Pressing 130 161 162 162 158 162 810 162 1460.2
R.O.U.S. 162 162 162 162 162 162 773 161 1504.1
AKA Big Papi 104 162 156 158 148 146 810 162 1149.2
Sticks and Stones 159 147 152 149 146 142 736 150 1115.2
Bring On The Heat 162 156 151 151 155 152 744 149 1420.1
Semien Bohms 162 129 155 130 149 160 713 155 1202.2
Alpaca Lunch 162 150 157 162 157 144 766 162 1505.0
insert dad joke here 162 154 150 147 155 162 776 161 1248.1
Quadraphonic Blaupunkt 161 158 136 150 149 155 745 106 1029.0
¿¿care about caring??🤔 162 162 162 160 162 162 809 162 1502.2
Zissou 95 149 121 148 134 160 773 154 1454.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Miami Vibes Lineups 123 143 148 154 118 112 658 108 1244.0
Algae Pressing Lineups 131 162 163 163 159 163 815 163 1469.2
R.O.U.S. Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 778 162 1513.2
AKA Big Papi Lineups 105 163 157 159 149 147 815 163 1156.2
Sticks and Stones Lineups 160 148 153 150 147 143 741 151 1122.1
Bring On The Heat Lineups 163 157 152 152 156 153 749 150 1429.0
Semien Bohms Lineups 163 130 156 131 150 161 717 156 1210.0
Alpaca Lunch Lineups 163 151 158 163 158 145 771 163 1514.1
insert dad joke here Lineups 163 155 151 148 156 163 781 162 1256.0
Quadraphonic Blaupunkt Lineups 162 159 137 151 150 156 750 107 1035.1
¿¿care about caring??🤔 Lineups 163 163 163 161 163 163 814 163 1512.0
Zissou Lineups 96 150 122 149 135 161 778 155 1463.0

  • Miami Vibes
  • Algae Pressing
  • R.O.U.S.
  • AKA Big Papi
  • Sticks and Stones
  • Bring On The Heat
  • Semien Bohms
  • Alpaca Lunch
  • insert dad joke here
  • Quadraphonic Blaupunkt
  • ¿¿care about caring??🤔
  • Zissou


  • Miami Vibes
  • Algae Pressing
  • R.O.U.S.
  • AKA Big Papi
  • Sticks and Stones
  • Bring On The Heat
  • Semien Bohms
  • Alpaca Lunch
  • insert dad joke here
  • Quadraphonic Blaupunkt
  • ¿¿care about caring??🤔
  • Zissou
