I contacted the outstanding 4 teams to complete the survey or let me know they are not returning. Cell Block C has decided not to return so his team has been made available. Its the only H2H so should be fairly quickly to fill.
i vote NOT to change the name. it was the name of the league in gamedayritual and it should stay.
Swamp Donkeys on
December 5, 2018 1:12 PM
I have been away dealing with some family stuff but there absolutely needs to be a cap. I would have preferred the IP cap that the other formats, but a GS cap is better than no cap.
Otto Who? on
December 3, 2018 1:09 PM
Well, I appreciate the conviction of the commish, but is there any way that the rest of the league can have a say in our name? Also, if people don't vote within a week, I think we should go ahead. And, if the vote is close between no GS cap and a GS cap, I think it should be different than if it's close between two different GS caps. Basically for me it's first, do we have a cap, and then if so, what is it. And, I'd push toward a higher cap if we had one, IMO.
I've also thrown out the date of Jan 15th for renewal deadline, please let me know your thoughts guys.
The league will not be re-named. But, I've just sent out a league email trying to get a few more votes in on the changes to arbitration and the starting pitcher weekly limit.
Can we also vote on re-naming the league?
Slot 5 & cap the starts @ 7 which averages out to 1 a day each week. My vote. Thank you.
MLBRaleigh on
November 30, 2018 5:24 PM
Smell My Finger, the cap would be whatever we vote to set it to. Options are 7-10.
We can select the number for a weekly cap on starts. In my opinion that is the biggest decision we need to make for the league as it has a pretty big impact on strategy. Admittedly, I don't have a strong opinion either way. I'd suggest we set a deadline for people to reply, and then the majority of responses ends up as the answer.
Also, I might be willing to trade Baez for the right SP.
MLBRaleigh on
November 29, 2018 7:24 PM
What would the cap # be?
MLBRaleigh on
November 29, 2018 7:23 PM
If you select no cap on starts, there will only be 2 SP slots. The only way to get 5 slots is to select a cap on stars.
Arb the same. Just need more activity from the owners. No cap on starts but can we get it where we can have 5 starters in the lineup instead of just the 2. It makes it a bit rough. Baseball season is very long and to need to make moves every single day can be taxing and makes some lose interest. If that is the way it must be then so be it.
MLBRaleigh on
November 29, 2018 5:30 PM
Proletariat Stars's trade block has been updated!
Yes, you will have to cut and paste the link for it to work. So far only 2 responses. I will email the link out as well.
I copied the link in his message and put it in a new browser window and it worked. Basically 2 question: do you want to do arbitration the same way next year or the other format, and do you want to have a weekly cap on games started.
How'd you answer the survey? The link does not work?
MLBRaleigh on
November 29, 2018 12:50 AM
I answered the survey. I think that they set up the renewal deadline to be before the keeper deadline but you could check. This would allow us to get new owners and allow them to make trades to shape their roster before the keeper deadline.
I also propose a renewal deadline of January 15th.
Ok guys, here's the link to the short survey, only two questions. We won't worry about draft date until after the keeper deadline. If you have any problems just post here. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfTrI-Zrv7MOf9cMq1pi3ECCz0BlNVqDsFBjQA66Rm_4M2rYg/viewform
Brass Monkeys's trade block has been updated!
Happy Thanksgiving. Would be good to get voting soon so we can make some off-season decisions as approaches to rosters and trades will depend on the outcome. I’d also propose that if a majority of owners who participated in Arb votes one way, then its approved.
Death to Shoopy's trade block has been updated!
Anaconda Cut on
November 22, 2018 12:50 AM
Death to Shoopy's trade block has been updated!
Anaconda Cut on
November 19, 2018 2:02 PM
Yep, There are a few things that I will put to a vote, please watch for a survey the be posted soon.
That is a good idea. I’d also like a vote.
Are we going to have a vote on the new Starting Pitcher GS cap for H2H before we get too deep into the off-season since it might affect the decisions made on players and how people build their teams?
Otto Who? on
November 16, 2018 5:22 PM
Death to Shoopy's trade block has been updated!
Anaconda Cut on
November 16, 2018 1:44 AM
Brass Monkeys's trade block has been updated!
Yaong Star's trade block has been updated!
STL Wise Guys on
November 15, 2018 9:21 PM
Brass Monkeys's trade block has been updated!
My understanding is that there will be a deadline for teams to renew and pay for next year. I think it’s supposed to be before the keeper deadline e. So we will know for sure at that point who we need to replace.
I didn't bother, it doesn't hurt anyone if a team doesn't do their arbitration. Once renewal opens we can talk about a deadline and then replace any managers who aren't signed up by then.
Only a couple weeks remaining in the arb. Has anyone talked to or tried to reach out to the MIA's?
MLBRaleigh on
October 31, 2018 2:37 PM
Thanks Bryan. My arb is done but I am certain I will move a few dollars around later.
MLBRaleigh on
October 16, 2018 9:52 PM
Arbitration is open. Click on your team, and then its a tab under there. You need to allocate a minimum of $1 to each team and a max of $3 per team.
Welcome to the league, most of us are new to ottoneu this year so we are all looking forward to our first arbitration.
Welcome to the league!
Hi Guys, I will be ready for arbitration.
STL Wise Guys on
October 10, 2018 3:49 AM
Death to Shoopy's trade block has been updated!
Anaconda Cut on
October 6, 2018 4:33 PM
Death to Shoopy's trade block has been updated!
Anaconda Cut on
October 5, 2018 3:55 AM
Good first year everyone. Congrats to you Brass Monkey. We were neck and neck all year. Hope it's the start of a long rivalry. Maybe I'll get you in football. Have a good off season everyone.
Anaconda Cut on
October 3, 2018 4:54 PM
Missing that first night of free agency really killed my team for this past season but I got a great deal of youth with potential. I need that potential to materialize in 2019 though.
MLBRaleigh on
October 2, 2018 10:13 PM
If the commish is still around maybe he can reach out to folks maybe post 2 openings?
MLBRaleigh on
October 2, 2018 10:11 PM
Yes, the off season should be interesting. I have never gone through an off season here before either but can't wait to get started.
MLBRaleigh on
October 2, 2018 10:10 PM
Good first season. Championship went down to the wire. I felt fortunate to win. Nice work Shoopy - I think you’re much better set up for the future.
I’ve never been in an Ottoneu offseason, so this will be interesting. Also, we have two teams that haven’t been active for months. What happens with them?
Brass Monkeys's trade block has been updated!
Good first season everyone. With this league there is stuff like arbitration starting in a couple weeks for a month and then choosing extensions before end of January. Have a good offseason everyone.
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