League Message Board
Reminder! The auction is scheduled for tomorrow evening.
Works for me
NYS on
February 27, 2025 1:04 PM
Hello League! I believe that no one has objected to 2/28. I am going to set the auction to start at 8:30 pm ET/5:30 pm PT. Please let me know if we need to shift that. I know that we have league members in ET, CT, and MT. Probably PT, too.
2-28 works
Otto Fifteen on
February 13, 2025 9:37 PM
Still good for me
Chico Escuelas on
February 13, 2025 1:38 PM
2-28 works for me, Trip.
2/28 is good with us.
Thanks for feedback. Weekdays are extremely difficult for me right now due to a crazy work schedule. 2/28 is emerging as the leading contender.
I can make them all work.
Honestly 2/28 is the only weekend I am not traveling. Is there a reason we are only doing weekends? Weekend of 3/14 and 15 are both out for me as I am with my girl in L.A. The weekend of 3/7 I could possibly find time either during the day or later after dinner time West Coast time as I am at my nieces.
NYC Nashers on
February 10, 2025 7:43 PM
I am good for all of them
Chico Escuelas on
February 10, 2025 7:21 PM
I could do 2/28, 3/14, and 3/15!
Here are the next set of proposed dates. These are Fridays and Saturdays. 2/28, 3/7, 3/14, or 3/15. Let's see if any of these work for everyone. Thank you!
New auction date proposals coming this evening. Sorry for the delay.
Thank you all for the feedback! I am going to process all the availability information provided and come up with a couple of new alternatives shortly.
March 1,6,9 and 13 are unavailable subject to times. Having said that I will concur to league rule.
NYS on
February 7, 2025 7:37 PM
Weekdays are fine with us too. We're generally free through March except for 10th, 22nd, 26th. Preference to avoid 6th to 9th, but depending on day and time we might be able to make that work.
I am flying on the 16th back so that is a no go for me. Sorry about this. I also do not think we need to draft before the two Japan games it is only two games if people are traveling in early March.
NYC Nashers on
February 5, 2025 4:51 PM
Agreed later the better
2nd is good
2nd would work for me, though prefer later in the evening as I will be flying for work and land at 7. 9th isn't ideal as I will be flying home from said work trip at 8pm. 16th works great.
Any weekday night also works for me if we want to open up more options.
My schedule is going to be fairly crazy for work travel from March 4th to the 16th. On March 2nd, I got a draft from 8pm to 10pm EST, but could do a 6pm. On March 9th, I will be in Cali and on a flight but could probably draft 930pm EST from the hotel thanks
NYC Nashers on
February 5, 2025 2:47 PM
Throwing out some auction dates: March 2nd or 9th. Evening. Would either work?
Hi Everyone! We have all renewed for the 2025 season. Thank you! Today is the final day to make free cuts before the deadline. Next up: Setting an auction date. We have traditionally targeted a Sunday in March. More to come soon!
Reminder the keeper and renewal deadlines are coming up -- January 31st.
I should have mentioned that the keeper deadline is also at the end of January.
Happy New Year everyone! I will take this opportunity to provide an early reminder that our team renewals are due at the end of January. Best wishes to all!
You are -78 in cap. Trying to get 3 or 4 “solid players with good salaries”. So the trader has to eat the majority of Judge/cole cap? Good luck with that. I will just wait till you drop one and bid.
NYS on
December 19, 2024 11:42 AM
Possibly considering moving Judge and/or Cole each for 3 to 5 pieces each. These would need to be solid players with good salaries. Don't bother offering a bunch of scrubs will immediately be declined. Offer away if interested in either.
NYC Nashers on
December 19, 2024 3:03 AM
Welcome to our new owner! Thanks for joining and all the best on the rebuild
Chico Escuelas on
November 17, 2024 1:24 PM
Hi Everyone! Arbitration ends tonight. If you need to make or change your allocations now is the time! Thank you!
Just a few days left to finalize your arbitration allocations.
Aka Big Papi has been abandoned. Sorry, I thought I had already done this.
Posted on October 7 that I was abandoning this team, please take action so team gets off my dashboard, thank you
Hi Everyone! Arbitration is well underway! The deadline is November 14th. Please input your allocations.
Hi Papi! We will miss you! Best of luck in your (many) other leagues! We will begin recruiting for a replacement.
Hi Commish, wanted to say it's been a pleasure playing with all of you this season. Got way too many leagues and cannot maintain so many teams (time consuming and $$$). So I won't be renewing, some talent to attract new owner for next year so you should be able to quickly fill vacancy. have a good arb and a great future season! Thanks Commish for great work
Congrats to Chico!
NYS on
September 30, 2024 3:35 PM
Congrats to Chico Escuelas! A hard fought victory well-earned!
Congratulations on the title, Chico Escuelas!
Let’s give a shout out to Chico and Plakata. Exciting finish!
NYS on
September 26, 2024 4:19 AM
Not we’ll managed
NYS on
September 3, 2024 10:49 PM
Plak, did you shoot your wad? I think so and will not finish in the top three.
NYS on
September 3, 2024 10:47 PM
Thanks so much, appreciate it Commish. Cutting now.
NYC Nashers on
July 26, 2024 11:21 AM
No problem. I have restored Castro to your team at his $8 salary. You will need to cut someone else of course. :-)
Actually it will not allow me to put in a claim for Castro, so hopefully you can reassign him to my team. Thanks
NYC Nashers on
July 26, 2024 12:16 AM
Commish I cut the wrong player, I did not mean to cut Castro can you assign him back to my team? Or should I put in a wiaver claim for him? Please do not pick him up. Thanks.
NYC Nashers on
July 26, 2024 12:15 AM
One game into the books, and I see I am already settling into my familiar 6th place standing. Happy new season everyone.
Hello! Reminder! Move your clocks forward on Sunday. There was something else too.... Oh yeah... SUNDAY IS AUCTION DAY! Looking forward to it! See you in the auction room Sunday at 8:30 pm ET!
I'm fine with the 10th. Thanks.
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