Hold on, did rosters add-ons to cut them and get some $$ back, will cut them today, gimme a break here, the end of season is Sunday.
Are we all comfortable with Wham Bam’s actions here, blowing past roster limits for the offseason? He’s carrying 62 players. My position is that it’s against the spirit of the rules and those transactions should be reversed.
Here’s a thread saying that it’s technically not illegal but frowned upon and is up to the league to determine if it will be allowed:
Congrats UD!! At least I gave you a battle this time. Good luck to both the deserving finalists. Speaking for all of Equipo Latino let me also say, “Estaremos de vuelta.”
Equipo Latino on
September 17, 2023 6:41 PM
People can you PLEASE refrain from cutting viable players until after the freaking playoffs are over?
Equipo Latino on
September 4, 2023 1:26 PM
People can you PLEASE refrain from cutting viable players until after the freaking playoffs are over?
Equipo Latino on
September 4, 2023 1:26 PM
Seems we have reverted back to two SPs max per day for the playoffs.
Equipo Latino on
September 4, 2023 9:53 AM
Hoo boy is this week gonna be fun!!!
Equipo Latino on
August 28, 2023 12:43 PM
thanks, Bender!
Friendly reminder that the current matchup lasts through next week but we still only get 10 SP starts
I was certain I was going to lose all the way until late yesterday afternoon. Still don’t believe I came back to sneak out the win
Oof, that was a close one, Chanclas!
Upper Deck, how about one Mike Trout for your injured Judge? This new version of Trout is one hamate bone lighter than before! So his swing, in a few weeks, will be that much... faster? That's definitely how it works.
I am lucky enough to have Alvarez and Judge on the IL. I may regret it but I’d be open to dealing Judge for a discount. If you’re interested, let me know.
Upper Deck on
June 30, 2023 4:40 PM
Dude goes -23, -47 and tonight turns into Domingo Koufax 🤷🏻♂️
Congrats to Domingo German! Condolences to Equipo
And there's DeGrom on the waiver. Gotta feel for the guy. He could be an all time great if he could stay healthy
Lol I am just passing on the curse after trading for Hoskins right before his injury. Beware to all of Equipo's future trade partners, the curse is real!
I got "Prellered" by Lowe; he traded me damaged goods - haha!!
amazing name
Official press release: Due to the trading of Daddy Vladdy’s namesake, Daddy Vladdy has rebranded to the Flying Chanclas 🩴. Title dreams and aspirations remain unchanged despite a slow start to the season. No further questions at this time.
Trout is Trout
Trout to the rescue, Groan.
All good! Thanks for looking into it Groan. I’ll circle the next matchup with Astudillo on my calendar for some sweet revenge!
Vladdy, it's part of the Ottoneu rules. Niv quickly replied to my question on the community page and referenced the applicable rules. Here is the post link: https://community.ottoneu.com/t/loss-with-higher-points/12117/4
Here is the rule: "III. e. MLB stat corrections will be applied as necessary and in as timely a fashion as possible. Stat corrections will affect team stat and point totals, but will not change H2H results after the fact"
Will do, Valddy
Just saw that there might have been a stat correction for week 2? I remember watching mine and Astudillo’s matchup end that week since it was tight and he was up by a few points when the week was done. However now it looks like I finished ahead but didn’t get credit for a win. Can you look into this commish?
I thought you almost made up the 100 point gap in one day Equipo! I was sweating!
Damn! So close
Oh man, Vladdy, is this really going to come down to who Showalter gives the ball to?
I was just looking that up too. On the "details" of the matchups page, it has week 1 going to April 9th.
Does anyone know if this first week is 10 days or is a short week? Trying to plan out my pitchers and can't recall. Thanks
Upper Deck on
March 29, 2023 1:55 PM
Let’s pack it up and go home, boys. We’ve reached peak baseball
What an epic WBC finale. MLB needs to look at the success of the WBC and ask two questions. How can they make it better next time, and also what can MLB do to make the regular season and playoffs more like that.
Start without me, I will join when I can. I'm only in on $2-$3 guys anyway.
It is draft day!!! 9:30 PM eastern time!
I’ve been so focused on the shift ban that I haven’t really spent much time at all thinking about the increase in steals. Looks like I have some more studying to do before Sunday!
Based on spring training I think stolen bases will increase by 25 percent, with a lot more steals of third. Right now players still figuring out how to take advantage of limited pickoffs but when they do, could be nuts
Ryan Howard on
March 9, 2023 9:34 AM
Draft day is this Sunday! Upper Deck is skeptical about the surge in SB! I think it could happen. What do others think?? How will it affect your drafting?? We'll see!
3 square inches bigger (15 to 18). While it's going to have a positive impact on SBs, I don't think it's going to be as big of a jump as many people think. If anything, the biggest impact is going to be with 1B's range with crappy throws, which will reduce errors in the long run.
Upper Deck on
March 6, 2023 7:23 PM
Baseball question of the day. How big are the new bases compared to the old bases? You can in square inches, in length of the sides, or in total volume for extra credit I guess.
LOL, my almost 3 yr old is also obsessed with chapstick actually. Though I'm not a chapstick person so it's all my wife's supply that the toddler uses.
The intended answer was: "your name!"
Soto, even after being told the answer, was a confused man.
Groan Strain 🙄 on
February 23, 2023 8:24 PM
Lol, having a toddler that is obsessed with chapstick, that is a valid answer. I think I know the real answer, but I'll wait for the grand reveal
lol that made me laugh, almost as much as Soto's absolute bafflement. The dude was just like "I don't even understand the question. What?"
I'll give folks another day or so to think about it.
Groan Strain 🙄 on
February 23, 2023 8:39 AM
As a padres fan I can not answer since I watched the clip, but I will say that more than 1 player answered “chapstick” which has been on my mind ever since
Riddle of the day that most of the SD Padres had a hard time with:
What belongs to you, but is mainly used by others?
Groan Strain 🙄 on
February 22, 2023 8:40 AM
Thank you to everyone who has done the doodle poll that I said would never happen. It did happen, and most of you have completed it!
The consensus time so far is Sunday March 12th starting at 9:30 PM EST. If this time does not work for anyone message me now!
Groan Strain 🙄 on
February 10, 2023 1:46 PM
Sundays are looking to be better than Saturdays in general, thank you to everyone who's responded so far. If none of these weekend times work we can next turn to looking at times during the week. It might mean a bleary eyed workday after the draft is done, but maybe it'd be easier to schedule.
However, let's hope we can get it done now! Thanks all.
Please try to think flexibly!
Ok. I am sorry to say I think the fairest option will be to make another LIMITED doodle poll to find the best time.
Would early morning on the weekend work better, by chance? I'll add the option to the poll also.
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