Enter 2025 OPL


Old Hoss Radbourn 18766.4 53.4 5.69 5.12 7269 1916 374 28 349 857 88 154 35 1515.0 98 33 1699 1275 445 74 212
Ballad of Sandfrog 18553.2 20.2 5.38 5.36 7196 1833 366 32 345 823 80 81 25 1530.2 35 107 1751 1195 542 77 184
Lou Brown’s Tire World 18046.6 104.7 5.47 4.93 7005 1883 427 26 316 790 78 103 30 1507.2 121 42 1610 1346 505 68 203
Number Fourteen With a Banks 17506.9 29.7 5.37 4.85 7222 1889 374 20 333 710 116 87 33 1500.2 84 47 1536 1398 495 56 181
The Notorious Gregorius 17246.2 39.4 5.13 4.86 7073 1800 358 33 324 763 93 64 20 1510.0 33 68 1738 1283 496 54 225
Pandaman 17208.2 105.7 5.00 5.12 7226 1844 361 32 287 724 86 131 40 1486.1 121 35 1551 1260 440 71 197
Skullflowers 💀💐 17078.9 93.2 5.33 4.81 6919 1764 386 22 300 881 115 71 27 1455.1 56 66 1489 1289 471 65 189
MauerPauer 16821.9 28.4 5.25 4.85 6742 1810 355 34 281 728 78 110 34 1448.1 27 73 1488 1281 476 43 179
Coke Hamels 16438.5 39.2 4.41 5.49 6624 1636 327 23 226 687 86 103 36 1510.0 60 64 1614 1241 448 70 154
Prison Mike 16340.3 76.9 5.20 5.18 7224 1914 391 24 300 638 109 127 23 1223.1 131 43 1334 1043 452 50 162
Spanky's Crew 15056.9 31.4 4.89 4.32 6426 1634 304 33 258 664 75 125 37 1501.2 19 56 1449 1428 488 85 196
Olneyville Harps II 13423.3 62.3 4.42 4.53 6309 1573 302 20 266 499 113 73 29 1223.2 21 63 1319 1158 430 60 165

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Old Hoss Radbourn 53.4 414.0 2,706.7
Coke Hamels 39.2 359.7 1,916.1
Skullflowers 💀💐 93.2 594.3 2,876.5
Number Fourteen With a Banks 29.7 524.0 3,132.8
Olneyville Harps II 62.3 538.3 2,128.7
The Notorious Gregorius 39.4 401.9 2,803.6
Prison Mike 76.9 376.1 2,478.0
MauerPauer 28.4 392.8 2,194.9
Spanky's Crew 31.4 332.1 2,091.3
Ballad of Sandfrog 20.2 575.3 3,020.6
Pandaman 105.7 673.0 2,945.2
Lou Brown’s Tire World 104.7 502.0 2,956.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Old Hoss Radbourn 162 162 161 162 160 162 806 161 1515.0
Coke Hamels 162 158 143 159 156 154 763 153 1510.0
Skullflowers 💀💐 162 157 154 156 147 160 798 157 1455.1
Number Fourteen With a Banks 148 162 162 157 162 162 808 146 1500.2
Olneyville Harps II 162 158 132 148 141 136 746 160 1223.2
The Notorious Gregorius 162 162 161 158 158 161 810 161 1510.0
Prison Mike 146 162 161 158 162 162 810 162 1223.1
MauerPauer 162 154 158 158 157 160 753 163 1448.1
Spanky's Crew 162 156 134 150 144 126 722 157 1501.2
Ballad of Sandfrog 162 153 162 162 162 162 801 159 1530.2
Pandaman 162 161 161 160 157 158 806 155 1486.1
Lou Brown’s Tire World 162 162 158 162 162 162 809 162 1507.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Old Hoss Radbourn Lineups 163 163 162 163 161 163 811 162 1524.1
Coke Hamels Lineups 163 159 144 160 157 155 768 154 1519.1
Skullflowers 💀💐 Lineups 163 158 155 157 148 161 803 158 1464.1
Number Fourteen With a Banks Lineups 149 163 163 158 163 163 813 147 1509.2
Olneyville Harps II Lineups 163 159 133 149 142 137 751 161 1231.0
The Notorious Gregorius Lineups 163 163 162 159 159 162 815 162 1519.1
Prison Mike Lineups 147 163 162 159 163 163 815 163 1230.2
MauerPauer Lineups 163 155 159 159 158 161 758 164 1457.0
Spanky's Crew Lineups 163 157 135 151 145 127 726 158 1510.2
Ballad of Sandfrog Lineups 163 154 163 163 163 163 806 160 1540.0
Pandaman Lineups 163 162 162 161 158 159 811 156 1495.1
Lou Brown’s Tire World Lineups 163 163 159 163 163 163 814 163 1517.0

  • Old Hoss Radbourn
  • Coke Hamels
  • Skullflowers 💀💐
  • Number Fourteen With a Banks
  • Olneyville Harps II
  • The Notorious Gregorius
  • Prison Mike
  • MauerPauer
  • Spanky's Crew
  • Ballad of Sandfrog
  • Pandaman
  • Lou Brown’s Tire World


  • Old Hoss Radbourn
  • Coke Hamels
  • Skullflowers 💀💐
  • Number Fourteen With a Banks
  • Olneyville Harps II
  • The Notorious Gregorius
  • Prison Mike
  • MauerPauer
  • Spanky's Crew
  • Ballad of Sandfrog
  • Pandaman
  • Lou Brown’s Tire World
