2025 Balatro Contest


Smallpox Sox 18222.2 -4 5.20 5.37 7357 1903 376 53 285 743 89 211 57 1511.2 53 117 1559 1275 454 56 169
Salmonimmo 18089.0 12.6 5.06 5.55 7410 1860 354 32 302 759 94 131 39 1501.0 68 94 1622 1247 437 74 159
Bleeding Off 16867.4 5.6 5.07 5.22 7149 1827 337 30 282 782 74 155 41 1386.1 102 58 1489 1232 428 50 171
Caught Stihling 16848.3 0 4.89 5.63 7093 1778 346 40 283 633 65 193 40 1374.1 114 29 1422 1125 422 43 133
Ottoerotic Asphyxiation 16419.9 18.8 4.75 5.10 7123 1781 370 30 265 691 93 129 40 1439.2 94 47 1448 1284 392 72 173
The Casks of Castellanos 16400.3 0 4.74 4.87 7188 1757 345 40 260 751 84 213 63 1508.2 65 87 1583 1390 474 71 196
The Balking Dead 16309.5 9.4 4.71 5.05 6963 1719 357 31 274 693 102 114 38 1458.2 51 99 1508 1259 467 37 188
Graves Disease sponsored by Fanduel 16238.2 11 4.68 5.26 6659 1659 338 12 245 726 94 130 31 1450.2 46 98 1570 1242 486 73 159
Teoscoid Fever 15578.5 12.6 4.79 4.67 7098 1753 368 23 283 624 73 174 42 1433.2 76 64 1453 1289 445 41 215
Swollen BALLS tweet by Nikki Minaj 14734.6 -7.5 4.49 4.81 6712 1655 331 36 234 570 71 126 40 1406.2 51 79 1414 1264 502 62 168
The Norman Conquest 14630.6 0.4 5.28 5.06 5896 1528 303 15 265 598 82 90 19 1257.0 91 38 1251 1110 375 66 150
Pham Death 13150.5 0 4.48 4.78 5855 1490 285 22 183 490 82 135 38 1282.1 51 42 1287 1155 418 46 160

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Caught Stihling 0.0 615.2 2,604.3
Swollen BALLS tweet by Nikki Minaj 7.5 342.3 1,810.1
Graves Disease sponsored by Fanduel 11.0 340.0 2,414.2
Smallpox Sox 4.0 464.9 2,796.5
Pham Death 0.0 103.4 1,507.9
The Balking Dead 9.4 493.1 2,815.5
Ottoerotic Asphyxiation 18.8 351.2 2,701.1
Teoscoid Fever 12.6 442.5 2,145.6
The Norman Conquest 0.4 131.9 1,282.4
The Casks of Castellanos 0.0 525.9 2,621.1
Bleeding Off 5.6 596.6 2,731.0
Salmonimmo 12.6 419.1 2,142.5

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Caught Stihling 162 161 160 147 149 153 769 161 1374.1
Swollen BALLS tweet by Nikki Minaj 162 146 143 136 151 152 753 132 1406.2
Graves Disease sponsored by Fanduel 150 162 162 162 154 155 735 157 1450.2
Smallpox Sox 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1511.2
Pham Death 162 162 108 148 140 139 578 133 1282.1
The Balking Dead 136 160 155 162 162 162 805 156 1458.2
Ottoerotic Asphyxiation 162 162 159 162 156 160 794 154 1439.2
Teoscoid Fever 162 153 158 158 151 162 758 152 1433.2
The Norman Conquest 162 141 127 128 127 102 635 145 1257.0
The Casks of Castellanos 162 158 156 162 159 147 808 157 1508.2
Bleeding Off 158 159 156 160 161 161 784 159 1386.1
Salmonimmo 162 162 161 162 162 162 795 162 1501.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Caught Stihling Lineups 162 161 160 147 149 153 770 161 1376.0
Swollen BALLS tweet by Nikki Minaj Lineups 162 146 143 136 151 152 754 132 1408.1
Graves Disease sponsored by Fanduel Lineups 150 162 162 162 154 155 736 157 1452.1
Smallpox Sox Lineups 162 162 162 162 162 162 811 162 1513.1
Pham Death Lineups 162 162 108 148 140 139 579 133 1283.2
The Balking Dead Lineups 136 160 155 162 162 162 806 156 1460.1
Ottoerotic Asphyxiation Lineups 162 162 159 162 156 160 795 154 1441.1
Teoscoid Fever Lineups 162 153 158 158 151 162 759 152 1435.1
The Norman Conquest Lineups 162 141 127 128 127 102 636 145 1258.1
The Casks of Castellanos Lineups 162 158 156 162 159 147 809 157 1510.1
Bleeding Off Lineups 158 159 156 160 161 161 785 159 1388.0
Salmonimmo Lineups 162 162 161 162 162 162 796 162 1502.2

  • Caught Stihling
  • Swollen BALLS tweet by Nikki Minaj
  • Graves Disease sponsored by Fanduel
  • Smallpox Sox
  • Pham Death
  • The Balking Dead
  • Ottoerotic Asphyxiation
  • Teoscoid Fever
  • The Norman Conquest
  • The Casks of Castellanos
  • Bleeding Off
  • Salmonimmo


  • Caught Stihling
  • Swollen BALLS tweet by Nikki Minaj
  • Graves Disease sponsored by Fanduel
  • Smallpox Sox
  • Pham Death
  • The Balking Dead
  • Ottoerotic Asphyxiation
  • Teoscoid Fever
  • The Norman Conquest
  • The Casks of Castellanos
  • Bleeding Off
  • Salmonimmo
