T-shirt sale


Carl Everett's T-Rex 19315.9 15 5.99 5.08 7332 1962 369 25 390 873 122 102 25 1510.1 98 45 1530 1279 485 55 186
rowdy old boys 18555.5 55.5 5.58 5.36 7073 1936 415 32 305 692 63 134 23 1507.1 63 93 1687 1301 447 54 183
The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos 17739.6 108.7 4.84 5.59 7153 1762 351 31 303 723 125 71 29 1500.1 101 60 1689 1206 418 79 180
Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ 16880.3 101.6 5.42 5.46 6463 1703 362 25 325 668 97 54 17 1319.1 49 64 1460 1097 420 51 139
Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers 16656.1 45.7 5.17 4.60 6757 1825 337 11 288 766 65 95 50 1503.0 29 47 1588 1349 542 50 198
Daigos 16105.1 72.8 5.08 4.93 6411 1695 307 25 288 546 102 140 34 1455.0 107 19 1594 1261 498 67 197
Rogan's Heroes 15920.7 55.6 4.62 5.08 6403 1623 337 32 272 591 74 103 36 1461.2 118 47 1527 1239 462 59 198
Big Papi memories 15554.7 82.4 5.01 4.23 6695 1684 355 27 311 689 96 101 28 1476.1 37 47 1438 1449 473 74 205
jobu 15553.4 44.3 4.67 4.80 6869 1723 347 25 259 722 65 118 27 1392.0 27 61 1539 1213 524 54 178
Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche 15199.2 101 5.21 4.56 6115 1604 361 26 262 745 74 107 26 1335.0 63 47 1372 1220 440 62 192
The Yellow Darts 15075.0 52.9 5.12 4.60 6336 1696 349 31 239 716 82 124 45 1299.0 70 43 1423 1203 484 79 178
Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“ 10388.0 43.6 4.47 4.77 4721 1184 209 31 181 513 92 43 19 870.2 3 38 943 743 290 47 114

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Carl Everett's T-Rex 15.0 220.3 3,054.3
Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ 101.6 680.3 2,949.8
jobu 44.3 405.2 2,369.6
Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers 45.7 406.7 2,564.8
Rogan's Heroes 55.6 502.0 2,159.7
Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche 101.0 567.3 2,540.1
rowdy old boys 55.5 290.2 2,314.5
The Yellow Darts 52.9 474.3 2,108.4
Daigos 72.8 537.7 2,730.8
The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos 108.7 790.0 2,924.1
Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“ 43.6 277.3 1,341.4
Big Papi memories 82.4 432.3 2,224.2

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Carl Everett's T-Rex 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1510.1
Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ 162 142 147 147 147 137 757 146 1319.1
jobu 162 162 155 157 162 160 778 162 1392.0
Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers 162 162 145 157 159 158 779 162 1503.0
Rogan's Heroes 162 158 154 144 158 154 766 141 1461.2
Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche 162 139 154 129 162 141 719 143 1335.0
rowdy old boys 162 162 162 145 152 158 781 157 1507.1
The Yellow Darts 130 162 153 153 146 153 723 157 1299.0
Daigos 158 160 150 151 162 120 703 156 1455.0
The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos 157 160 161 162 161 160 809 161 1500.1
Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“ 162 141 152 149 109 151 425 107 870.2
Big Papi memories 162 154 162 137 161 153 798 132 1476.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Carl Everett's T-Rex Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1519.2
Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ Lineups 163 143 148 148 148 138 762 147 1327.1
jobu Lineups 163 163 156 158 163 161 783 163 1400.1
Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers Lineups 163 163 146 158 160 159 784 163 1512.1
Rogan's Heroes Lineups 163 159 155 145 159 155 771 142 1470.2
Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche Lineups 163 140 155 130 163 142 723 144 1343.0
rowdy old boys Lineups 163 163 163 146 153 159 786 158 1516.2
The Yellow Darts Lineups 131 163 154 154 147 154 727 158 1307.0
Daigos Lineups 159 161 151 152 163 121 707 157 1464.0
The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos Lineups 158 161 162 163 162 161 814 162 1509.1
Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“ Lineups 163 142 153 150 110 152 428 108 876.0
Big Papi memories Lineups 163 155 163 138 162 154 803 133 1485.1

  • Carl Everett's T-Rex
  • Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ
  • jobu
  • Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers
  • Rogan's Heroes
  • Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche
  • rowdy old boys
  • The Yellow Darts
  • Daigos
  • The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos
  • Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“
  • Big Papi memories


  • Carl Everett's T-Rex
  • Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ
  • jobu
  • Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers
  • Rogan's Heroes
  • Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche
  • rowdy old boys
  • The Yellow Darts
  • Daigos
  • The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos
  • Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“
  • Big Papi memories
