T-shirt sale


Batmen & Robin Roberts 17486.7 139.5 4.88 5.36 7370 1934 403 39 234 706 70 111 54 1502.0 115 45 1415 425 49 125
Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊 17240.1 87.1 5.12 5.27 7247 2017 396 33 232 600 76 177 48 1411.1 106 46 1234 366 41 121
Nashville Numbers 17164.2 5.8 4.88 5.33 6885 1869 406 31 243 572 59 78 35 1500.2 115 52 1429 432 48 131
The Blumpkin Spice Boys 16723.7 31.3 4.83 5.12 6905 1890 376 25 206 640 79 111 44 1488.1 123 52 1257 370 51 145
LT Titans ⚂ 16634.0 14.6 4.69 5.21 7049 1820 361 43 195 704 75 213 75 1504.2 56 44 1377 448 33 112
Coastal Empire 16615.0 63.2 4.87 5.38 6734 1825 394 40 198 600 64 109 32 1447.1 110 64 1344 405 43 123
Clash City Rockers ✯ 15446.6 103.5 4.60 5.07 6301 1647 338 33 194 626 69 140 39 1438.1 83 58 1312 444 50 130
Napalm Bombs 15279.8 -3 4.22 5.01 6618 1585 335 35 226 623 75 90 27 1499.0 67 65 1444 400 45 162
Big Papi memories 14882.8 42.1 5.01 4.96 6147 1702 335 41 191 572 60 99 31 1310.1 66 50 1243 448 50 121
RV Lumberhacks 12958.1 78.1 4.31 5.00 6046 1526 303 28 181 513 49 95 48 1197.1 82 31 1154 425 37 112
Skunky Skittlebrau 12578.4 32.2 4.42 4.77 6711 1737 306 34 185 574 85 134 42 971.0 4 36 895 293 31 93
Fake News Bears 12517.3 77.4 4.20 5.49 5309 1390 272 23 122 541 71 108 37 1099.0 110 43 1140 341 54 98

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Napalm Bombs 3.0 339.8 1,957.2
Fake News Bears 77.4 587.8 2,220.5
The Blumpkin Spice Boys 31.3 438.9 2,503.6
Nashville Numbers 5.8 597.0 2,463.0
Batmen & Robin Roberts 139.5 591.4 2,766.7
LT Titans ⚂ 14.6 345.5 1,982.7
RV Lumberhacks 78.1 462.0 1,691.2
Skunky Skittlebrau 32.2 303.4 1,483.5
Clash City Rockers ✯ 103.5 504.8 2,399.0
Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊 87.1 521.7 2,662.3
Coastal Empire 63.2 495.5 2,551.1
Big Papi memories 42.1 381.9 2,010.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Napalm Bombs 162 160 149 137 159 162 754 150 1504.2
Fake News Bears 157 153 122 101 162 145 579 122 1099.0
The Blumpkin Spice Boys 162 162 143 158 158 156 785 158 1489.1
Nashville Numbers 163 153 152 155 161 160 773 162 1500.2
Batmen & Robin Roberts 163 162 163 162 160 163 800 162 1502.0
LT Titans ⚂ 162 163 163 149 157 159 760 163 1505.0
RV Lumberhacks 91 120 152 150 125 120 741 120 1197.1
Skunky Skittlebrau 163 153 134 149 148 155 754 143 971.0
Clash City Rockers ✯ 163 158 158 157 146 160 700 132 1438.1
Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊 158 161 159 156 150 157 811 162 1411.1
Coastal Empire 160 151 157 158 162 141 736 147 1447.1
Big Papi memories 163 125 135 139 160 150 681 121 1310.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Napalm Bombs Lineups 163 161 150 138 160 163 759 151 1514.0
Fake News Bears Lineups 158 154 123 102 163 146 583 123 1105.2
The Blumpkin Spice Boys Lineups 163 163 144 159 159 157 790 159 1498.1
Nashville Numbers Lineups 164 154 153 156 162 161 778 163 1509.2
Batmen & Robin Roberts Lineups 164 163 164 163 161 164 805 163 1511.0
LT Titans ⚂ Lineups 163 164 164 150 158 160 765 164 1514.1
RV Lumberhacks Lineups 92 121 153 151 126 121 746 121 1204.2
Skunky Skittlebrau Lineups 164 154 135 150 149 156 759 144 977.0
Clash City Rockers ✯ Lineups 164 159 159 158 147 161 704 133 1447.0
Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊 Lineups 159 162 160 157 151 158 816 163 1420.0
Coastal Empire Lineups 161 152 158 159 163 142 741 148 1456.0
Big Papi memories Lineups 164 126 136 140 161 151 685 122 1318.1

  • Napalm Bombs
  • Fake News Bears
  • The Blumpkin Spice Boys
  • Nashville Numbers
  • Batmen & Robin Roberts
  • LT Titans ⚂
  • RV Lumberhacks
  • Skunky Skittlebrau
  • Clash City Rockers ✯
  • Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊
  • Coastal Empire
  • Big Papi memories


  • Napalm Bombs
  • Fake News Bears
  • The Blumpkin Spice Boys
  • Nashville Numbers
  • Batmen & Robin Roberts
  • LT Titans ⚂
  • RV Lumberhacks
  • Skunky Skittlebrau
  • Clash City Rockers ✯
  • Galapagos Lava Lizards 🐊
  • Coastal Empire
  • Big Papi memories
