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The Norman Conquest 19321.3 -11 6.10 4.97 7358 2021 422 26 339 927 97 167 42 1514.1 69 71 1626 1354 465 56 201
Caught Stihling 17584.1 175.9 5.34 4.98 7301 1964 385 28 283 707 82 149 41 1488.2 109 53 1556 1299 507 70 192
Ottoerotic Asphyxiation 17443.7 95.3 5.68 4.39 7270 1941 401 39 311 845 92 157 35 1486.2 102 27 1418 1428 511 71 201
The Casks of Castellanos 17144.8 92.8 5.04 4.92 7316 1818 348 37 307 745 104 168 41 1507.2 109 53 1559 1349 471 68 202
Teoscoid Fever 16939.9 22.3 4.92 5.03 7169 1768 343 32 299 709 97 167 26 1502.2 65 72 1670 1280 486 65 206
The Balking Dead 16916.7 38.4 4.97 5.10 6976 1724 374 27 315 721 96 162 38 1449.2 70 90 1593 1297 520 59 173
Graves Disease sponsored by Fanduel 16617.5 11.2 5.15 5.04 6968 1800 342 27 261 686 116 153 23 1442.0 66 75 1525 1293 504 66 163
Smallpox Sox 16432.6 41.1 4.81 4.76 7305 1805 364 31 294 668 94 156 40 1505.0 47 72 1475 1394 511 62 171
Bleeding Off 15553.7 -17.3 5.39 4.68 6890 1833 382 40 276 673 74 145 41 1248.2 41 71 1385 1186 414 58 175
Salmonimmo 15444.9 17.5 5.19 4.80 6648 1689 315 28 267 753 90 143 38 1325.2 20 120 1319 1262 386 55 168
Swollen BALLS tweet by Nikki Minaj 13858.6 73.6 4.69 4.67 6451 1618 317 34 244 568 62 115 31 1247.1 56 47 1133 1165 437 56 133
Pham Death 11184.4 31.2 4.78 4.81 5644 1471 329 20 174 497 63 144 39 841.1 94 20 817 815 280 43 104

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Caught Stihling 175.9 522.3 2,447.0
Swollen BALLS tweet by Nikki Minaj 73.6 419.9 1,932.6
Graves Disease sponsored by Fanduel 11.2 386.1 2,369.4
Smallpox Sox 41.1 416.5 2,709.6
Pham Death 31.2 210.3 990.3
The Balking Dead 38.4 465.0 2,527.1
Ottoerotic Asphyxiation 95.3 525.9 2,867.9
Teoscoid Fever 22.3 440.8 2,866.0
The Norman Conquest 11.0 393.3 3,113.4
The Casks of Castellanos 92.8 487.7 2,705.8
Bleeding Off 17.3 420.8 2,108.5
Salmonimmo 17.5 284.0 1,908.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Caught Stihling 159 158 162 157 162 161 790 155 1488.2
Swollen BALLS tweet by Nikki Minaj 162 161 145 145 141 143 687 131 1247.1
Graves Disease sponsored by Fanduel 138 133 162 159 161 162 763 138 1442.0
Smallpox Sox 162 161 161 162 160 159 803 159 1505.0
Pham Death 162 144 101 131 108 119 623 107 841.1
The Balking Dead 161 162 155 161 162 162 804 151 1449.2
Ottoerotic Asphyxiation 162 162 158 160 162 160 799 161 1486.2
Teoscoid Fever 162 158 156 160 157 160 797 157 1502.2
The Norman Conquest 162 162 158 161 158 161 810 162 1514.1
The Casks of Castellanos 162 159 161 161 159 156 810 162 1507.2
Bleeding Off 162 161 144 147 152 159 737 140 1248.2
Salmonimmo 162 131 157 155 145 158 717 125 1325.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Caught Stihling Lineups 160 159 163 158 163 162 795 156 1497.2
Swollen BALLS tweet by Nikki Minaj Lineups 163 162 146 146 142 144 691 132 1255.0
Graves Disease sponsored by Fanduel Lineups 139 134 163 160 162 163 768 139 1450.2
Smallpox Sox Lineups 163 162 162 163 161 160 808 160 1514.1
Pham Death Lineups 163 145 102 132 109 120 627 108 846.1
The Balking Dead Lineups 162 163 156 162 163 163 809 152 1458.2
Ottoerotic Asphyxiation Lineups 163 163 159 161 163 161 804 162 1495.2
Teoscoid Fever Lineups 163 159 157 161 158 161 802 158 1512.0
The Norman Conquest Lineups 163 163 159 162 159 162 815 163 1523.2
The Casks of Castellanos Lineups 163 160 162 162 160 157 815 163 1517.0
Bleeding Off Lineups 163 162 145 148 153 160 742 141 1256.1
Salmonimmo Lineups 163 132 158 156 146 159 721 126 1333.2

  • Caught Stihling
  • Swollen BALLS tweet by Nikki Minaj
  • Graves Disease sponsored by Fanduel
  • Smallpox Sox
  • Pham Death
  • The Balking Dead
  • Ottoerotic Asphyxiation
  • Teoscoid Fever
  • The Norman Conquest
  • The Casks of Castellanos
  • Bleeding Off
  • Salmonimmo


  • Caught Stihling
  • Swollen BALLS tweet by Nikki Minaj
  • Graves Disease sponsored by Fanduel
  • Smallpox Sox
  • Pham Death
  • The Balking Dead
  • Ottoerotic Asphyxiation
  • Teoscoid Fever
  • The Norman Conquest
  • The Casks of Castellanos
  • Bleeding Off
  • Salmonimmo
