Enter 2025 OPL


BULL🐂DURHAM 20430.8 86.6 6.18 5.72 7280 1934 390 48 387 903 114 179 47 1500.2 125 50 1754 1201 417 66 186
Vegas Baby 17812.4 -0.1 5.57 4.70 7113 1844 399 37 370 761 111 96 36 1500.2 85 41 1722 1351 475 52 243
Mosaic Shot 17750.2 29.5 5.73 4.90 7063 1948 395 35 352 683 63 101 33 1410.2 95 27 1582 1228 515 66 190
Teetotalers 17679.3 10 5.59 4.54 7268 1964 421 18 311 850 82 78 28 1505.1 56 85 1465 1411 476 62 209
Cranjis McBaseball 16832.0 23.1 4.95 4.96 6917 1778 346 30 299 675 60 139 37 1501.0 99 52 1847 1387 522 41 225
Houston Can Bangers 🗑️ 16595.0 131.4 5.25 5.00 6691 1719 359 29 299 684 74 81 30 1461.0 29 78 1672 1287 502 62 185
North Coast Bias 16515.9 27 6.08 4.60 7139 1965 365 42 418 743 88 65 32 1063.2 69 69 1108 1000 358 40 164
Twinkies & Scotch 🥃 16463.9 15.5 5.39 4.56 6563 1765 359 27 314 682 87 90 23 1444.1 83 63 1445 1343 421 59 222
Piskijikers 15810.4 82.6 5.08 4.55 6851 1778 369 42 286 663 100 112 38 1386.1 46 67 1449 1264 490 67 194
Yakult Swallows 14380.6 23.4 5.68 4.89 6166 1703 390 37 301 582 75 68 28 984.1 13 27 1076 826 280 44 136
Babe Ruth's Pants 13997.0 55.5 5.28 3.99 6464 1696 356 35 295 607 83 128 46 1196.1 78 39 1183 1216 394 46 204
Chicago Brown Gloves 13819.6 80.4 5.29 4.68 5639 1463 299 27 255 696 91 84 22 1151.0 57 56 1186 1089 383 45 154

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Houston Can Bangers 🗑️ 131.4 586.4 2,382.5
Twinkies & Scotch 🥃 15.5 442.6 2,537.3
Piskijikers 82.6 431.8 2,366.9
Chicago Brown Gloves 80.4 502.8 2,134.5
North Coast Bias 27.0 312.9 2,529.8
Babe Ruth's Pants 55.5 208.1 1,596.3
Yakult Swallows 23.4 486.3 1,777.1
BULL🐂DURHAM 86.6 529.7 2,748.3
Teetotalers 10.0 314.3 2,371.3
Mosaic Shot 29.5 520.8 2,347.2
Vegas Baby 0.1 156.1 2,195.2
Cranjis McBaseball 23.1 436.6 2,444.8

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Houston Can Bangers 🗑️ 116 162 142 162 153 161 728 147 1461.0
Twinkies & Scotch 🥃 162 149 148 156 153 154 765 146 1444.1
Piskijikers 163 159 152 160 159 157 772 147 1386.1
Chicago Brown Gloves 162 159 137 156 92 127 650 112 1151.0
North Coast Bias 162 157 162 152 158 149 810 162 1063.2
Babe Ruth's Pants 155 132 106 154 148 156 751 145 1196.1
Yakult Swallows 162 97 104 160 148 124 731 159 984.1
BULL🐂DURHAM 162 162 162 155 156 161 805 155 1500.2
Teetotalers 157 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1505.1
Mosaic Shot 162 161 155 152 160 162 784 156 1410.2
Vegas Baby 162 162 162 157 155 162 810 162 1500.2
Cranjis McBaseball 162 152 162 161 162 159 782 156 1501.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Houston Can Bangers 🗑️ Lineups 117 163 143 163 154 162 733 148 1470.2
Twinkies & Scotch 🥃 Lineups 163 150 149 157 154 155 770 147 1453.2
Piskijikers Lineups 164 160 153 161 160 158 777 148 1395.1
Chicago Brown Gloves Lineups 163 160 138 157 93 128 654 113 1158.1
North Coast Bias Lineups 163 158 163 153 159 150 815 163 1070.2
Babe Ruth's Pants Lineups 156 133 107 155 149 157 756 146 1204.0
Yakult Swallows Lineups 163 98 105 161 149 125 736 160 990.2
BULL🐂DURHAM Lineups 163 163 163 156 157 162 810 156 1510.1
Teetotalers Lineups 158 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1515.0
Mosaic Shot Lineups 163 162 156 153 161 163 789 157 1420.0
Vegas Baby Lineups 163 163 163 158 156 163 815 163 1510.1
Cranjis McBaseball Lineups 163 153 163 162 163 160 787 157 1510.2

  • Houston Can Bangers 🗑️
  • Twinkies & Scotch 🥃
  • Piskijikers
  • Chicago Brown Gloves
  • North Coast Bias
  • Babe Ruth's Pants
  • Yakult Swallows
  • Teetotalers
  • Mosaic Shot
  • Vegas Baby
  • Cranjis McBaseball


  • Houston Can Bangers 🗑️
  • Twinkies & Scotch 🥃
  • Piskijikers
  • Chicago Brown Gloves
  • North Coast Bias
  • Babe Ruth's Pants
  • Yakult Swallows
  • Teetotalers
  • Mosaic Shot
  • Vegas Baby
  • Cranjis McBaseball
