Hey Everyone – Sorry I am a little bit tardy on my note to remind everyone to participate in arbitration. Even if you are not planning on returning next year, please take a few minutes to participate. On that note, if you are not planning on returning, please send me a quick note. I don’t anticipate filling spots for a little while, but it would be good to start putting some feelers out. Thanks
I will be back in a few weeks with some details regarding arb and the rest of the off season.
Huge congrats to Lima - its amazing that after 162 days it came down to a difference of just 33.1 points! I think Ottoneu is one of the hardest leagues to win so its a huge feather in the cap to walk away with a championship.
Trade deadline today
Yeah, very weird because Spanky just messaged me about trade talks around 6 today. Not sure what happened!
Cool. Just making sure. It sounded like there may have been a mixup. That said, I'd be interested in trade talks over the next 3 weeks. No one's untouchable, but I'd like to deal some stars to contenders for some future value. Hit me up
They absolutely can be claimed - it was just weird because they both literally got abandoned at the exact same time (9:40) and then claimed within 5 minutes of each other.
Were the abandoned teams not supposed to be claimed? They were listed as available, so I claimed one of them.
Ummm...so what just happened? Did two teams get traded?
Hey yall – if any of you are into fantasy football, I've started an ottoneu league. You can all see how bad I am at fantasy sports by myyear tanking this , so feel free to come over here and take my money! https://ottoneu.fangraphs.com/football/invite?invite=eyJMZWFndWVJRCI6MjE2LCJJbnZpdGVySUQiOiIxNTY2ODQifQ==
All Proofs on
August 3, 2022 10:17 AM
Aroldis Chapman available--make me an offer--might not take as much as you think
Nasty Nate, come on now! What the %&*@!#. Can anyone beat -69 points in 1.2 innings?
We will see how long it lasts.
Devil Dogs on
April 13, 2022 7:55 PM
Dogs, I gotta say, I was skeptical of your offence-only roster construction, but damned if it isn't working!
Think you may need to go in and end draft. It shows as paused
Devil Dogs on
April 3, 2022 8:26 AM
Draft is over. If you have roster spots they will need to be filled through free agency
Went till almost 1am. I say close it and eveyone can finish their times by claiming players.
Devil Dogs on
April 3, 2022 8:25 AM
Are we resuming the draft at some point?
All Proofs on
April 3, 2022 8:13 AM
Just a quick reminder to everyone that TODAY is draft day. See everyone at 9:30 PM EST tonight.
Thanks for everyone being flexible - I pushed the time back to 9:30 EST for Saturday.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the willingness with which you're able to rearrange your schedules to allow me to continue kicking ass!
All Proofs on
March 25, 2022 9:30 AM
I'm good with the later time as I'm on the west coast
Us EST folks are used to 10 pm Trout/Ohtani viewing schedules
I can manage later. It’s a redraft, so it should go relatively quickly
Please let me know - I welcome discussion. I know that may be late for some east coasters.
Hey Everyone - I made a commish mistake in reconsidering the draft date. Once the date was set people made plans. The draft is a huge deal, so I want to take every step I can take to accommodate people. However, I want to be fair to those that made plans around the initial date. As such, we are going to leave as is, 4/2 starting at 8:30 EST. Cutter has asked if we could move it later. I will throw this out - does anyone have an issue with moving it to 9:30 EST? It typically lasts 2.5 hrs.
Just realizing trades are locked out. Boooo!
Dang new Wilmer, I would’ve given you something for Flores
Don't move the draft. I arranged my draft schedules in 3 other leagues and my work schedule to make this time. I CAN NOT make the 27th
Great! Full disclosure -- the new owner is a friend.
One team left to go! Welcome to the new owner of LaPorta Potties
LaPorta Potties and Flowers by Wilmer
What teams are open?
We need two owners so we are in pretty good shape compared to some others - however, we have needed to fill those spots for 7 weeks now. I have reached out ot a few people that posted looking for teams but no luck as of yet.
How are we on filling the teams?
I am fine moving it to the 27th. With the people that participated in the poll, that date also worked. However, if we move it to the 27th, we'll have to make a final call on Thursday this week if we don't fill back up to 14. I am fine with that, but that would be the one caveat of moving the date.
I absolutely can't do the 2nd, as noted in the scheduling app. Don't want to be "that guy", but I'd obviously prefer to be able to draft lol. I am available the 27th.
All Proofs on
March 17, 2022 10:53 AM
Sorry - the date is Sat. April 2nd. We could also do Sunday, March 27th, but I would prefer to give us the extra 6 days to try to fill up the league.
Also, when is the draft date/time?
Quick Questions:
1. Did we advertise on the Otto Slack Channel?
2. Can I help get people in?
1. I'm an idiot, of course you have to claim a team rather than join a league.
2. I agree: leave them open, see if they get claimed, and roll with whatever comes up. Neither team is in particularly great shape, so we may not get two owners, but it would be good to have them, and then see next offseason if anyone is planning on not renewing/we want to winnow down.
Quick note - I tried to mark both as "Abandon" but it wouldn't let me since both are expired. Regardless, anyone can claim them if they go to the "Claim a Team" tab - they both show up under expired teams.
After thinking about it, I agree with 8-Ball. At the very least, I would want another free cut round for everybody, but I’d prefer any changes to number of owners be planned well ahead of time.
If you go to claim teams they are both their available to claim. I will mark them as abandon this morning and see if that helps. Regarding the 12 vs. 14 teams, I get what 8-Ball is saying and don't disagree with it. However, if we can't get them claimed we'll be in that boat anyways. We'll give it until next weekend and then make a call. Thanks!
I am against 12 teams, it changes the value prop for players significantly; more high-quality players per team are available, so those players are worth less now, which jacks people up, especially since they can't cut their now-overvalued players.
I think teams may need to be abandoned to show up on availavle tab.
Devil Dogs on
March 16, 2022 10:54 AM
I'm easy on team numbers. I'll note, though, that a friend was trying to join today and can't find the league under the "Join Teams" tab. I just checked myself, and we're not there, which may explain the lack of new owners.
I would also support a 12 team league. Can't see draft date/time though – checked settings and it's still TBD. Am I missing something?
All Proofs on
March 16, 2022 10:33 AM
Also onboard with going with 12 teams
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