Paydala FAQ


So Hard Done By 18343.3 9.3 5.58 5.23 7419 1979 394 34 311 772 75 147 45 1476.1 48 89 1587 1262 419 60 183
Elvis Andrus Impersonators 17854.8 32.6 5.36 5.10 7034 1766 374 34 336 790 100 171 38 1504.2 58 72 1620 1257 498 68 188
LIMA.OPRL 16761.8 0 4.79 5.09 7142 1764 350 23 288 708 92 112 27 1501.1 97 59 1572 1324 506 47 182
Eggs and Milk All Night 16333.3 7.2 4.51 5.06 7298 1810 349 33 244 638 95 163 42 1504.2 46 112 1473 1332 440 79 173
Party at Napoli's 16064.9 0 5.51 5.17 6329 1733 335 27 241 665 100 129 34 1326.2 20 100 1344 1166 399 63 141
DaftKings 15923.6 51.4 4.71 5.06 7336 1832 352 35 263 676 103 163 40 1337.2 119 49 1319 1139 418 54 177
Former Top Prospect - FTP 15886.9 0 4.68 5.02 6512 1632 313 39 252 599 70 206 59 1500.0 72 46 1547 1259 454 67 193
🍁Votto's Revenge Tour 15459.7 -5.2 4.80 5.32 6818 1715 343 35 251 622 76 228 46 1262.1 112 39 1299 1108 414 46 136
The Law 15283.8 3.2 4.66 5.05 6549 1608 312 28 251 618 78 201 35 1392.2 54 48 1444 1197 490 49 154
Goose Rocks Lobster 🦞 13961.8 12.2 4.90 4.87 6363 1643 311 29 263 576 59 136 47 1139.2 60 19 1235 1014 364 47 151
Rickey Time 13473.6 16.5 4.22 5.42 5854 1391 272 15 208 661 91 84 18 1170.0 57 74 1216 1038 326 46 123
Schrute farms 8874.7 21.1 3.84 4.50 5287 1271 216 24 187 451 72 85 26 636.1 48 40 607 630 241 17 85

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
DaftKings 51.4 605.9 2,210.8
So Hard Done By 9.3 503.1 2,571.8
Elvis Andrus Impersonators 32.6 531.6 3,028.7
Goose Rocks Lobster 🦞 12.2 320.9 1,926.3
Rickey Time 16.5 348.9 1,869.8
Schrute farms 21.1 314.9 1,368.0
🍁Votto's Revenge Tour 5.2 380.1 2,578.0
Former Top Prospect - FTP 0.0 158.8 1,806.7
Eggs and Milk All Night 7.2 256.0 2,768.9
LIMA.OPRL 0.0 210.9 1,436.7
Party at Napoli's 0.0 422.2 2,188.0
The Law 3.2 342.8 2,237.8

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
DaftKings 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1337.2
So Hard Done By 162 162 158 162 155 162 780 162 1476.1
Elvis Andrus Impersonators 162 158 158 162 151 154 794 161 1504.2
Goose Rocks Lobster 🦞 79 146 151 162 158 128 730 162 1139.2
Rickey Time 117 154 155 149 141 152 686 134 1170.0
Schrute farms 162 92 135 156 148 153 566 152 636.1
🍁Votto's Revenge Tour 162 151 151 151 150 161 757 138 1262.1
Former Top Prospect - FTP 148 157 127 160 141 145 759 148 1500.0
Eggs and Milk All Night 160 162 162 162 162 162 804 161 1504.2
LIMA.OPRL 162 161 162 162 162 159 777 162 1501.1
Party at Napoli's 113 147 149 159 151 160 633 160 1326.2
The Law 114 162 162 161 149 113 772 139 1392.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
DaftKings Lineups 162 162 162 162 162 162 811 162 1339.0
So Hard Done By Lineups 162 162 158 162 155 162 781 162 1478.0
Elvis Andrus Impersonators Lineups 162 158 158 162 151 154 795 161 1506.1
Goose Rocks Lobster 🦞 Lineups 79 146 151 162 158 128 731 162 1141.0
Rickey Time Lineups 117 154 155 149 141 152 687 134 1171.1
Schrute farms Lineups 162 92 135 156 148 153 567 152 637.0
🍁Votto's Revenge Tour Lineups 162 151 151 151 150 161 758 138 1263.2
Former Top Prospect - FTP Lineups 148 157 127 160 141 145 760 148 1501.2
Eggs and Milk All Night Lineups 160 162 162 162 162 162 805 161 1506.1
LIMA.OPRL Lineups 162 161 162 162 162 159 778 162 1503.0
Party at Napoli's Lineups 113 147 149 159 151 160 634 160 1328.0
The Law Lineups 114 162 162 161 149 113 773 139 1394.1

  • DaftKings
  • So Hard Done By
  • Elvis Andrus Impersonators
  • Goose Rocks Lobster 🦞
  • Rickey Time
  • Schrute farms
  • 🍁Votto's Revenge Tour
  • Former Top Prospect - FTP
  • Eggs and Milk All Night
  • Party at Napoli's
  • The Law


  • DaftKings
  • So Hard Done By
  • Elvis Andrus Impersonators
  • Goose Rocks Lobster 🦞
  • Rickey Time
  • Schrute farms
  • 🍁Votto's Revenge Tour
  • Former Top Prospect - FTP
  • Eggs and Milk All Night
  • Party at Napoli's
  • The Law
