2025 Balatro Contest


πŸˆβ€β¬› Kansas City Katz 🐈 19177.7 0 5.76 5.27 7371 2003 379 46 331 741 87 259 50 1523.2 92 53 1570 1291 477 70 168
LFGM ⚾️ 18990.1 0 5.50 5.43 7513 1936 414 33 330 804 99 143 40 1527.2 75 75 1661 1326 425 62 170
The Musial Suspects 17778.3 2.2 5.24 5.16 6943 1785 360 23 317 776 106 127 32 1506.2 99 58 1555 1292 420 53 198
Foulest Tips 17033.1 0 4.86 5.29 6753 1742 357 33 267 655 68 129 45 1513.1 42 76 1550 1296 401 67 165
Kneel before Zod 16382.0 0 4.63 4.98 7291 1780 332 37 274 654 87 209 53 1503.2 91 58 1596 1312 521 58 193
Generous Carriage 15616.9 5.6 4.54 5.03 6853 1654 312 30 272 649 79 138 35 1435.2 79 59 1540 1221 481 84 182
50 Shades of Sonny Gray 15540.6 0 4.76 4.54 7156 1832 343 30 239 706 73 182 47 1427.0 29 108 1357 1414 428 47 185
Pretzel 15012.6 60.5 4.35 5.01 6137 1487 308 32 220 641 67 134 38 1479.1 31 100 1515 1339 469 61 167
Mr. McGibblets 14900.8 0 4.42 5.11 6971 1751 326 24 238 527 81 196 50 1308.0 137 29 1378 1118 457 59 170
WTF 13916.5 0 4.17 4.81 6710 1669 384 33 188 580 61 127 33 1275.2 11 41 1295 1154 392 54 144
Madrigal Mystery Tour 13514.4 0 4.16 4.85 6269 1504 258 25 212 558 85 133 45 1324.0 84 49 1264 1192 388 47 172
Trolodolo 12292.4 15.5 5.26 4.97 5434 1354 279 16 243 689 70 103 18 912.1 55 32 967 809 336 33 109

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Kneel before Zod 0.0 115.0 2,048.0
Trolodolo 15.5 313.2 1,799.1
Mr. McGibblets 0.0 401.6 2,239.8
Pretzel 60.5 507.1 1,898.8
50 Shades of Sonny Gray 0.0 287.7 2,018.6
WTF 0.0 300.8 1,705.2
Foulest Tips 0.0 118.2 1,267.4
Generous Carriage 5.6 316.6 2,156.6
The Musial Suspects 2.2 333.6 2,527.9
πŸˆβ€β¬› Kansas City Katz 🐈 0.0 326.4 2,708.2
Madrigal Mystery Tour 0.0 285.1 1,662.5
LFGM ⚾️ 0.0 255.7 2,219.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Kneel before Zod 162 162 147 159 160 162 810 158 1503.2
Trolodolo 92 59 129 128 117 145 683 120 912.1
Mr. McGibblets 162 161 158 162 162 135 762 157 1308.0
Pretzel 143 148 153 135 134 137 756 141 1479.1
50 Shades of Sonny Gray 162 157 158 160 162 162 781 162 1427.0
WTF 156 162 162 162 162 155 742 162 1275.2
Foulest Tips 162 162 157 162 158 155 740 162 1513.1
Generous Carriage 162 123 159 162 159 160 766 156 1435.2
The Musial Suspects 140 162 162 162 155 162 807 161 1506.2
πŸˆβ€β¬› Kansas City Katz 🐈 162 162 162 162 159 162 804 162 1523.2
Madrigal Mystery Tour 162 141 153 158 146 157 638 152 1324.0
LFGM ⚾️ 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1527.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Kneel before Zod Lineups 162 162 147 159 160 162 811 158 1505.1
Trolodolo Lineups 92 59 129 128 117 145 684 120 913.1
Mr. McGibblets Lineups 162 161 158 162 162 135 763 157 1309.1
Pretzel Lineups 143 148 153 135 134 137 757 141 1481.0
50 Shades of Sonny Gray Lineups 162 157 158 160 162 162 782 162 1428.2
WTF Lineups 156 162 162 162 162 155 743 162 1277.0
Foulest Tips Lineups 162 162 157 162 158 155 741 162 1515.0
Generous Carriage Lineups 162 123 159 162 159 160 767 156 1437.1
The Musial Suspects Lineups 140 162 162 162 155 162 808 161 1508.1
πŸˆβ€β¬› Kansas City Katz 🐈 Lineups 162 162 162 162 159 162 805 162 1525.1
Madrigal Mystery Tour Lineups 162 141 153 158 146 157 639 152 1325.1
LFGM ⚾️ Lineups 162 162 162 162 162 162 811 162 1529.1

  • Kneel before Zod
  • Trolodolo
  • Mr. McGibblets
  • Pretzel
  • 50 Shades of Sonny Gray
  • WTF
  • Foulest Tips
  • Generous Carriage
  • The Musial Suspects
  • πŸˆβ€β¬› Kansas City Katz 🐈
  • Madrigal Mystery Tour
  • LFGM ⚾️


  • Kneel before Zod
  • Trolodolo
  • Mr. McGibblets
  • Pretzel
  • 50 Shades of Sonny Gray
  • WTF
  • Foulest Tips
  • Generous Carriage
  • The Musial Suspects
  • πŸˆβ€β¬› Kansas City Katz 🐈
  • Madrigal Mystery Tour
  • LFGM ⚾️
