T-shirt sale


🕸️ Webb Gems 💎 18986.0 25.9 5.27 5.74 7332 1879 358 41 322 829 77 72 28 1519.0 113 51 1649 1275 470 59 137
Keep Yr Own Counsell 18926.2 47.1 5.62 5.42 7324 1925 409 32 322 799 108 155 44 1510.0 64 66 1463 1259 446 56 140
Woo-Turang Clan 18760.1 -4.4 5.42 5.49 7384 1914 423 28 307 833 91 94 27 1507.0 49 92 1617 1216 452 70 162
Cherry Bombers 💣 17678.2 79.6 4.78 5.77 7010 1755 347 24 286 669 85 92 30 1503.1 80 47 1642 1214 396 52 148
Winterfell Direwolves 🐺 16085.7 6.2 4.93 4.88 7189 1840 401 16 279 667 126 68 30 1367.1 91 53 1413 1295 436 79 165
🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️ 15901.5 138.2 4.34 5.51 6763 1620 340 32 245 684 62 86 36 1420.0 72 35 1458 1134 418 72 137
A Good Plumber 15798.8 105.7 4.40 5.05 7088 1744 368 19 244 615 68 105 35 1486.2 34 55 1569 1262 479 69 171
Scranton Stranglers 15666.3 8.7 4.27 5.32 6313 1588 329 18 210 542 99 144 59 1508.2 39 107 1496 1246 471 57 157
Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield 15491.8 52.6 4.52 5.19 6648 1646 330 28 243 629 54 125 38 1415.1 74 62 1506 1198 420 66 178
Ambassador of Kwan 15328.6 21.3 4.88 4.82 6641 1693 357 35 251 616 109 134 31 1358.2 78 50 1364 1196 444 59 179
Yeah Jeets! 14794.6 21.5 4.29 4.84 6593 1629 319 27 214 669 82 97 22 1403.2 54 62 1371 1262 428 64 170
Hats for Bats 14428.7 4.2 4.19 4.52 6960 1792 323 35 172 597 108 118 32 1403.2 81 50 1413 1324 518 61 186

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Cherry Bombers 💣 79.6 578.7 2,960.3
Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield 52.6 686.7 2,590.8
A Good Plumber 105.7 562.0 2,686.2
Hats for Bats 4.2 407.4 2,064.7
Yeah Jeets! 21.5 573.1 2,434.9
Scranton Stranglers 8.7 365.9 1,995.5
🕸️ Webb Gems 💎 25.9 626.0 3,110.7
Ambassador of Kwan 21.3 464.5 2,052.0
Woo-Turang Clan 4.4 556.9 3,027.6
Keep Yr Own Counsell 47.1 647.1 3,328.9
Winterfell Direwolves 🐺 6.2 159.6 1,970.2
🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️ 138.2 784.8 2,521.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Cherry Bombers 💣 159 162 154 158 149 156 789 155 1503.1
Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield 124 148 162 160 157 148 752 151 1415.1
A Good Plumber 154 156 158 162 160 158 779 158 1486.2
Hats for Bats 156 158 162 162 161 162 810 159 1403.2
Yeah Jeets! 162 154 158 157 159 151 770 151 1403.2
Scranton Stranglers 162 162 117 148 144 155 740 162 1508.2
🕸️ Webb Gems 💎 162 163 162 163 162 163 810 162 1519.0
Ambassador of Kwan 162 157 136 144 156 162 724 159 1358.2
Woo-Turang Clan 162 163 159 156 162 160 810 162 1507.0
Keep Yr Own Counsell 143 162 161 156 163 162 802 162 1510.0
Winterfell Direwolves 🐺 144 153 162 162 162 155 810 162 1367.1
🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️ 159 155 152 160 151 155 769 159 1420.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Cherry Bombers 💣 Lineups 160 163 155 159 150 157 794 156 1513.0
Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield Lineups 125 149 163 161 158 149 757 152 1424.2
A Good Plumber Lineups 155 157 159 163 161 159 784 159 1496.1
Hats for Bats Lineups 157 159 163 163 162 163 815 160 1412.2
Yeah Jeets! Lineups 163 155 159 158 160 152 775 152 1412.2
Scranton Stranglers Lineups 163 163 118 149 145 156 745 163 1518.1
🕸️ Webb Gems 💎 Lineups 163 164 163 164 163 164 815 163 1529.0
Ambassador of Kwan Lineups 163 158 137 145 157 163 729 160 1367.2
Woo-Turang Clan Lineups 163 164 160 157 163 161 815 163 1516.2
Keep Yr Own Counsell Lineups 144 163 162 157 164 163 807 163 1520.0
Winterfell Direwolves 🐺 Lineups 145 154 163 163 163 156 815 163 1376.1
🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️ Lineups 160 156 153 161 152 156 774 160 1429.1

  • Cherry Bombers 💣
  • Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield
  • A Good Plumber
  • Hats for Bats
  • Yeah Jeets!
  • Scranton Stranglers
  • 🕸️ Webb Gems 💎
  • Ambassador of Kwan
  • Woo-Turang Clan
  • Keep Yr Own Counsell
  • Winterfell Direwolves 🐺
  • 🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️


  • Cherry Bombers 💣
  • Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield
  • A Good Plumber
  • Hats for Bats
  • Yeah Jeets!
  • Scranton Stranglers
  • 🕸️ Webb Gems 💎
  • Ambassador of Kwan
  • Woo-Turang Clan
  • Keep Yr Own Counsell
  • Winterfell Direwolves 🐺
  • 🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️
