T-shirt sale


🕸️ Webb Gems 💎 19273.8 50.3 5.35 5.94 7046 1777 313 25 346 895 112 89 17 1502.2 133 49 1821 1141 484 55 172
Keep Yr Own Counsell 18490.5 44.3 5.69 5.01 7257 1909 398 30 363 800 67 120 26 1508.2 56 33 1586 1228 513 96 176
Woo-Turang Clan 18459.3 138.2 6.16 5.17 6925 1867 376 28 387 811 91 107 36 1397.2 76 46 1501 1215 489 56 153
Winterfell Direwolves 🐺 17525.9 -3.8 5.19 4.96 7223 1845 389 29 312 789 105 74 27 1500.0 120 31 1688 1295 508 90 211
A Good Plumber 17401.8 54.2 5.02 5.23 7177 1852 377 32 263 752 70 146 44 1499.2 32 97 1567 1307 485 56 156
Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield 16885.9 101.6 5.28 5.04 6984 1819 365 38 311 686 87 151 30 1380.2 78 31 1549 1119 447 60 198
Scranton Stranglers 16635.7 92.1 5.60 4.71 6746 1819 348 27 359 616 107 110 30 1349.2 19 101 1334 1175 440 55 183
Ambassador of Kwan 15869.8 17.2 4.81 4.68 6655 1709 333 25 269 661 98 93 38 1489.2 15 47 1560 1334 434 44 206
Cherry Bombers 💣 15668.9 134.5 4.94 5.03 5934 1480 308 32 283 648 83 110 37 1448.2 81 41 1583 1282 437 48 194
🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️ 15303.2 110.8 4.82 5.08 6362 1632 335 31 243 671 83 89 28 1327.0 79 50 1412 1132 428 64 169
Hats for Bats 15173.6 17 4.95 4.17 6837 1834 376 23 247 661 103 84 30 1397.0 43 102 1306 1375 483 66 205
Yeah Jeets! 13886.3 38.8 4.43 4.34 6364 1583 332 14 221 654 92 78 33 1376.1 34 43 1389 1260 488 69 194

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Cherry Bombers 💣 134.5 523.6 2,066.5
Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield 101.6 499.4 2,424.1
A Good Plumber 54.2 490.5 2,890.1
Hats for Bats 17.0 485.3 2,286.9
Yeah Jeets! 38.8 446.2 1,706.8
Scranton Stranglers 92.1 459.0 2,789.3
🕸️ Webb Gems 💎 50.3 680.0 3,294.6
Ambassador of Kwan 17.2 224.3 2,148.0
Woo-Turang Clan 138.2 746.5 2,831.8
Keep Yr Own Counsell 44.3 257.8 2,492.6
Winterfell Direwolves 🐺 3.8 265.6 2,529.7
🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️ 110.8 600.9 2,563.2

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Cherry Bombers 💣 150 138 150 148 138 118 702 155 1448.2
Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield 162 162 161 154 156 155 771 158 1380.2
A Good Plumber 153 156 162 162 162 160 798 152 1499.2
Hats for Bats 162 162 160 155 157 162 771 158 1397.0
Yeah Jeets! 157 134 156 150 162 147 737 143 1376.1
Scranton Stranglers 161 157 143 146 152 162 760 153 1349.2
🕸️ Webb Gems 💎 160 161 161 162 161 158 810 161 1502.2
Ambassador of Kwan 136 150 154 149 137 154 810 160 1489.2
Woo-Turang Clan 162 157 155 157 144 162 735 151 1397.2
Keep Yr Own Counsell 162 162 162 159 158 162 793 162 1508.2
Winterfell Direwolves 🐺 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1500.0
🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️ 162 147 144 152 156 153 723 139 1327.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Cherry Bombers 💣 Lineups 151 139 151 149 139 119 706 156 1457.1
Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield Lineups 163 163 162 155 157 156 776 159 1389.0
A Good Plumber Lineups 154 157 163 163 163 161 803 153 1508.2
Hats for Bats Lineups 163 163 161 156 158 163 776 159 1405.2
Yeah Jeets! Lineups 158 135 157 151 163 148 742 144 1384.2
Scranton Stranglers Lineups 162 158 144 147 153 163 765 154 1358.0
🕸️ Webb Gems 💎 Lineups 161 162 162 163 162 159 815 162 1512.0
Ambassador of Kwan Lineups 137 151 155 150 138 155 815 161 1498.2
Woo-Turang Clan Lineups 163 158 156 158 145 163 740 152 1406.1
Keep Yr Own Counsell Lineups 163 163 163 160 159 163 798 163 1518.0
Winterfell Direwolves 🐺 Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1509.0
🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️ Lineups 163 148 145 153 157 154 727 140 1335.0

  • Cherry Bombers 💣
  • Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield
  • A Good Plumber
  • Hats for Bats
  • Yeah Jeets!
  • Scranton Stranglers
  • 🕸️ Webb Gems 💎
  • Ambassador of Kwan
  • Woo-Turang Clan
  • Keep Yr Own Counsell
  • Winterfell Direwolves 🐺
  • 🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️


  • Cherry Bombers 💣
  • Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield
  • A Good Plumber
  • Hats for Bats
  • Yeah Jeets!
  • Scranton Stranglers
  • 🕸️ Webb Gems 💎
  • Ambassador of Kwan
  • Woo-Turang Clan
  • Keep Yr Own Counsell
  • Winterfell Direwolves 🐺
  • 🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️
