Muncy Central's trade block has been updated!
Dodger Dawgs's trade block has been updated!
Dodger Dawgs on
August 27, 2018 9:08 PM
Insert team name here's trade block has been updated!
Does anyone have interest in Cervelli. A catcher averging over 5 a start. Could help either a contender or at only $1 a keeper for next year
Stanton Ovation's trade block has been updated!
Childish Bambino's trade block has been updated!
Dodger Dawgs's trade block has been updated!
Dodger Dawgs on
August 25, 2018 10:39 AM
Dodger Dawgs's trade block has been updated!
Dodger Dawgs on
August 24, 2018 9:59 AM
Muncy Central's trade block has been updated!
Insert team name here's trade block has been updated!
I bet one of you contenders could've used those 62 points from Price today. Just sayin. He and others remain readily available.
Muncy Central's trade block has been updated!
Trader Jose's trade block has been updated!
Insert team name here's trade block has been updated!
Childish Bambino's trade block has been updated!
The Pungent Odor is back's trade block has been updated!
Bull Durhams on
August 21, 2018 12:39 PM
Muncy Central's trade block has been updated!
Hey guys - thanks for the messages & what not, sorry for the delayed responses. Where I work I don't have access to my cell phone or personal email, so please be patient until my day is done!
Dodger Dawgs on
August 20, 2018 11:41 PM
Childish Bambino's trade block has been updated!
Okay. So the Astros announced that Altuve will possibly come off the DL on Tuesday. If you are interested please send trade offers.
Glad to join the league. Everyone is for sale. I need prospects and young/cheap talent
Bull Durhams on
August 19, 2018 11:11 PM
Got a pending offer for Syndergaard I’m considering. If you want him, speak up soon
Dodger Dawgs's trade block has been updated!
Dodger Dawgs on
August 19, 2018 5:57 PM
#CAMNATION's trade block has been updated!
Hey what's up everyone. I just took over Camnation and am taking a bulldozer to it. If I have anything you're hot after, lemme know.
Stanton Ovation's trade block has been updated!
Insert team name here's trade block has been updated!
Insert team name here's trade block has been updated!
Insert team name here's trade block has been updated!
Update on that last post, we're officially replacing 3 teams, #CAMNATION, Too Old to Mesoroc 'n' Roll, and Gumby Nation. I've reached out to a few people, but if you know someone who might be interested in joining have them send me an e-mail at jimmy.dunn@gmail.com
We have four teams that are mostly inactive, I have reached out to all four owners and have heard back from three of them that they are fine with being replaced. I am planning on trying to find new owners in the next week or so to take over for them prior to the deadline.
I'm not sure who all is still active in this league, but are we going to have enough to even continue next year, will re have replacements, I'm just deciding if I should put effort into making trades before the deadline because I think I'm officially on the selling side of the trade deadline
Muncy Central's trade block has been updated!
I had him ranked as the best teenage FA in our league. I got Soto fever and got carried away. But I also didn’t put him up for auction cause I was hoping to see him do well in AA first before making that competitive of a bid.
Holy crap, I was thinking about bidding $2 or so on Adell, but that would've been bidding nothing compared to you guys. In the words of the famous commercial, Dude, You're Getting Adell.
@CB Man - it really isn't sour grapes but when you bid on a player that is in A-ball, do you consider that it is likely three years before they even sniff the majors and thus will go from $6 to $10-$12 by the time they get a September call-up?
Set the Tone on
July 26, 2018 1:40 PM
traindogs's trade block has been updated!
Set the Tone on
July 24, 2018 1:17 PM
51%, Evenly Distributed's trade block has been updated!
In case anyone is confused by what happened with players getting dropped and added from The Bour War's team earlier today, there was an odd technical glitch with Ottoneu that I was able to manually fix. Details are here: https://community.ottoneu.com/t/issue-with-multiple-players-in-same-position/3880 If you encounter any technical issues with ottoneu, please do not hesitate to get ahold of me. If you don't have my cell phone number, feel free to message me on here and I will send you my phone #
Due to Brandon Morrow's back injury, I nominate that "Insert Team Name Here" be changed to "Take Off Your Pants and Jacket" https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/cubs-closer-brandon-morrow-says-back-injury-result-taking-off-pants-224330394.html
51%, Evenly Distributed's trade block has been updated!
a Bird in the Hand's trade block has been updated!
51%, Evenly Distributed's trade block has been updated!
Fettuccine Alfaro's trade block has been updated!
The Juggernaut's trade block has been updated!
The Juggernaut's trade block has been updated!
Rich Hill and Manuel Margot officially on the block as buy low candidates...
Free Stroh's, Man (w/$11 purchase)'s trade block has been updated!
Free Stroh's, Man (w/$11 purchase)'s trade block has been updated!
Free Stroh's, Man's trade block has been updated!
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