Enter 2025 OPL


BULL🐂DURHAM 18150.8 22.3 5.14 5.85 7070 1980 411 53 194 544 116 195 67 1479.1 188 7 1511 1277 395 52 132
Piskijikers 17434.7 73.9 5.32 5.18 7011 1869 391 25 295 797 69 64 28 1407.2 89 109 1322 1321 415 51 148
Chicago Brown Gloves 16847.1 109.1 4.83 5.31 6612 1769 379 39 215 681 47 91 35 1496.2 58 74 1383 1316 435 46 131
Cranjis McBaseball 16775.6 147.8 5.18 5.29 6503 1770 363 26 265 573 67 88 42 1456.2 99 46 1450 1334 376 46 156
Babe Ruth's Pants 16219.7 25.3 4.42 5.43 6730 1701 360 38 217 615 52 132 44 1471.1 85 67 1403 1224 443 61 138
Vegas Baby 15167.5 93.3 4.94 5.14 6606 1718 335 27 255 670 60 104 45 1239.1 101 39 1137 1180 368 38 118
North Coast Bias 14854.2 110.3 4.82 5.56 6097 1677 307 30 189 513 45 132 39 1242.0 135 35 1222 1087 306 38 137
Mosaic Shot 14136.9 100.7 5.19 4.62 6057 1652 321 27 253 625 54 88 35 1164.0 61 52 997 1110 342 50 137
Yakult Swallows 14026.7 98.2 5.32 4.18 6637 1773 353 17 310 650 78 72 40 1075.2 5 19 915 1068 337 37 122
Twinkies & Scotch 🥃 14022.9 41.9 4.26 5.05 6305 1589 284 35 184 565 65 127 50 1323.0 97 69 1166 1293 385 56 123
Houston Can Bangers 🗑️ 13536.9 34.9 4.36 5.38 5485 1419 282 28 190 472 78 88 50 1232.1 106 41 1266 1087 375 37 134
Teetotalers 12234.3 103.9 4.83 5.35 5345 1460 226 49 154 445 60 183 69 1000.2 10 51 958 852 296 29 84

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Houston Can Bangers 🗑️ 34.9 511.8 2,032.1
Twinkies & Scotch 🥃 41.9 419.8 1,923.1
Piskijikers 73.9 548.7 2,628.4
Chicago Brown Gloves 109.1 709.0 2,972.7
North Coast Bias 110.3 364.1 1,954.1
Babe Ruth's Pants 25.3 358.0 2,240.4
Yakult Swallows 98.2 665.3 2,358.6
BULL🐂DURHAM 22.3 591.1 2,659.4
Teetotalers 103.9 564.9 2,501.2
Mosaic Shot 100.7 595.8 1,998.2
Vegas Baby 93.3 502.4 2,168.1
Cranjis McBaseball 147.8 645.3 2,732.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Houston Can Bangers 🗑️ 125 135 90 147 120 159 669 139 1232.1
Twinkies & Scotch 🥃 163 144 152 160 155 135 670 142 1323.0
Piskijikers 163 161 160 161 147 163 788 163 1407.2
Chicago Brown Gloves 162 163 156 157 145 162 733 162 1496.2
North Coast Bias 163 135 154 105 150 115 691 137 1242.0
Babe Ruth's Pants 163 153 159 156 160 145 766 159 1471.1
Yakult Swallows 145 146 156 153 148 161 723 159 1075.2
BULL🐂DURHAM 163 163 150 157 154 148 755 157 1479.1
Teetotalers 109 125 125 144 146 105 577 93 1000.2
Mosaic Shot 150 158 117 127 160 157 674 147 1164.0
Vegas Baby 153 158 147 134 140 160 733 155 1239.1
Cranjis McBaseball 164 148 140 136 149 132 738 144 1456.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Houston Can Bangers 🗑️ Lineups 126 136 91 148 121 160 674 140 1241.0
Twinkies & Scotch 🥃 Lineups 164 145 153 161 156 136 675 143 1332.0
Piskijikers Lineups 164 162 161 162 148 164 794 164 1417.1
Chicago Brown Gloves Lineups 163 164 157 158 146 163 738 163 1507.0
North Coast Bias Lineups 164 136 155 106 151 116 696 138 1250.2
Babe Ruth's Pants Lineups 164 154 160 157 161 146 771 160 1481.2
Yakult Swallows Lineups 146 147 157 154 149 162 728 160 1083.0
BULL🐂DURHAM Lineups 164 164 151 158 155 149 760 158 1489.2
Teetotalers Lineups 110 126 126 145 147 106 581 94 1007.2
Mosaic Shot Lineups 151 159 118 128 161 158 679 148 1172.0
Vegas Baby Lineups 154 159 148 135 141 161 738 156 1248.0
Cranjis McBaseball Lineups 165 149 141 137 150 133 743 145 1466.2

  • Houston Can Bangers 🗑️
  • Twinkies & Scotch 🥃
  • Piskijikers
  • Chicago Brown Gloves
  • North Coast Bias
  • Babe Ruth's Pants
  • Yakult Swallows
  • Teetotalers
  • Mosaic Shot
  • Vegas Baby
  • Cranjis McBaseball


  • Houston Can Bangers 🗑️
  • Twinkies & Scotch 🥃
  • Piskijikers
  • Chicago Brown Gloves
  • North Coast Bias
  • Babe Ruth's Pants
  • Yakult Swallows
  • Teetotalers
  • Mosaic Shot
  • Vegas Baby
  • Cranjis McBaseball
