T-shirt sale


LT Titans ⚂ 18136.5 27.5 5.88 4.43 7267 1917 390 51 352 875 105 206 42 1519.0 56 43 1564 523 81 203
Clash City Rockers ✯ 18082.5 20.5 5.79 4.64 7313 1925 383 23 367 885 74 83 26 1502.0 110 56 1545 489 76 209
Skunky Skittlebrau 17629.4 8.6 5.46 4.70 7268 1977 368 36 281 724 119 228 46 1505.0 89 54 1607 474 78 205
Batmen & Robin Roberts 17339.4 -1.4 5.25 4.87 7363 1998 374 22 253 711 97 126 35 1511.0 104 40 1566 481 66 182
The Blumpkin Spice Boys 17297.6 12.9 5.22 4.84 7075 1820 356 26 306 780 97 185 47 1502.1 38 89 1542 454 60 179
Coastal Empire 17101.1 87.6 4.99 5.03 7229 1769 338 25 320 774 121 120 35 1488.0 70 81 1590 465 53 174
Napalm Bombs 16228.1 32.4 4.98 4.64 6890 1730 363 39 276 683 65 192 46 1525.1 53 18 1731 564 74 187
RV Lumberhacks 15985.1 46.6 4.68 4.68 7215 1786 377 23 266 673 84 123 30 1506.0 46 96 1429 466 40 187
Nashville Numbers 14974.3 97.5 5.12 4.57 6587 1663 352 23 291 687 86 121 35 1294.2 52 56 1288 450 60 161
Fake News Bears 14346.6 78.6 4.67 4.46 6044 1499 327 37 216 612 60 150 33 1480.0 80 23 1481 485 54 203
Big Papi memories 13039.5 60.2 4.47 4.68 5622 1420 301 25 192 535 71 171 47 1256.0 86 74 1313 492 66 160
Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊 12906.9 15.1 5.49 4.33 6134 1657 362 45 236 529 67 159 26 975.1 18 40 969 345 40 130

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Napalm Bombs 32.4 276.9 2,171.6
Fake News Bears 78.6 365.6 2,403.6
The Blumpkin Spice Boys 12.9 284.4 2,249.2
Nashville Numbers 97.5 449.1 1,912.2
Batmen & Robin Roberts 1.4 278.1 2,330.8
LT Titans ⚂ 27.5 476.0 2,659.7
RV Lumberhacks 46.6 140.6 1,751.7
Skunky Skittlebrau 8.6 273.2 2,515.4
Clash City Rockers ✯ 20.5 313.4 2,642.3
Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊 15.1 348.6 1,744.7
Coastal Empire 87.6 616.2 2,763.8
Big Papi memories 60.2 428.5 1,889.8

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Napalm Bombs 162 162 127 148 129 147 799 162 1525.1
Fake News Bears 162 147 140 155 137 150 622 148 1480.0
The Blumpkin Spice Boys 162 162 159 162 162 162 790 162 1502.1
Nashville Numbers 155 135 158 155 155 157 726 129 1294.2
Batmen & Robin Roberts 162 161 162 159 162 152 790 154 1511.0
LT Titans ⚂ 162 162 162 162 163 162 807 162 1519.0
RV Lumberhacks 162 159 162 162 158 162 788 156 1506.0
Skunky Skittlebrau 162 160 162 161 152 162 810 162 1505.0
Clash City Rockers ✯ 162 162 156 158 160 162 810 151 1502.0
Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊 162 161 117 118 145 122 611 145 975.1
Coastal Empire 162 162 159 161 161 162 802 160 1488.0
Big Papi memories 162 132 106 156 154 137 648 107 1256.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Napalm Bombs Lineups 163 163 128 149 130 148 804 163 1534.2
Fake News Bears Lineups 163 148 141 156 138 151 626 149 1489.0
The Blumpkin Spice Boys Lineups 163 163 160 163 163 163 795 163 1511.1
Nashville Numbers Lineups 156 136 159 156 156 158 731 130 1302.2
Batmen & Robin Roberts Lineups 163 162 163 160 163 153 795 155 1520.1
LT Titans ⚂ Lineups 163 163 163 163 164 163 812 163 1528.1
RV Lumberhacks Lineups 163 160 163 163 159 163 793 157 1515.1
Skunky Skittlebrau Lineups 163 161 163 162 153 163 815 163 1514.1
Clash City Rockers ✯ Lineups 163 163 157 159 161 163 815 152 1511.0
Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊 Lineups 163 162 118 119 146 123 615 146 981.1
Coastal Empire Lineups 163 163 160 162 162 163 807 161 1497.0
Big Papi memories Lineups 163 133 107 157 155 138 652 108 1263.2

  • Napalm Bombs
  • Fake News Bears
  • The Blumpkin Spice Boys
  • Nashville Numbers
  • Batmen & Robin Roberts
  • LT Titans ⚂
  • RV Lumberhacks
  • Skunky Skittlebrau
  • Clash City Rockers ✯
  • Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊
  • Coastal Empire
  • Big Papi memories


  • Napalm Bombs
  • Fake News Bears
  • The Blumpkin Spice Boys
  • Nashville Numbers
  • Batmen & Robin Roberts
  • LT Titans ⚂
  • RV Lumberhacks
  • Skunky Skittlebrau
  • Clash City Rockers ✯
  • Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊
  • Coastal Empire
  • Big Papi memories
