Enter 2025 OPL


The Notorious Gregorius 7222.6 4.2 5.56 5.74 2648 681 127 13 135 330 40 35 17 560.1 19 30 647 422 175 18 62
MauerPauer 6674.0 72.3 5.65 4.59 2604 664 139 16 148 285 40 53 15 575.0 10 20 593 526 216 18 70
Old Hoss Radbourn 6661.9 10.2 4.75 5.68 2624 623 108 9 123 300 30 44 13 570.1 40 18 623 474 144 20 63
Coke Hamels 6612.7 0 5.13 5.26 2541 691 136 9 88 288 54 41 14 560.2 22 20 625 468 197 24 62
Pandaman 6108.7 -5.9 4.57 5.06 2628 630 118 19 100 277 43 50 26 560.1 31 15 610 463 172 18 79
Skullflowers 💀💐 5985.6 30.9 4.69 4.74 2525 599 113 10 106 325 30 35 6 561.0 33 29 593 492 185 22 86
Ballad of Sandfrog 5835.7 46.5 5.18 4.16 2480 641 120 5 112 300 36 32 9 541.0 12 17 560 510 188 25 84
Prison Mike 5516.7 33.6 4.84 4.55 2573 678 128 10 96 249 30 42 16 459.0 23 25 479 410 154 26 71
Olneyville Harps II 5166.7 133.4 4.52 4.06 2298 560 106 5 103 254 37 32 7 519.2 21 9 500 489 194 17 79
Spanky's Crew 4777.0 98 4.48 4.40 2249 567 98 7 94 243 30 29 13 410.0 13 30 424 328 171 28 66
Lou Brown’s Tire World 4460.5 24.3 4.41 4.02 2262 562 111 4 93 179 25 26 6 426.0 21 17 435 424 170 28 64
Number Fourteen With a Banks 4203.3 47 4.84 4.44 2172 537 107 9 82 267 31 25 6 295.0 13 31 310 278 123 16 44

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Old Hoss Radbourn 10.2 458.7 2,700.5
Coke Hamels 0.0 415.7 2,935.3
Skullflowers 💀💐 30.9 742.5 2,760.7
Number Fourteen With a Banks 47.0 330.8 1,481.0
Olneyville Harps II 133.4 634.7 2,568.1
The Notorious Gregorius 4.2 569.4 3,034.6
Prison Mike 33.6 404.0 2,797.2
MauerPauer 72.3 675.5 3,143.7
Spanky's Crew 98.0 484.5 2,290.7
Ballad of Sandfrog 46.5 580.9 2,891.1
Pandaman 5.9 574.0 2,836.4
Lou Brown’s Tire World 24.3 194.8 1,707.7

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Old Hoss Radbourn 60 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 570.1
Coke Hamels 60 60 60 60 55 59 300 60 560.2
Skullflowers 💀💐 60 61 55 58 57 59 300 59 561.0
Number Fourteen With a Banks 35 57 57 55 45 60 262 27 295.0
Olneyville Harps II 61 54 55 53 58 56 283 56 519.2
The Notorious Gregorius 60 61 59 60 60 61 300 60 560.1
Prison Mike 60 59 60 60 60 58 294 57 459.0
MauerPauer 58 60 59 58 59 60 300 60 575.0
Spanky's Crew 60 60 56 58 58 52 271 48 410.0
Ballad of Sandfrog 60 60 58 57 60 60 277 59 541.0
Pandaman 60 60 60 60 60 60 297 59 560.1
Lou Brown’s Tire World 60 58 47 57 59 60 222 60 426.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Old Hoss Radbourn Lineups 165 165 165 165 165 165 826 165 1569.1
Coke Hamels Lineups 165 165 165 165 151 162 826 165 1542.2
Skullflowers 💀💐 Lineups 165 168 151 160 157 162 826 162 1543.2
Number Fourteen With a Banks Lineups 96 157 157 151 124 165 721 74 811.2
Olneyville Harps II Lineups 168 149 151 146 160 154 779 154 1430.0
The Notorious Gregorius Lineups 165 168 162 165 165 168 826 165 1542.0
Prison Mike Lineups 165 162 165 165 165 160 809 157 1263.0
MauerPauer Lineups 160 165 162 160 162 165 826 165 1582.1
Spanky's Crew Lineups 165 165 154 160 160 143 746 132 1128.0
Ballad of Sandfrog Lineups 165 165 160 157 165 165 762 162 1488.2
Pandaman Lineups 165 165 165 165 165 165 817 162 1542.0
Lou Brown’s Tire World Lineups 165 160 129 157 162 165 611 165 1172.1

  • Old Hoss Radbourn
  • Coke Hamels
  • Skullflowers 💀💐
  • Number Fourteen With a Banks
  • Olneyville Harps II
  • The Notorious Gregorius
  • Prison Mike
  • MauerPauer
  • Spanky's Crew
  • Ballad of Sandfrog
  • Pandaman
  • Lou Brown’s Tire World


  • Old Hoss Radbourn
  • Coke Hamels
  • Skullflowers 💀💐
  • Number Fourteen With a Banks
  • Olneyville Harps II
  • The Notorious Gregorius
  • Prison Mike
  • MauerPauer
  • Spanky's Crew
  • Ballad of Sandfrog
  • Pandaman
  • Lou Brown’s Tire World
