T-shirt sale


The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos 18562.2 67.4 5.30 5.52 7291 1895 395 34 278 868 92 104 28 1500.2 87 95 1582 1293 404 76 162
Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ 18509.2 40.3 5.46 5.57 6916 1825 390 29 331 658 94 99 27 1513.1 73 64 1653 1241 453 60 157
Carl Everett's T-Rex 17341.7 -16.5 4.72 5.43 7406 1806 349 36 268 779 90 116 37 1504.1 70 76 1696 1258 465 62 175
rowdy old boys 16190.0 62.3 6.00 5.09 6531 1822 392 18 296 733 73 139 20 1152.2 59 71 1241 1061 350 47 144
Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers 15734.7 40.2 4.64 4.72 6856 1759 351 22 237 668 67 109 49 1504.1 63 57 1478 1336 503 56 194
The Yellow Darts 15634.3 122.9 4.81 5.23 6761 1712 348 31 249 693 86 102 34 1309.2 62 29 1375 1186 378 56 133
jobu 15496.9 58.4 4.58 5.07 6207 1559 349 22 214 650 110 67 24 1475.2 53 54 1462 1188 519 92 156
Rogan's Heroes 15445.4 21 4.32 5.05 6535 1587 328 29 238 575 91 117 41 1512.2 87 32 1426 1356 393 72 167
Daigos 15242.5 84.9 4.57 4.66 6700 1749 336 27 229 508 77 127 44 1501.0 63 26 1576 1355 528 76 191
Big Papi memories 14904.1 21.1 4.18 5.56 6210 1529 328 27 201 515 65 100 39 1391.2 49 92 1434 1164 409 43 135
Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche 14142.7 22.7 4.48 5.37 6169 1532 350 19 212 597 97 81 27 1203.0 127 35 1233 996 412 67 135
Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“ 9060.3 73.8 4.64 4.58 4729 1197 234 14 212 460 67 52 24 595.0 2 10 547 520 152 15 79

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Carl Everett's T-Rex 16.5 452.6 2,677.4
Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ 40.3 664.1 2,795.6
jobu 58.4 672.5 2,520.1
Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers 40.2 264.3 2,356.0
Rogan's Heroes 21.0 168.6 1,546.1
Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche 22.7 337.3 1,698.7
rowdy old boys 62.3 513.0 2,592.6
The Yellow Darts 122.9 669.5 2,504.9
Daigos 84.9 329.1 2,207.0
The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos 67.4 677.3 2,965.4
Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“ 73.8 378.3 1,493.6
Big Papi memories 21.1 414.0 2,249.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Carl Everett's T-Rex 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1504.1
Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ 162 155 150 153 154 151 770 152 1513.1
jobu 162 162 117 149 156 144 718 141 1475.2
Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers 162 161 149 158 154 156 761 160 1504.1
Rogan's Heroes 162 156 154 132 146 157 739 162 1512.2
Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche 150 162 138 151 128 145 729 111 1203.0
rowdy old boys 137 153 151 152 137 153 686 151 1152.2
The Yellow Darts 141 162 141 158 147 156 766 157 1309.2
Daigos 119 163 162 162 153 115 771 159 1501.0
The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos 162 162 158 162 162 161 810 162 1500.2
Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“ 153 156 64 140 143 120 507 82 595.0
Big Papi memories 162 110 139 149 126 138 742 149 1391.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Carl Everett's T-Rex Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1514.0
Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ Lineups 163 156 151 154 155 152 775 153 1523.1
jobu Lineups 163 163 118 150 157 145 723 142 1485.1
Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers Lineups 163 162 150 159 155 157 766 161 1514.0
Rogan's Heroes Lineups 163 157 155 133 147 158 744 163 1522.2
Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche Lineups 151 163 139 152 129 146 734 112 1210.2
rowdy old boys Lineups 138 154 152 153 138 154 691 152 1160.0
The Yellow Darts Lineups 142 163 142 159 148 157 771 158 1318.1
Daigos Lineups 120 164 163 163 154 116 776 160 1510.2
The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos Lineups 163 163 159 163 163 162 815 163 1510.1
Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“ Lineups 154 157 64 141 144 121 510 83 598.2
Big Papi memories Lineups 163 111 140 150 127 139 747 150 1400.2

  • Carl Everett's T-Rex
  • Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ
  • jobu
  • Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers
  • Rogan's Heroes
  • Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche
  • rowdy old boys
  • The Yellow Darts
  • Daigos
  • The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos
  • Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“
  • Big Papi memories


  • Carl Everett's T-Rex
  • Carl von Clausewitz πŸŽ–οΈ
  • jobu
  • Miller's.πŸ’€.Thrillers
  • Rogan's Heroes
  • Clubhouse Leader Drake LaRoche
  • rowdy old boys
  • The Yellow Darts
  • Daigos
  • The Pointy Heckin’ Doggos
  • Cary-Grove Fowl Balls πŸ“
  • Big Papi memories
