T-shirt sale


Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ 19028.9 30.8 6.01 4.96 7434 2032 405 35 352 825 73 212 43 1498.0 102 48 1674 1379 492 59 201
Carl Everett's T-Rex 18933.9 0 5.69 5.18 7499 2005 422 28 339 766 85 152 29 1519.1 109 51 1580 1358 486 66 170
rowdy old boys 18785.4 11.8 5.65 5.17 7308 1949 401 37 316 803 97 197 39 1522.1 96 51 1623 1351 477 56 180
The Yellow Darts 16944.8 76.2 5.25 5.35 6793 1741 352 41 280 797 77 143 41 1370.0 57 54 1523 1172 424 66 150
jobu 16577.7 16.9 5.19 4.59 6775 1775 329 29 297 728 95 111 30 1504.0 36 93 1546 1363 531 74 204
Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche 16235.0 14.7 4.68 5.37 6627 1666 330 23 248 679 114 142 25 1403.0 117 30 1510 1207 400 52 169
Daigos 16014.4 39.7 4.89 4.65 6907 1767 353 31 276 612 82 149 47 1506.0 40 54 1647 1328 623 70 189
The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos 15854.2 12.3 4.94 4.28 7146 1759 380 28 293 757 96 117 27 1502.2 54 102 1525 1444 500 71 240
Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers 15219.4 95.1 4.95 4.98 6636 1729 325 48 268 601 94 180 53 1237.2 90 57 1215 1105 448 48 142
Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“ 14953.5 46.9 4.73 4.15 6876 1708 367 28 243 694 70 183 40 1500.1 9 52 1389 1411 482 69 210
Big Papi memories 13959.3 48.2 4.71 5.17 6308 1596 334 28 244 568 92 152 46 1116.0 102 56 1234 1029 395 49 137
Rogan's Heroes 13758.4 92.6 4.64 4.22 6435 1654 321 26 246 581 79 119 37 1288.0 56 64 1189 1294 431 62 176

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Carl Everett's T-Rex 0.0 515.6 3,093.6
Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ 30.8 337.0 2,646.3
jobu 16.9 468.6 3,052.5
Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers 95.1 364.9 2,233.1
Rogan's Heroes 92.6 408.0 2,117.8
Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche 14.7 315.6 2,195.6
rowdy old boys 11.8 557.2 2,800.0
The Yellow Darts 76.2 512.3 2,562.5
Daigos 39.7 295.6 1,333.1
The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos 12.3 538.8 2,282.3
Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“ 46.9 258.8 1,707.1
Big Papi memories 48.2 449.4 2,134.9

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Carl Everett's T-Rex 162 162 162 163 162 162 810 162 1519.1
Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ 162 157 162 159 158 162 810 162 1498.0
jobu 162 162 155 142 150 162 774 155 1504.0
Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers 162 158 148 159 146 152 745 160 1237.2
Rogan's Heroes 162 141 138 137 151 162 746 157 1288.0
Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche 152 153 158 156 156 162 771 152 1403.0
rowdy old boys 154 162 162 162 160 159 810 162 1522.1
The Yellow Darts 162 161 162 158 154 151 737 147 1370.0
Daigos 162 156 147 159 161 153 745 159 1506.0
The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos 162 162 158 157 158 160 790 160 1502.2
Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“ 162 162 139 151 144 144 787 157 1500.1
Big Papi memories 141 136 139 122 159 151 743 149 1116.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Carl Everett's T-Rex Lineups 163 163 163 164 163 163 815 163 1528.2
Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ Lineups 163 158 163 160 159 163 815 163 1507.0
jobu Lineups 163 163 156 143 151 163 779 156 1513.1
Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers Lineups 163 159 149 160 147 153 750 161 1245.1
Rogan's Heroes Lineups 163 142 139 138 152 163 751 158 1296.0
Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche Lineups 153 154 159 157 157 163 776 153 1411.2
rowdy old boys Lineups 155 163 163 163 161 160 815 163 1531.2
The Yellow Darts Lineups 163 162 163 159 155 152 742 148 1378.1
Daigos Lineups 163 157 148 160 162 154 750 160 1515.1
The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos Lineups 163 163 159 158 159 161 795 161 1512.0
Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“ Lineups 163 163 140 152 145 145 792 158 1509.1
Big Papi memories Lineups 142 137 140 123 160 152 748 150 1122.2

  • Carl Everett's T-Rex
  • Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ
  • jobu
  • Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers
  • Rogan's Heroes
  • Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche
  • rowdy old boys
  • The Yellow Darts
  • Daigos
  • The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos
  • Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“
  • Big Papi memories


  • Carl Everett's T-Rex
  • Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ
  • jobu
  • Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers
  • Rogan's Heroes
  • Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche
  • rowdy old boys
  • The Yellow Darts
  • Daigos
  • The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos
  • Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“
  • Big Papi memories
