T-shirt sale


LT Titans ⚂ 17874.1 37.2 5.61 4.63 7352 1881 381 35 385 802 93 109 30 1505.0 45 68 1634 493 66 204
Clash City Rockers ✯ 17721.3 57.9 5.24 5.14 7072 1802 386 28 327 743 112 99 26 1492.0 97 57 1644 444 79 171
RV Lumberhacks 17568.1 24.9 5.25 5.07 7122 1883 384 31 307 745 83 73 26 1462.2 128 42 1502 425 65 172
Big Papi memories 16826.1 41.1 5.57 4.43 6628 1804 371 41 297 755 70 113 33 1503.0 56 36 1657 549 83 208
Napalm Bombs 16776.0 179.9 5.10 4.83 6957 1791 360 28 295 703 70 115 40 1510.2 21 62 1672 511 60 172
Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊 16744.7 48.2 5.10 4.72 6895 1819 344 27 291 693 89 95 31 1511.1 42 94 1448 493 70 171
Coastal Empire 16736.7 44.4 5.02 4.85 6786 1717 364 22 313 740 72 36 13 1508.2 20 76 1656 511 84 166
Skunky Skittlebrau 16448.5 62.7 4.95 5.06 6529 1717 354 29 246 606 79 133 40 1515.2 115 39 1709 514 61 180
Fake News Bears 14959.1 81.2 5.40 4.52 6486 1732 334 19 287 677 97 95 30 1229.1 57 61 1304 452 55 170
Nashville Numbers 13632.0 38.3 5.50 4.78 5384 1463 286 14 254 482 92 89 18 1188.1 62 24 1312 359 43 160
The Blumpkin Spice Boys 13590.5 35.9 5.13 4.18 6063 1537 313 27 226 710 101 122 34 1266.1 43 47 1235 416 48 194
Batmen & Robin Roberts 13073.8 25.7 5.22 4.90 5967 1520 311 26 242 743 78 88 32 951.2 89 41 1054 333 41 130

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Napalm Bombs 179.9 596.2 2,521.6
Fake News Bears 81.2 597.8 2,778.0
The Blumpkin Spice Boys 35.9 284.8 1,374.1
Nashville Numbers 38.3 345.4 1,829.4
Batmen & Robin Roberts 25.7 449.2 1,981.7
LT Titans ⚂ 37.2 535.4 2,561.1
RV Lumberhacks 24.9 592.5 2,729.9
Skunky Skittlebrau 62.7 299.2 2,282.6
Clash City Rockers ✯ 57.9 597.1 2,868.4
Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊 48.2 393.8 2,143.1
Coastal Empire 44.4 572.3 2,884.7
Big Papi memories 41.1 259.3 2,567.9

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Napalm Bombs 162 160 153 157 151 138 780 156 1510.2
Fake News Bears 131 150 151 147 141 144 749 128 1229.1
The Blumpkin Spice Boys 162 151 144 136 124 97 668 136 1266.1
Nashville Numbers 162 119 51 41 127 126 672 146 1188.1
Batmen & Robin Roberts 162 122 158 136 147 149 618 120 951.2
LT Titans ⚂ 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1505.0
RV Lumberhacks 162 162 162 161 161 156 810 158 1462.2
Skunky Skittlebrau 143 151 148 141 129 162 741 159 1515.2
Clash City Rockers ✯ 162 162 159 158 159 162 796 159 1492.0
Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊 162 153 162 162 162 153 778 153 1511.1
Coastal Empire 146 158 162 158 153 157 797 144 1508.2
Big Papi memories 150 162 158 162 162 162 710 162 1503.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Napalm Bombs Lineups 163 161 154 158 152 139 785 157 1520.0
Fake News Bears Lineups 132 151 152 148 142 145 754 129 1236.2
The Blumpkin Spice Boys Lineups 163 152 145 137 125 98 672 137 1274.0
Nashville Numbers Lineups 163 120 51 41 128 127 676 147 1195.2
Batmen & Robin Roberts Lineups 163 123 159 137 148 150 622 121 957.1
LT Titans ⚂ Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1514.1
RV Lumberhacks Lineups 163 163 163 162 162 157 815 159 1471.2
Skunky Skittlebrau Lineups 144 152 149 142 130 163 746 160 1525.0
Clash City Rockers ✯ Lineups 163 163 160 159 160 163 801 160 1501.0
Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊 Lineups 163 154 163 163 163 154 783 154 1520.2
Coastal Empire Lineups 147 159 163 159 154 158 802 145 1518.0
Big Papi memories Lineups 151 163 159 163 163 163 714 163 1512.1

  • Napalm Bombs
  • Fake News Bears
  • The Blumpkin Spice Boys
  • Nashville Numbers
  • Batmen & Robin Roberts
  • LT Titans ⚂
  • RV Lumberhacks
  • Skunky Skittlebrau
  • Clash City Rockers ✯
  • Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊
  • Coastal Empire
  • Big Papi memories


  • Napalm Bombs
  • Fake News Bears
  • The Blumpkin Spice Boys
  • Nashville Numbers
  • Batmen & Robin Roberts
  • LT Titans ⚂
  • RV Lumberhacks
  • Skunky Skittlebrau
  • Clash City Rockers ✯
  • Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊
  • Coastal Empire
  • Big Papi memories
