Great name suggestions! Thanks guys I think Iβm going to wait until after the draft though to finalize it.
So far the 26th at 8:30 EST is still the best for everyone! Two more teams have yet to fill out the poll, so I'll wait a bit to finalize the date. We also need to fill in one more owner, OttoneuTheDaisies had a conflict come up and couldn't devote the time to the league anymore. I am reaching out to people who are interested and should be able to fill the vacancy soon.
League: Groan-Worthy Trash Talk. With a fitting commissioner. At least you're not a Cardinals fan I guess!
Also, let's start thinking of a new league name since we are not all fresh ottoneu faces anymore. I vote for "Keepin' It Realmuto Sucks Verification Group" but I am open to suggestions.
I feel like my brand of lame trash talk is hard to convey in this message box setting. Anyone up for resurrecting that slack channel we had three years ago? Or, other ideas?
Keepin' it Realmuto should change their name to Keepin' it Last Place! oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Thanks for starting off the suggestions with a dumb name Groan! Makes it easier to follow up (KB is gonna have a monster season though - just watch!) I personally like to incorporate players on my team in the name - although New Haven you don't have many right now. How about Votto's Used Autos or Ring the Bellinger. Welcome to the league!
seems like "Kris Bryant 4 Lyfe" would be a good name for your team!
Hey All! Just answered the doodle poll and am looking forward to the draft but I want a better team name. My current name is just the city that I live in (New Haven) and the Moneyball/Bull Durham quote about baseball romantics. I was thinking of Costner's Dreamers (Field of Dreams) or Waino's Wagons (fav player is Wainwright) but if you have any suggestions I would love to hear them!
Okay I think we honed in on a time, but the date is still not great for everyone. I made a quick doodle poll with four options for dates. Could folks please use it to mark when they'd like to draft?
Works for me, thanks
The time works for me. Pretty flexible on the date
Iβm pretty flexible on the date. The timing is more of a priority for me and 830e/530p works on that front
The 26th is tough for me, I'll be on a train that evening. I only have four spots to fill, so I can definitely make it work if that's the date and time.
That time would work for me.
Upper Deck on
February 24, 2021 1:49 PM
Welcome! Alright, we have a full league now! So let's start planning the draft. Does Mar 26 work for most people if we push the time back a bit to accommodate those on the left coast? Say 8:30 EST, 5:30 PST on Mar 26? Opening day is April 1, so this would give us all ample time to watch spring training and evaluate who's come back in the "best shape of their life" and will therefore mash at least 50 dingers / throw 300 Ks
Welcome and good luck! Ottoneu has a lot going on so feel free to reach out if you have questions
Hey Guys my name is Eugene and I just claimed the last team! Seems like I have a lot of work to do and couldn't be happier that this is my first fantasy baseball team. Wish me luck!
Yes I am still trying to fill the last owner, trying to find someone for WRCPlusDRC. After that I will poll people about draft times. This time was arbitrarily chosen as a placeholder.
8-9 EST works better for me as well.
Equipo Latino on
February 22, 2021 11:42 PM
That would be better for me too
Any way we can push the draft back to like 8 or 9 pm EST? I canβt make a 7 draft, but if 7 works for everyone else Iβm ok missing the first hour or so. Thanks
Thanks. Excited to be here. First time in Ottoneu. Long-time fantasy owner.
Ryan Howard on
February 21, 2021 5:27 PM
Welcome to the league, bossie13!! Now we just need one more new owner to take over WRCPlusDRC. If you know anyone interested, that would be great! I'll keep advertising on the message boards
Thanks! Happy to be here. Psyched for some baseball
Also, welcome to the league, MadCap!! Glad to have you!
True that! I hope you like Ottoneu!
Thanks Commish! I am excited to join, this is my first time playing Ottoneu so excited to dive in! Not a Twins fan, Braves here, but Cruz is a hell of a player.
Welcome to the league, KMCCrea! Happy to have you. I like your team name... A Twins fan by any chance?
Yes! Just message me, PlushWins!
Sorry all I am in but need to make some cuts. Groan I can message you to get this done?
Upper Deck on
February 8, 2021 2:24 PM
I still haven't heard from PlushWins or WRCplusDRC. I am going to give them three more days to respond then I will mark their teams as abandoned. Then we will need to find 4 new owners and schedule a draft! So again, if you know of friends or anyone who wants to play Ottoneu, that would be helpful!
Finally, if anyone else wants to cut a player for the next week message me and I'll do so!
Also, two of these teams are abandoned and I put them on the abandoned list. If you know someone who wants to play, encourage them to claim on the teams!
I am still here! I screwed up by trying to organize my email inbox too much and didn't see my ottoneu emails or reminders to cut players. If it is alright with everyone, I will give teams that haven't made their cuts a week to make these cuts penalty free. You just message me who you want to cut and I'll remove them from your team using admin powers. I'll also message those teams. After that, I will be in contact with them to see if they're still interested in playing and go from there.
Looks like we have a few teams that didn't make cuts and have illegal rosters, including the commish. Are you guys still with us?
hello all!! This is a reminder that arbitration has started today! If you have questions about the process I can try to help out.
In the runner-up match, Holey Sox !!! put on a SHOW, nearly outscoring even PUK in the championship game. Better luck next year to everyone! Soon the off-season stuff will start. But until then, enjoy the sweet aroma of victory, PUK. And everyone else, forget your sorrows by watching some real live postseason baseball on TV!
AAAAAAAAAND.. THAT'S IT! PUK THE DODGERS HAVE WON THE PENNANT!! We almost had a repeat champion, but Keepin' It Realmuto fell apart at the end of the season and limped home after entering the postseason undefeated (I have it on good authority the owner of this team is also a Patriots fan and really wanted to emulated Brady).
Well we have already reached the end of this extremely shortened ottoneu regular season. Congrats to the teams who made the playoffs. Here's hoping someone manages to get a win against Keepin' it Realmuto! Good luck in the playoffs!
I have some studs that I can move for talent that I can keep. Willing to include loans
Ryan Howard on
August 30, 2020 6:07 PM
Hey everyone, I know this is sort of last minute but Iβm waving the white flag this year and looking to get better for next season. Let me know if you want to make a trade.
Welcome PTBNL!!! Glad to have you.
Hi everyone! Just claimed Kramerica. I'm new to Ottoneu but I'm loving the format. I'm looking to make some big moves so if you see anyone on my team send me a message!
Ryan Howard on
August 17, 2020 4:29 PM
It has been a week with no action by Kramerica Industries. I am going to attempt one more time to contact them, and in three days I will mark the team as abandoned. If you know of someone who wants to play, let me know as that would be a faster way to find a replacement owner!
I have messaged Kramerica Industries who hasn't set their lineup yet since the start of the season, and wasn't at the draft. Hopefully they come back and can actively take part in our league. I will message them again in a week if I haven't heard from them yet, give them two more days to respond, then I will mark the team as abandoned. If anyone knows them, please contact them! Thanks!
Time to get real peeps; are you in it to win it? Let the bidding begin.
draft starting in 30 minutes!
Correct, 5.5 hole. You can have 2 SP / day with no cap on innings.
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