Seems like those on west coast can bid anytime after they get up. I don’t remember ever having to wait until the afternoon
We have never had this issue before have we?
12PM pacific time is pretty weird. Am I the only one on the East Coast?
Has everything been deleted?
Im really confused it shows Kargo, Bluegrass, and yuencg were all bidding this morning on Ohtani before 6:45am pacific
So we are supposed to guess when you are going to start. It was available and not paused. I understand we are all trying to do our best
When were we told it would start up again? I didn’t start anything early this morning. Seems to me it should start at 8 AM. There sre people who go to work!!!
The auction was supposed to be paused until I restarted it. I guess CM auto-restarts it the next day even if I manually paused it yesterday. Several auctions ended that I (and I'm assuming others who are PST) would have bid on.
On couch managers it said it would continue at 8 eastern. Many have been bidding.
We have a problem now because the auction didn't stay paused this morning or something. I don't know why clocks started again this morning an auctions finished.
It looks like IRB has been able to make bids. I will restart the auction at 12pm PST today.
I paused it.
Good plan.
I will pause the draft in a bit if Indian isn't partaking.
Indian, I don’t even see that kargo is logged on. You need to try and figure this out. There are like 7 auctions that will end today and a bunch more ending first thing in the morning.
When you are logged on at the bottom click on Auction to see all of the auctions going on. Click on players to select a player to put up for bid.
Go to this link, make sure you're signed in, and everything should be there: https://www.couchmanagers.com/auctions/index.php?auction_id=832
I’m in pretty bad shape. Can someone help me how to get in to bid on players. I’ve been sick today. I think my brain has died!
Found the pause setting. I'm currently set all timers to pause overnight from 1am EST - 8am EST. With 4 hour re-ups, I think that gives managers from all time zones the ability to check either before bed or when waking up to ensure no outbids. But let me know if any of you have concerns on that.
Hi everyone - the auction has been set up with the following settings: 8 hour initial clocks, 4 hour extensions for outbids, 2 nominations per team at a time. Please continue to nominate players as long as you are active in the auction. I don't see the setting to pause overnight at the moment, so maybe after we start I'll see it. Any other couch manager pros experience that? For now, I think we can go ahead and get started! Remember to check Ottoneu eligibility before trusting CM eligibility.
Super Crazy on
March 7, 2024 3:35 PM
Thanks a lot!
You’re listed now! I will create the draft in the next few hours and we can start.
I just need a little break from this right now. Thanks everyone for your help. I’ll be in touch. Just give me a little bit.
Kargo is listed on Couch Manager
Sent you a direct message IRB. Let me know how I can help.
I’m on couch manager. Has my email address. Email advancements? Button bar. Is that not enough? I’m having a lot of trouble. Take me off if you have to. I don’t care about the $50.
When you go to the link, click "log in" in the top right corner (if on computer browser). If on phone browser, click the menu button in the top right. From there click "log in". On either computer or phone, you should see a link that says "forgot your password?" Follow that and you can reset.
My password may not be staying there. Can I change it?
Hoping to! I'm trying to help our last manager join and then I'll import the rosters and we can get going.
Are we starting draft tonight? What time? Or when?
Thank you
@Indian Rocks -- go to the link in this message, sign in in the top right, and then click one of the red join buttons on the left (might have to go to the link again after signing in) https://www.couchmanagers.com/auctions/index.php?auction_id=832
I’m in
Indian Rocks. How do I get listed? Sorry.
Still waiting on PBOP, Gar-Ber, Rocks Beach, Blue Grass, and Super Crazy to join the auction on CM. https://www.couchmanagers.com/auctions/index.php?auction_id=832
Alright I'll plan to pull down rosters on Thursday and import to CM and we can start shortly there after. Please join the auction here in any slot: https://www.couchmanagers.com/auctions/index.php?auction_id=832
Piggybacking on Lake City:
I really hope one of you will play in our league. Fun opportunity to rebuild a team in a competitive league. You likely won’t compete this year, but you will have something like 5 or 6 of the first 15-20 picks in the draft with several of the young prospects available (Ex: Yamamoto, Langford). Only 24-man rosters, so player pool isn’t as depleted as this league.
Quick rebuilds are possible. I finished 10th in 2017 and then won the title in 201
(No money in that league, just for fun)
Hey all - Gar-Ber, Capitol, and I are in a 14-team keeper league on ESPN that's entering year 20ish. We have a team available this year that we're trying to fill. Would love to get someone from this group if you're up for it. H2H 6x6 (OBP instead of AVG, TB; HLDs). 15 "years" (accumulated keeper time) + 2 franchise players per year. Teams typically keep 6-7 players so not full dynasty and relatively easy to rebuild. Let me know if you're interested and I can send more information.
Sounds good to me.
Sounds reasonable. Given it looks like the auction took 8 days last year, should we push the start date to March 10th? By that point, we'll be solidly into week-3 of spring games and there will be more injury info available, especially those ambiguous shoulder and elbow pain reports on pitchers that come out right at the beginning of camp.
Or capitol
AZ Batflips on
February 25, 2024 11:47 AM
I vote we start with 2 like last year as it goes pretty quickly anyways. Also do not start any auctions on the ottoneu site until the auction is 100% completed and the rosters have been imported. Or just wait till lake city gives the ok.
AZ Batflips on
February 25, 2024 11:47 AM
Looking at old messages on our site it looks like we did the auction from 3/12 to 3/20. We started with 1 or 2 nomination each(can not quite tell) and then moved to 3 then 4 as the player pool became more shallow. The reasons given was because you are unable to bid on players if you salary is tied up with another nomination that you still could lose out on. To me it feels like the player pool is relatively shallow compared to previous years with top end talent.
AZ Batflips on
February 25, 2024 11:44 AM
It usually takes about 10 days to complete (we could check this), so I’d vote pushing the start date out a bit farther. Maybe March 6-8 range. I think the more time we give it, the less chance someone gets hosed by a season ending spring training injury to a guy they just drafted.
Can’t avoid all those, I know, but at least eliminate as much risk as we can.
We changed it a year or two ago where each team always has 3 noms, so we'll certainly start that way again this year. I'll try to set everything up this weekend or early next week so we can start 3/1 and be done before Korea series, so get any last minute trades in!
I think it would be more fun to have 3 or 4 nominations for each team to start.
OnBaseBunters on
February 23, 2024 12:15 PM
I vote for finishing before the Korea series.
I'm ok with slow
Super Crazy on
February 22, 2024 8:19 PM
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