T-shirt sale


The FRESH PRINCE of 791 19860.2 41 6.00 5.50 7269 2028 413 35 364 807 61 130 47 1497.0 141 42 1698 1270 430 53 192
WAR Horse 🐴 18996.3 33.5 5.72 5.18 7498 2020 384 52 326 832 70 140 49 1519.1 86 70 1578 1335 432 44 190
In Play, Pun(s) 🤡 18613.5 163.7 5.69 5.21 7248 1968 399 29 330 832 71 106 38 1461.0 84 74 1541 1267 512 54 163
…💩 18098.3 15.3 5.56 4.99 7247 1944 390 39 333 748 60 149 43 1480.2 80 82 1472 1299 466 59 186
Generous Carriage 17660.5 53.7 5.53 4.64 7367 1994 419 34 306 723 87 136 39 1506.1 95 50 1559 1408 532 55 205
Blue Lives Matter 🇺🇸 17566.4 75.3 5.51 4.80 7239 1952 411 28 333 702 69 125 42 1449.2 124 23 1464 1350 490 59 183
Splashy the Whale 🐳 17346.4 43.1 5.12 5.16 7054 1896 373 42 274 649 102 101 46 1466.1 90 87 1513 1365 479 38 163
Vixere. 17152.6 21.9 5.33 4.76 7083 1847 397 23 317 813 67 72 26 1454.1 45 69 1532 1348 501 72 177
wOBA Fett 15710.8 108 5.09 4.51 6857 1771 396 30 280 722 74 79 38 1390.2 13 87 1414 1245 523 57 186
The Endless Rebuild 15589.7 67.9 5.32 4.51 6633 1751 368 21 290 709 95 73 34 1340.1 47 76 1362 1293 425 53 190
😸SabrCatz😾 14127.1 85.4 5.20 3.52 6887 1800 350 26 310 721 79 109 48 1244.1 74 44 1168 1361 512 53 201
Skunk🦨Works 13478.6 97.7 5.10 4.80 5687 1506 265 22 246 614 72 91 27 1118.0 79 44 1101 1004 377 38 148

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Skunk🦨Works 97.7 443.6 1,730.3
Blue Lives Matter 🇺🇸 75.3 573.3 3,204.8
In Play, Pun(s) 🤡 163.7 832.2 3,813.9
Generous Carriage 53.7 461.5 3,102.3
Splashy the Whale 🐳 43.1 426.6 2,699.3
The Endless Rebuild 67.9 464.4 2,174.4
WAR Horse 🐴 33.5 769.4 3,236.2
The FRESH PRINCE of 791 41.0 639.1 3,382.6
wOBA Fett 108.0 694.7 2,420.5
Vixere. 21.9 676.4 2,477.0
😸SabrCatz😾 85.4 386.4 2,379.8
…💩 15.3 472.7 2,920.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Skunk🦨Works 162 105 128 146 138 150 625 136 1118.0
Blue Lives Matter 🇺🇸 162 161 158 162 156 160 805 160 1449.2
In Play, Pun(s) 🤡 162 162 162 161 160 157 808 160 1461.0
Generous Carriage 151 160 162 161 162 159 810 162 1506.1
Splashy the Whale 🐳 162 162 162 161 162 161 777 162 1466.1
The Endless Rebuild 162 156 156 137 154 160 725 144 1340.1
WAR Horse 🐴 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1519.1
The FRESH PRINCE of 791 160 160 160 162 162 162 810 161 1497.0
wOBA Fett 159 160 162 159 146 162 752 157 1390.2
Vixere. 151 162 158 159 160 162 810 158 1454.1
😸SabrCatz😾 162 152 151 154 143 154 800 158 1244.1
…💩 157 162 158 159 157 162 810 162 1480.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Skunk🦨Works Lineups 163 106 129 147 139 151 629 137 1124.2
Blue Lives Matter 🇺🇸 Lineups 163 162 159 163 157 161 810 161 1458.2
In Play, Pun(s) 🤡 Lineups 163 163 163 162 161 158 813 161 1470.0
Generous Carriage Lineups 152 161 163 162 163 160 815 163 1515.2
Splashy the Whale 🐳 Lineups 163 163 163 162 163 162 782 163 1475.1
The Endless Rebuild Lineups 163 157 157 138 155 161 730 145 1348.1
WAR Horse 🐴 Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1528.2
The FRESH PRINCE of 791 Lineups 161 161 161 163 163 163 815 162 1506.0
wOBA Fett Lineups 160 161 163 160 147 163 757 158 1399.0
Vixere. Lineups 152 163 159 160 161 163 815 159 1463.1
😸SabrCatz😾 Lineups 163 153 152 155 144 155 805 159 1252.0
…💩 Lineups 158 163 159 160 158 163 815 163 1489.2

  • Skunk🦨Works
  • Blue Lives Matter 🇺🇸
  • In Play, Pun(s) 🤡
  • Generous Carriage
  • Splashy the Whale 🐳
  • The Endless Rebuild
  • WAR Horse 🐴
  • The FRESH PRINCE of 791
  • wOBA Fett
  • Vixere.
  • 😸SabrCatz😾
  • …💩


  • Skunk🦨Works
  • Blue Lives Matter 🇺🇸
  • In Play, Pun(s) 🤡
  • Generous Carriage
  • Splashy the Whale 🐳
  • The Endless Rebuild
  • WAR Horse 🐴
  • The FRESH PRINCE of 791
  • wOBA Fett
  • Vixere.
  • 😸SabrCatz😾
  • …💩
