Commish: Jarren Duran's status has not updated since his call-up and his MLB point totals are not accumulating, Could you investigate this please?
PUK, heads up that your roster is illegal, you need to cut a player to get back under the player cap before you will be able to set your lineup.
I posted a league update on slack, but I'll summarize it here for those of you not on the slack. The results of the poll indicate we will be switching next season to a 10 start/week cap, but we will be staying the H2H format with 1/game week.
It was an oversight on Niv's part, because last year there was no ASG. Next year it'll be fixed but he can't change it this year. see: https://community.ottoneu.com/t/h2h-week-15-july-12-18/9677
I was also surprised by this, I too thought it would be combined with the previous or the following week. Let me ask Niv
Has All Star week always been a stand-alone matchup? Doesnβt seem like the best setup given that most teams only play 3 games. I thought it was normally combined with the following week.
I accidentally cut melancon right now I messaged the commish Iβm sorry
Ryan Howard on
June 25, 2021 7:07 AM
Alright thanks for the input all, I will make a poll that we can take to address these two issues: 1) changing the format from H2H to something else and 2) the inning cap change. I'll leave it up for a while so everyone has a chance to participate.
Ok with 10 cap 5 per day cap. Agree that it would be better to have format of total points vs 1 game per week.
Upper Deck on
June 9, 2021 10:53 AM
I vote to keep it as is. Unlimited cap.
I am good with how it is now (2/day no cap) but am also ok if it changes (5/day 10/week cap); it is just a minor strategic adjustment. The only rule that I find really irritating is the head-to-head, one game a week scoring system. Jeter leads the Greens and is 4 games up on fifth place PUK despite having scored fewer total points. Scoring the way we did it last year removes the randomness of schedule luck; that's all I got.
Thanks for all your feedback so far. Definitely I was leaning toward a larger cap, with 9 or 10 starts a week. I think 10 would be good. So to sum, the change would be to impose a 10 SP starts / week, but with the ability to start 5 a day instead of the 2 SP a day we can do now. Is there anyone who feels strongly opposed to this change? Feel free to DM me if or post here. We can keep the discussion going, but for now it seems to be popular enough to happen.
Iβd be fine with the 10 start cap. I donβt like how the current setup incentivizes you to carry 14+ starters. Seems like the start limit would make your roster look more like real baseball.
Iβm also in a different league that uses a max starts per week format. I enjoy it. I think 9 or 10 starts per week is a good amount. It takes the luck of when your starters pitch essentially out of the equation since you can start up to 5 at once
I'm in another league with the 5 SP a day / 10 max per week rule and really like. It adds another layer of strategy balancing who to start each day while keeping in mind the rest of the week (got screwed a few Sundays where a start I was counting on got rained out and pushed back to Monday so I lose the start).
Iβm not totally opposed to some additional limit on starts, but 7 is too few. Right now weβre limited to 14 starts/week as it is, so thatβs a big cut. I can see an argument for 10 or 11. As someone with a lot of starters itβs not like Iβm ever starting all 14, Iβll have none for two days then five starting the third day. Which is super annoying, so limiting but opening slots could be better. Anyway, tl;dr Iβm not sure what the right answer is.
This rule change would cap the number of pitcher starts a week. Currently we have no cap, so teams have two SP slots open a day. With a cap (of 7, 8, 9, or 10 starts a week) then there up to 5 SP slots open a day, fewer if have under 5 start remaining. This is beneficial if you have more than two of your SPs starting any given day. But also means you need to balance your SP starts better.
Ok we are getting close to the middle of the season, and I am wondering if people have thoughts about changing the scoring format for next season to limit the number of SP starts you have per week. Maybe we can discuss this in the team slack page, or just shoot me a DM with your thoughts.
Cruz and OttoneuTheDaisies, heads up that your lineups are illegal and must be adjusted in order to score points.
To Cruz Control, you are over the spending cap and so your lineup is ineligible. FYI!
Thanks Puk! I was sweating it last night! Small consolation after you smashed me in the finals.
Entertaining last years finals rematch, Fried Bass. Congrats on squeaking out the high scoring win!
Done, thanks for the heads up!
heads up Punny and Astudillo, your lineups are ineligible and you must cut players to get at the player cap
Ok, joined the official Ottoneu slack danalevine at gmail
Hey all, I thought I'd let everyone here know also that there is an Ottoneu slack that is for all teams and manager who play Ottoneu. As I found out thanks to OttoneuTheDaisies, many teams also create their own channel on the slack workspace. So I did the same! If you are already on the Ottoneu slack and want an invite to our channel let me know. If you want to join the Ottoneu slack, you need to post on this page and Niv will send you an invite. https://community.ottoneu.com/t/ottoneu-on-slack/
new slack invite link: https://join.slack.com/t/ottoneuleague1071/shared_invite/zt-oxmcm4vb-uHRaA1O9Jn9hB~D5yMw6yw
Oh sorry let me make a new link, and yeah OttoneuTheDaisies, it is just for this league, sorry for the confusion
Hey the slack link didn't work for me. I get this error: This link is no longer active
To join this workspace, youβll need to ask the person who originally invited you for a new link.
Yeah I have slack. But we should have our own channel specifically for this league and itβs members
Ryan Howard on
April 12, 2021 12:34 PM
yeah, we have many channels set up for chats of different topics, and also one-to-one messaging
Do we have a slack group chat
Ryan Howard on
April 12, 2021 10:11 AM
I've posted some weekly recaps in the slack channel if anyone who hasn't joined the slack yet wants to stop in and say hi: https://join.slack.com/t/newworkspace-jvt9314/shared_invite/zt-ng326on8-wLWsQSDfHCqR2UTlzjR_xA
The auction block has been on fire this first week!
Is there another way to get invited to the slack? I click the link and get a something went wrong message.
Hello! To those of you not on the slack I want to clarify the rules about the auction process for adding free agents. It is a blind auction that lasts 48 hours from when you nominate a player. You cannot see how much others a bidding. At the end of the 48 hours the player goes to the highest bidder. For more discussion on this I encourage people to sign up for the slack who haven't done so: https://join.slack.com/t/newworkspace-jvt9314/shared_invite/zt-ng326on8-wLWsQSDfHCqR2UTlzjR_xA
Okay everyone, I ended the draft! I thought it would automatically end once everyone have marked they were done but it did not. We should now be able to nominate FAs for auction and cut players.
Draft room is open, some of us are hanging out already. See you all there soon!
Our draft is in 24 hours!!! Get hype
One dollar, Bob :)
One week until draft day!!! How much will Trout go for?! 50? 60?
Just under two weeks until draft day! Spring is springing!
I added a channel to discuss rules and scoring changes, and started the discussion around three rules we can change, with myself advocating for one change to be made.
I put together a slack workspace! Let's see how this goes. https://join.slack.com/t/newworkspace-jvt9314/shared_invite/zt-ng326on8-wLWsQSDfHCqR2UTlzjR_xA
Boo this man!
Fine :)
Indeed, sorry Jeter and Keepin' it Real, looks like the 26th at 8:30 PM EST is the best time!
Won't be ideal for me, since I'll be on a train, but will try to do the 26th since that looks like the best date. Only have 4 slots to fill, so hopefully I can make it work!
Welcome to the league, tmish1019!! Thanks for taking over OttoneuTheDaisies. We have a doodle poll running to schedule the draft. Also, if anyone else needs to fill out the doodle, please do so! https://doodle.com/poll/rm33f5carxfmnq9e?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
Also I would love to get a Slack setup that sounds like an awesome idea
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