It looks like we'll need a new manager for Baken's Dozen Plus 29. If you have anyone in mind, please let us know. The new manager will be permitted a round of penalty-free cuts should the Feb 15 keeper deadline pass.
Sad Bat True on
February 14, 2022 1:43 PM
I had recruited this new owner, but he has yet to renew. I reached out to him a few days ago, and he said he would do it that day, but didn't. I will reach out again.
Lisan al Bibee on
February 10, 2022 12:51 PM
Are we down another team?
Scheduled for March 1 @ 8pm. Thanks all. My lockout guess fwiw is that they will play, but prob start a month or so late. Not that I really know anything.
Lisan al Bibee on
February 8, 2022 10:06 AM
March 1st works for me
We could also do the last weekend in march because i doubt they start on time. I do believe we are playing though. Cant lose that much money after losing out due to covid
That works for me.
How about Tuesday, March 1 at 8pm Eastern?
Sad Bat True on
February 7, 2022 12:28 PM
Generally any evening during the week is good for me.
Sad Bat True on
February 7, 2022 9:32 AM
I highly doubt they'll start the season on time.
I can only do sun, monday, tues. I work overnights now wed-sat. 6pm-430am
It sounds like March 3 in the evening might work? Or we could do March 2?
I will join the march vacation. My kids are on spring break and we are vacationing the 21st-26th. Would earlier be better. Maybe Thursday March 3rd?
Most nights are fine for me, just not 4th through 12th since I’m outta town
Pandaman on
February 7, 2022 12:48 AM
Week before 13th would be better.
11th-19th in march im on vacation. Im avail most after 1 pm on sun, mon, tues.
monday nights are hard for me, every other night is generally ok
Yes, maybe a weeknight makes sense. Is there a good night of the week for people?
That weekend works for me. I can also do during the week. If weekends are tough for people, we can maybe aim for like 8:30pm Eastern sometime during the week of March 14 or 21.
Sad Bat True on
February 6, 2022 2:05 PM
I'm on vacation that weekend. Leaving 3/4 at night and coming back 3/12 at night. If everyone else can do that weekend then I will try to find a sub for the draft.
Pandaman on
February 6, 2022 1:57 PM
I work every other weekend
Is the weekend of March 5-6 better for folks?
I'm working that whole weekend
So maybe let’s say 12:30 ET?
I need a little later start on the 13th, I have to work that morning until noon eastern (or so)
I need a little later start on the 13th, I have to work that morning until noon eastern (or so)
I need a little later start on the 13th, I have to work that morning until noon eastern (or so)
So how about we plan to start fairy early on the 13th (maybe 11am ET?) so we give ourselves enough time to knock it out in one sitting.
Sorry to be the difficult one. I'm flying back on 3/12 from a vacation and won't be back until near midnight pacific time so wouldn't be able to join on 3/12. 3/13 would be good though.
Pandaman on
February 6, 2022 11:58 AM
Good for me
Greenlights on
February 6, 2022 11:52 AM
works for me
Good for me!
Sad Bat True on
February 6, 2022 10:40 AM
Hi everyone. I am looking to schedule the auction draft. Would the **weekend of March 12-13** work for everyone? I think it'd likely be easiest to start in the late morning/early afternoon of the 12th. We can then finish up the auction if need be on the 13th (I don't think this is super likely to be needed). Do these dates work for everyone?
Lisan al Bibee on
February 6, 2022 10:22 AM
Sad Bat True on
February 3, 2022 4:10 PM
Hey everyone, I'm Jeremy and I'm the new guy. I cleared out all the old trade requests so everyone could start fresh with me. Give me a day or so to get up to speed and we can make a trade or two. I will update the block
I'm renewed and ready.
Hey everyone, I'm Jeremy and I'm the new guy. I cleared out all the old trade requests so everyone could start fresh with me. Give me a day or so to get up to speed and we can make a trade or two. I will update the block
I'm renewed and ready.
Hey all, thanks to Mendoza, we have a new owner for Rockfish. Everyone please welcome Jeremy!
We now have just one owner who hasn't renewed, and he assured me he will take care of it today, so we should be all set for the new season. Thanks everyone!
I can post any available teams in the Ottoneu slack as well. Just let me know...
Greenlights on
February 3, 2022 11:16 AM
Hey guys. Just wanted to give some updates on the state of the league. I am actively looking for a new owner for Rockfish. I have some feelers out, so hopefully we will have someone in the next few days. We had a few teams that failed to renew on time. Marlins is going to do it today. I have reached out to the others and will keep you posted. The goods news is there are lots of folks looking for teams on the message boards, so we can find people if need be.
Lisan al Bibee on
February 3, 2022 10:44 AM
Another reminder to renew your team by today if you haven't done so already!
Sad Bat True on
January 31, 2022 9:24 AM
Reminder for everyone to renew their team by January 31!
Sad Bat True on
January 23, 2022 12:43 PM
Yes! Important: Note that the keeper deadline is now **February 15** instead of January 31 (see: https://community.ottoneu.com/t/keeper-deadline-adjust-if-lockout-occurs/10611/4?u=nivshah).
Lisan al Bibee on
January 17, 2022 10:26 PM
Is the cut deadline pushed back due to lockout?
Prefer to wait on CBA progress
Id like to wait
If anyone knows someone who would want to take over for Rockfish (and it is a hell of a team!), please let me know.
Unrelated, but we need to start thinking about scheduling the draft. With the lockout, is there a preference for waiting as long as possible so we have a better sense of where folks will be playing and for how long?
Sorry guys, it's been fun playing with y'all. Work just got crazy for me, not going to have time for daily lineups so I have to move on. Thanks for all the fun and wishing you all the best. Cheers!
Re: the lockout, see this note from Niv: https://community.ottoneu.com/t/keeper-deadline-adjust-if-lockout-occurs/10611/3?u=nz314
Keeper deadline is Jan 31
Sad Bat True on
December 28, 2021 10:24 AM
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