3/14 works for me. Does anyone object?
Statcast Away on
February 26, 2021 10:02 AM
I vote for March 14... Selection Sunday!
Sunday's midday are best for me but I'm flexible - March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th at 11am/12pm are good.
Has there been any talk of a draft date yet?
Dirty Danglers on
February 20, 2021 10:07 AM
Reminder that tomorrow is the last day to cut players
Statcast Away on
January 30, 2021 7:24 PM
Hey DangerDan! Glad you're still in. The next thing up is the keeper deadline which is January 31st. Also, I sent you an email. If you don't get it please let me know.
Statcast Away on
January 3, 2021 12:47 PM
Sorry guys! Completely forgot about the arbitration deadline and didn't receive any emails/notifications. I'm still in. Anything I need to do at this point?
We’re also good to run it back next year - but y’all gotta stop piling the arbitration on Bieber lol
Yes - definitely continuing. I emailed the remaining teams so hopefully we'll all get it done.
Statcast Away on
November 14, 2020 6:59 PM
More arb! There's still time! I'm in for next year for sure
Looks like 6 teams need to do arbitration and today is the last day. We’re def continuing with the league next year right?
Guys, I have one too many SS. Looking to move either Turner or Baez and probably looking for a stud SP in return with Verlander out for the foreseeable future. But open to any solid offer.
4 × H2H for us, too!
Ketel Juan on
July 21, 2020 10:11 AM
Sorry haven’t been checking but I am good with whatever everyone decides. Just looking forward to starting up!
This is awesome. Was not actually expecting to have any fantasy baseball this year (and I'm still a little skeptical). When do FA auctions open up?
So it looks like BBH2H (Big and Beefy Head to Head) scheduling wins. Note that you'll set one single lineup for all four matchups.
We also agree with a 4 x H2H setup so that everyone gets to face trout in another MVP season. If he does sit out, we don't want to hear any excuses for why you're still losing.
I also would like to do the 4 x H2H. That way if someone happened to spend most of their $$$ on mike trout and he opts out, then we can all get (nearly) equal number of turns beating up on them. Any other thoughts from the league?
In the "COVID-19 Changes" post, H2H leagues can now have 1, 2, or 4 matchups per week. Given we lost 4 months - fingers crossed the season actually starts - I think it would be great to increase the matchups to 4 (or 2 at the least). It would help smooth out the H2H scheduling randomness a bit from the shortened season without going full points league.
Might be a few minutes late but don’t wait for me
Reminder that draft is tonight, 8PM eastern!
Statcast Away on
March 15, 2020 11:58 AM
I'm going to leave it unless someone objects
Statcast Away on
March 13, 2020 11:10 AM
Good with keeping the date rather than trying to figure out schedules again. At least we'll have full rosters to look at for the next month of no games
Lol, agreed TKPK
Ketel Juan on
March 13, 2020 10:22 AM
Keep the date. We'll need something to do while the world ends.
It's tough to coordinate everyone's schedules again so I'd rather keep the date as is, but I'm open to postponing
Do we want to postpone the draft with the season being pushed back? I don’t really care either way, but figured I’d raise the question. A different league that I’m in pushed it back.
Waco Wackos on
March 12, 2020 7:34 PM
My bad - fixed to match the agreed upon 5pm west coast, 8pm east coast
Statcast Away on
February 24, 2020 3:19 PM
I noticed that most of the comments suggest a 5pm PST/8pm EST start time but the draft was set for 2pm PST/5pm (EST). I can make either, I think, although the way it is set up is a little early for me, but I just want to make sure I am there at the right time.
Dirty Danglers on
February 24, 2020 8:56 AM
Sunday 3/15, 5pm works. I'll set it, but if anyone can't make that time please let me know. Thanks everyone for your input.
Statcast Away on
February 22, 2020 10:36 PM
Hey guys, just reading through comments. Sounds like Sunday 3/15 5pm PST seems like best option. Commish what are your thoughts?
I'm good all Sundays and most non-Wednesdays in March
We're good with weeknights as well. Only days we can't do are 3/2 and 3/14, but we prefer not to do 21/22 weekend either.
I'm pretty available to do it whenever. Would only ask for a late-ish start time. Like 8pm (EST), if possible.
Closer to opening day is preferable on my end as well. All days generally work so long as I have notice. Sundays might be slightly better than the rest. I like that the draft will be shorter this year, but I have like 5 players left after my late January purge so I might be at it for a while....
Waco Wackos on
February 20, 2020 9:06 AM
If we can manage it, closer to opening day would be preferrable for us too. We could manage anytime in March, but one of us does have a conflict from the 17th-22nd. We're good with Sundays or weekdays (would prefer to avoid Fridays and Saturdays).
Ketel Juan on
February 20, 2020 8:32 AM
My personal preference is to have the draft a little closer to opening day - need all those spring training stats so I can figure out who is in the best shape of his life. But this is a democracy. So, post your vote to the thread:
1. Prefer early or late March?
2. Weekday or weekend?
3. Days you are unavailable
From there I will propose a day for the draft. Keep in mind this will be MUCH shorter than last year
Statcast Away on
February 17, 2020 2:48 PM
My only March conflict right now is 3/20. I would definitely be down for drafting on 3/1. Should we move this to the email thread?
Hey guys, looking forward to another season. With busy schedules the sooner we can plan a draft night the better. I am out of town and cant draft 3/6 and 3/7
How about March 1st? Ill be out of town on a business trip and bored out of my mind in my hotel.
Dirty Danglers on
February 11, 2020 9:13 AM
How about tonight? Way more fun than the Oscars....
Hey guys, when do we want to have the auction?
Cool. All paid up and ready to go.
I can see who still owes under commissioner tools. You are unpaid for 2020 still, due by 2/12 (I think based on when you paid last year).
Statcast Away on
January 27, 2020 6:48 PM
Anyone know how to check to see if we owe Ottoneu? I'm not getting any alerts but I definitely haven't paid anything yet for the upcoming season.
Reminder: Don't forget the keeper deadine is 1/31! After that you can't cut anyone or make trades until the season begins. Please also make sure to extend your team for another year by paying ottoneu. I think the deadline is also 1/31. Don't slack on this! I want everyone back, this league was great last year.
Statcast Away on
January 22, 2020 1:34 PM
Looking to trade for some top to mid level starting pitching. Everyone is available and willing to take on some salary.
Everyone on my team is available. Motivated to move at least one of my bigger contracts.
Two helpful things straight from the rules:
"Between the end of arbitration and the keeper deadline, players may be cut or traded. After the keeper deadline and before the auction draft, teams may not cut or trade any players."
"Owners must always be able to field a 40 man roster for $400; therefore following the keeper deadline, a team salary must never exceed $360 + the number of players on the roster. However, there is no salary cap from the end of the MLB season until the keep
Statcast Away on
December 8, 2019 8:30 AM
Welcome to offseason part two everyone! Now you get to cut all those shitty players without any penalty. The deadline for this is January 31st. See my next post for two relevant parts from the rulebook to help guide you.
Statcast Away on
December 8, 2019 8:30 AM
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