T-shirt sale

Leisured Gentlemen’s League II


Setting Value
ID 531
Established October 30, 2014
Number of Teams 12
Tier $20.00
Private League? No
Scoring System H2H FanGraphs Points
Per-week GS Cap 10
Matchups per week 4
Playoffs? Number of Playoff Teams: 6   2-Week Semifinals: No   2-Week Championship: Yes   Scoring: H2H FanGraphs Points GS Cap: 10
OPL Eligible? Yes
Auction Draft Date TBD
Lineups Daily
Arbitration Allocation System
Trade Wait Period 48 hours
Commissioner(s) Oy With The Poodles Already 

Commissioner Note

Here is the link to the poll for our draft day. Please be flexible in your availability. https://forms.gle/i6LMtRctWxzny1xCA

Be sure to check out the Gameplay changes coming this season. For H2H leagues, positional caps are abolished - only daily SP caps are in effect.
Last updated March 12, 2022