T-shirt sale


The FRESH PRINCE of 791 19249.6 55.3 5.25 5.95 7517 1973 390 32 296 714 119 78 24 1519.1 104 39 1715 1189 438 64 139
In Play, Pun(s) 🤡 18732.8 42.6 5.25 5.62 7400 1890 457 27 312 761 87 86 34 1515.2 75 39 1656 1263 506 65 125
Blue Lives Matter 🇺🇸 17804.1 -0.2 5.14 5.24 7286 1880 396 29 300 687 98 98 29 1521.0 144 19 1510 1258 445 78 184
😸SabrCatz😾 17612.8 29.8 5.18 5.05 7086 1833 349 16 296 852 78 114 41 1516.0 29 103 1562 1356 387 69 191
Vixere. 17351.6 43.7 5.18 4.91 7181 1943 395 33 251 683 119 101 30 1517.0 33 75 1446 1383 424 72 167
wOBA Fett 16958.2 42.6 4.50 5.63 7149 1736 360 31 249 696 86 110 42 1489.0 39 113 1573 1237 425 50 145
The Endless Rebuild 16920.7 8.1 4.96 4.89 7182 1788 360 33 283 805 100 111 30 1503.0 52 68 1571 1270 481 58 205
Skunk🦨Works 15893.1 64.3 4.29 5.05 7232 1718 383 18 240 697 84 100 45 1511.0 56 85 1450 1320 462 63 168
…💩 14930.6 57.7 4.51 4.84 6467 1665 332 25 207 627 85 79 29 1409.0 30 74 1417 1277 435 74 166
Splashy the Whale 🐳 14088.8 152.6 4.35 4.89 6422 1586 336 34 198 567 89 163 45 1319.1 85 78 1373 1167 442 50 186
Generous Carriage 13465.3 107.2 4.73 5.37 5836 1472 283 25 220 525 84 88 39 1143.0 74 57 1228 945 371 63 131
WAR Horse 🐴 13427.9 16.7 4.54 5.41 6508 1623 320 34 240 608 63 109 40 990.1 73 49 1038 829 348 46 103

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Skunk🦨Works 64.3 361.8 2,457.3
Blue Lives Matter 🇺🇸 0.2 859.8 2,913.2
In Play, Pun(s) 🤡 42.6 362.1 2,438.4
Generous Carriage 107.2 458.0 2,097.0
Splashy the Whale 🐳 152.6 636.6 2,233.6
The Endless Rebuild 8.1 383.8 2,551.5
WAR Horse 🐴 16.7 541.0 2,456.5
The FRESH PRINCE of 791 55.3 606.7 2,839.2
wOBA Fett 42.6 317.8 2,310.5
Vixere. 43.7 403.2 2,456.3
😸SabrCatz😾 29.8 507.8 2,316.0
…💩 57.7 498.9 2,218.7

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Skunk🦨Works 162 160 161 161 160 162 800 160 1511.0
Blue Lives Matter 🇺🇸 162 162 154 156 148 162 810 158 1521.0
In Play, Pun(s) 🤡 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1515.2
Generous Carriage 51 161 150 142 92 152 692 109 1143.0
Splashy the Whale 🐳 161 147 149 152 142 162 698 147 1319.1
The Endless Rebuild 146 162 162 162 163 162 810 163 1503.0
WAR Horse 🐴 162 161 162 160 157 125 687 162 990.1
The FRESH PRINCE of 791 163 162 162 162 162 161 811 162 1519.1
wOBA Fett 162 157 161 161 157 157 788 162 1489.0
Vixere. 162 159 159 162 159 162 787 161 1517.0
😸SabrCatz😾 162 162 158 161 158 162 797 162 1516.0
…💩 137 162 151 152 140 144 755 158 1409.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Skunk🦨Works Lineups 163 161 162 162 161 163 805 161 1521.0
Blue Lives Matter 🇺🇸 Lineups 163 163 155 157 149 163 815 159 1531.0
In Play, Pun(s) 🤡 Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1525.2
Generous Carriage Lineups 51 162 151 143 93 153 697 110 1150.1
Splashy the Whale 🐳 Lineups 162 148 150 153 143 163 703 148 1328.0
The Endless Rebuild Lineups 147 163 163 163 164 163 815 164 1512.2
WAR Horse 🐴 Lineups 163 162 163 161 158 126 692 163 996.2
The FRESH PRINCE of 791 Lineups 164 163 163 163 163 162 816 163 1529.1
wOBA Fett Lineups 163 158 162 162 158 158 793 163 1498.2
Vixere. Lineups 163 160 160 163 160 163 792 162 1527.0
😸SabrCatz😾 Lineups 163 163 159 162 159 163 802 163 1526.0
…💩 Lineups 138 163 152 153 141 145 760 159 1418.1

  • Skunk🦨Works
  • Blue Lives Matter 🇺🇸
  • In Play, Pun(s) 🤡
  • Generous Carriage
  • Splashy the Whale 🐳
  • The Endless Rebuild
  • WAR Horse 🐴
  • The FRESH PRINCE of 791
  • wOBA Fett
  • Vixere.
  • 😸SabrCatz😾
  • …💩


  • Skunk🦨Works
  • Blue Lives Matter 🇺🇸
  • In Play, Pun(s) 🤡
  • Generous Carriage
  • Splashy the Whale 🐳
  • The Endless Rebuild
  • WAR Horse 🐴
  • The FRESH PRINCE of 791
  • wOBA Fett
  • Vixere.
  • 😸SabrCatz😾
  • …💩
