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Member since January 21, 2011

Community Forum Profile

Twitter: @ottoneu


Founder, sole operator. Only decent at playing the actual game.


Active Teams

Note: We have baseball records starting October 18, 2015
Sport League Team Acquired
Baseball original ottoneu Ottoneu Classic (4x4) negative EV October 18, 2015
Baseball FanGraphs Staff H2H FanGraphs Points Hawken Hawks October 16, 2021
Baseball Orioles as an Ottoneu Team FanGraphs Points Team 1 May 26, 2022
Football original ottoneu negative EV June 7, 2016
Basketball original ottoneu negative EV August 23, 2021
Basketball Mendoza Hoops League Why do we Tacko Fall sir? April 14, 2022
Basketball Barkley Is A National Treasure I'm a Slav 4 U September 12, 2024

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