T-shirt sale


Yeah Jeets! 19314.7 190.3 5.56 5.66 7342 2014 389 42 312 739 69 117 44 1512.2 111 36 1474 1309 346 49 138
Keep Yr Own Counsell 18842.8 20.8 5.08 6.11 7069 1854 373 36 249 798 92 82 35 1500.2 109 57 1616 1203 388 56 120
🕸️ Webb Gems 💎 18839.0 134.2 5.49 5.51 7128 1961 415 39 300 713 56 101 35 1512.2 74 72 1669 1324 489 65 142
Woo-Turang Clan 18006.7 -0.4 5.36 5.04 7526 2052 415 59 269 671 81 163 59 1501.2 147 31 1435 1437 485 57 155
Winterfell Direwolves 🐺 17604.5 1.6 4.84 5.45 7353 1914 397 31 268 628 49 94 28 1515.1 51 130 1387 1381 336 44 144
Scranton Stranglers 17159.9 117.6 5.06 5.49 6924 1895 355 40 213 675 101 181 75 1410.2 192 14 1290 1303 368 40 136
A Good Plumber 16669.4 61.8 4.68 5.25 6962 1853 350 42 215 582 58 195 59 1495.0 40 80 1491 1334 443 68 139
Hats for Bats 16652.4 107.6 5.05 4.95 7008 1896 364 29 276 640 85 82 48 1420.0 115 35 1234 1297 447 38 149
🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️ 15043.7 107.2 4.63 4.85 6103 1605 320 32 212 520 56 102 38 1494.0 118 15 1374 1392 492 46 161
Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield 13989.1 66.2 4.44 4.52 6698 1722 319 27 214 548 74 76 37 1338.1 19 111 1235 1331 382 48 172
Cherry Bombers 💣 13814.5 109.7 4.64 4.85 6157 1689 324 32 171 477 72 147 55 1239.1 101 56 1070 1201 362 45 137
Ambassador of Kwan 8209.2 31.1 4.35 4.61 4038 1012 205 13 148 432 34 39 17 672.0 19 12 678 634 227 25 79

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Cherry Bombers 💣 109.7 394.6 1,669.7
Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield 66.2 432.0 1,860.6
A Good Plumber 61.8 597.0 2,871.4
Hats for Bats 107.6 486.7 2,011.9
Yeah Jeets! 190.3 880.0 3,389.5
Scranton Stranglers 117.6 590.2 2,695.4
🕸️ Webb Gems 💎 134.2 719.6 3,487.8
Ambassador of Kwan 31.1 293.8 1,357.3
Woo-Turang Clan 0.4 446.5 2,859.8
Keep Yr Own Counsell 20.8 676.6 3,046.7
Winterfell Direwolves 🐺 1.6 711.1 2,756.8
🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️ 107.2 549.2 2,577.7

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Cherry Bombers 💣 163 146 145 156 157 157 624 132 1239.1
Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield 162 156 140 146 136 144 763 142 1338.1
A Good Plumber 164 157 155 158 157 162 780 150 1495.0
Hats for Bats 162 163 148 157 162 163 787 162 1420.0
Yeah Jeets! 162 162 160 160 161 162 807 162 1512.2
Scranton Stranglers 141 162 156 150 161 157 776 157 1410.2
🕸️ Webb Gems 💎 163 161 157 159 156 161 795 160 1512.2
Ambassador of Kwan 157 160 114 63 76 154 289 162 672.0
Woo-Turang Clan 162 161 162 160 162 164 812 162 1501.2
Keep Yr Own Counsell 162 162 153 154 155 158 797 163 1500.2
Winterfell Direwolves 🐺 163 162 157 154 158 162 811 162 1515.1
🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️ 81 134 151 150 141 144 739 145 1494.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Cherry Bombers 💣 Lineups 164 147 146 157 158 158 628 133 1248.0
Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield Lineups 163 157 141 147 137 145 768 143 1347.2
A Good Plumber Lineups 165 158 156 159 158 163 785 151 1505.1
Hats for Bats Lineups 163 164 149 158 163 164 793 163 1430.0
Yeah Jeets! Lineups 163 163 161 161 162 163 813 163 1523.0
Scranton Stranglers Lineups 142 163 157 151 162 158 781 158 1420.1
🕸️ Webb Gems 💎 Lineups 164 162 158 160 157 162 801 161 1523.0
Ambassador of Kwan Lineups 158 161 115 63 77 155 291 163 676.2
Woo-Turang Clan Lineups 163 162 163 161 163 165 818 163 1512.0
Keep Yr Own Counsell Lineups 163 163 154 155 156 159 803 164 1511.0
Winterfell Direwolves 🐺 Lineups 164 163 158 155 159 163 817 163 1526.0
🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️ Lineups 82 135 152 151 142 145 744 146 1504.1

  • Cherry Bombers 💣
  • Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield
  • A Good Plumber
  • Hats for Bats
  • Yeah Jeets!
  • Scranton Stranglers
  • 🕸️ Webb Gems 💎
  • Ambassador of Kwan
  • Woo-Turang Clan
  • Keep Yr Own Counsell
  • Winterfell Direwolves 🐺
  • 🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️


  • Cherry Bombers 💣
  • Panda 🐼🛡️ Shield
  • A Good Plumber
  • Hats for Bats
  • Yeah Jeets!
  • Scranton Stranglers
  • 🕸️ Webb Gems 💎
  • Ambassador of Kwan
  • Woo-Turang Clan
  • Keep Yr Own Counsell
  • Winterfell Direwolves 🐺
  • 🥷Cowboy BABIP⚾️
