Enter 2025 OPL


Pretzel 18950.8 -2.6 5.84 5.03 7305 1911 395 41 404 788 87 148 46 1512.0 80 58 1722 1244 521 62 218
Kneel before Zod 18827.1 61.1 5.71 5.17 7291 1962 396 39 352 759 102 119 49 1505.1 48 71 1688 1317 456 60 186
LFGM ⚾️ 18762.8 26.6 5.70 5.08 7500 1975 410 36 363 793 95 92 42 1510.2 118 28 1660 1306 516 53 197
Madrigal Mystery Tour 17844.1 -1.4 5.70 4.95 6493 1723 369 32 353 739 95 122 29 1507.1 24 77 1624 1326 469 62 189
Foulest Tips 17503.3 23.3 5.73 4.36 6978 1917 394 27 364 708 73 79 28 1518.1 92 67 1526 1542 408 56 244
The Musial Suspects 17234.4 41.5 5.41 4.74 7315 1976 402 39 290 726 86 68 24 1450.1 118 42 1588 1345 445 61 226
WTF 17062.1 69.3 5.50 4.57 7074 1918 394 29 327 641 87 124 51 1474.2 25 97 1454 1337 498 76 195
Hader, I Hardly Knew Her 17030.3 19.6 5.60 4.50 6734 1800 388 38 341 641 110 102 27 1503.2 63 64 1576 1439 516 46 216
Mr. McGibblets 16852.9 0.9 5.07 5.06 7092 1881 370 33 286 686 67 154 53 1394.1 108 46 1488 1247 397 59 191
πŸˆβ€β¬› Kansas City Katz 🐈 15157.6 67.5 5.33 4.75 6095 1568 346 30 281 731 76 71 29 1301.2 97 51 1433 1217 461 57 186
Generous Carriage 14493.8 6.9 4.75 4.51 6532 1676 315 33 271 661 60 54 19 1282.1 21 79 1481 1128 471 59 209
50 Shades of Sonny Gray 13621.5 14.1 5.79 3.98 6134 1646 353 32 295 666 86 120 27 1043.2 28 60 960 1012 354 50 165

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Kneel before Zod 61.1 568.2 2,877.8
Hader, I Hardly Knew Her 19.6 168.0 1,880.6
Mr. McGibblets 0.9 416.4 2,675.4
Pretzel 2.6 325.9 2,936.9
50 Shades of Sonny Gray 14.1 367.1 2,032.7
WTF 69.3 451.0 2,117.6
Foulest Tips 23.3 196.3 1,748.9
Generous Carriage 6.9 317.8 1,913.0
The Musial Suspects 41.5 371.5 2,128.1
πŸˆβ€β¬› Kansas City Katz 🐈 67.5 354.8 1,648.6
Madrigal Mystery Tour 1.4 104.7 1,315.7
LFGM ⚾️ 26.6 505.6 2,992.4

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Kneel before Zod 162 162 162 162 162 154 809 162 1505.1
Hader, I Hardly Knew Her 162 157 149 152 151 148 759 155 1503.2
Mr. McGibblets 162 160 162 162 162 157 810 157 1394.1
Pretzel 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1512.0
50 Shades of Sonny Gray 114 109 160 155 150 145 648 156 1043.2
WTF 162 160 149 160 152 162 769 162 1474.2
Foulest Tips 162 162 155 150 162 159 790 162 1518.1
Generous Carriage 160 156 161 153 153 160 735 155 1282.1
The Musial Suspects 162 156 162 161 162 161 791 162 1450.1
πŸˆβ€β¬› Kansas City Katz 🐈 138 147 97 156 149 147 727 122 1301.2
Madrigal Mystery Tour 139 162 138 152 147 162 765 157 1507.1
LFGM ⚾️ 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1510.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Kneel before Zod Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 155 814 163 1515.0
Hader, I Hardly Knew Her Lineups 163 158 150 153 152 149 764 156 1513.1
Mr. McGibblets Lineups 163 161 163 163 163 158 815 158 1403.1
Pretzel Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1522.0
50 Shades of Sonny Gray Lineups 115 110 161 156 151 146 652 157 1050.1
WTF Lineups 163 161 150 161 153 163 774 163 1484.1
Foulest Tips Lineups 163 163 156 151 163 160 795 163 1528.1
Generous Carriage Lineups 161 157 162 154 154 161 740 156 1290.2
The Musial Suspects Lineups 163 157 163 162 163 162 796 163 1459.2
πŸˆβ€β¬› Kansas City Katz 🐈 Lineups 139 148 98 157 150 148 732 123 1310.0
Madrigal Mystery Tour Lineups 140 163 139 153 148 163 770 158 1517.0
LFGM ⚾️ Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1520.2

  • Kneel before Zod
  • Hader, I Hardly Knew Her
  • Mr. McGibblets
  • Pretzel
  • 50 Shades of Sonny Gray
  • WTF
  • Foulest Tips
  • Generous Carriage
  • The Musial Suspects
  • πŸˆβ€β¬› Kansas City Katz 🐈
  • Madrigal Mystery Tour
  • LFGM ⚾️


  • Kneel before Zod
  • Hader, I Hardly Knew Her
  • Mr. McGibblets
  • Pretzel
  • 50 Shades of Sonny Gray
  • WTF
  • Foulest Tips
  • Generous Carriage
  • The Musial Suspects
  • πŸˆβ€β¬› Kansas City Katz 🐈
  • Madrigal Mystery Tour
  • LFGM ⚾️
