T-shirt sale


Double Time 18323.9 129 5.49 5.31 7265 1972 428 28 279 725 113 148 42 1477.2 56 58 1537 1274 467 72 142
🏨 The Tunnicliff Inn 🏨 18111.7 187.7 5.12 5.42 7055 1851 395 31 276 749 84 135 48 1523.2 21 102 1584 1299 379 66 161
Ghost of Joey Votto 17957.1 55.7 4.82 5.74 7264 1844 356 34 286 699 64 105 41 1498.2 96 31 1720 1248 399 68 153
The Sound and the Fury 17641.9 -10.8 4.89 5.44 7313 1809 387 17 288 774 97 86 29 1507.2 65 91 1519 1256 440 67 154
Ace’s In The Hole 🃏 17027.5 64.2 4.93 5.22 6722 1704 373 22 279 724 83 83 19 1504.0 66 58 1474 1273 442 49 163
Sandpipers 16642.8 1 4.95 5.17 6831 1743 343 36 263 695 86 136 34 1458.1 101 76 1475 1216 495 60 178
That Maine Moxie 🥤 16527.9 27.2 4.79 5.15 6984 1816 362 27 257 533 104 73 26 1504.2 42 69 1551 1268 469 77 166
Get a Leg Up 15700.1 71.8 4.77 5.25 6663 1623 355 22 246 757 102 80 22 1360.0 85 51 1362 1153 422 48 152
Atonal Free Jazz Skronk Bandits 14554.0 22.5 4.45 5.02 6468 1592 326 14 226 619 70 61 39 1371.0 58 78 1374 1201 454 49 161
Vaas' Pirates 13270.8 46.3 4.61 5.29 6278 1550 308 28 211 635 80 100 39 1060.2 104 49 1103 901 356 72 125
Darnestown Demons 13185.9 32.9 4.25 4.56 6022 1476 312 21 200 556 79 99 32 1322.2 51 60 1291 1260 468 69 158
Expos' Hawk Legends 🦅 12208.0 71.3 4.11 5.23 5195 1259 255 33 170 438 78 84 37 1189.0 16 34 1213 1023 362 56 106

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
🏨 The Tunnicliff Inn 🏨 187.7 837.8 3,104.0
Atonal Free Jazz Skronk Bandits 22.5 375.9 1,860.3
Double Time 129.0 748.8 2,920.0
Ghost of Joey Votto 55.7 513.9 2,761.2
Expos' Hawk Legends 🦅 71.3 421.8 2,076.0
Get a Leg Up 71.8 494.1 2,128.7
Ace’s In The Hole 🃏 64.2 338.6 2,305.9
The Sound and the Fury 10.8 276.0 2,802.1
Darnestown Demons 32.9 269.4 1,642.7
Vaas' Pirates 46.3 451.6 1,948.5
Sandpipers 1.0 454.2 2,610.6
That Maine Moxie 🥤 27.2 417.0 2,076.2

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
🏨 The Tunnicliff Inn 🏨 162 162 162 162 157 162 797 160 1523.2
Atonal Free Jazz Skronk Bandits 162 148 142 152 136 142 702 141 1371.0
Double Time 140 162 159 160 162 153 810 162 1477.2
Ghost of Joey Votto 162 162 162 161 163 162 805 162 1498.2
Expos' Hawk Legends 🦅 42 151 129 110 138 114 656 116 1189.0
Get a Leg Up 153 161 146 153 146 148 745 141 1360.0
Ace’s In The Hole 🃏 162 162 162 154 162 150 760 148 1504.0
The Sound and the Fury 162 162 162 162 162 162 795 162 1507.2
Darnestown Demons 162 120 129 152 146 160 684 128 1322.2
Vaas' Pirates 123 159 113 156 143 137 692 140 1060.2
Sandpipers 158 159 128 161 153 154 775 152 1458.1
That Maine Moxie 🥤 161 156 157 158 146 157 738 161 1504.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
🏨 The Tunnicliff Inn 🏨 Lineups 163 163 163 163 158 163 802 161 1533.2
Atonal Free Jazz Skronk Bandits Lineups 163 149 143 153 137 143 707 142 1380.0
Double Time Lineups 141 163 160 161 163 154 815 163 1487.1
Ghost of Joey Votto Lineups 163 163 163 162 164 163 810 163 1508.1
Expos' Hawk Legends 🦅 Lineups 42 152 130 111 139 115 660 117 1196.2
Get a Leg Up Lineups 154 162 147 154 147 149 750 142 1369.0
Ace’s In The Hole 🃏 Lineups 163 163 163 155 163 151 765 149 1513.2
The Sound and the Fury Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 800 163 1517.1
Darnestown Demons Lineups 163 121 130 153 147 161 689 129 1331.1
Vaas' Pirates Lineups 124 160 114 157 144 138 697 141 1067.2
Sandpipers Lineups 159 160 129 162 154 155 780 153 1467.2
That Maine Moxie 🥤 Lineups 162 157 158 159 147 158 743 162 1514.1

  • 🏨 The Tunnicliff Inn 🏨
  • Atonal Free Jazz Skronk Bandits
  • Double Time
  • Ghost of Joey Votto
  • Expos' Hawk Legends 🦅
  • Get a Leg Up
  • Ace’s In The Hole 🃏
  • The Sound and the Fury
  • Darnestown Demons
  • Vaas' Pirates
  • Sandpipers
  • That Maine Moxie 🥤


  • 🏨 The Tunnicliff Inn 🏨
  • Atonal Free Jazz Skronk Bandits
  • Double Time
  • Ghost of Joey Votto
  • Expos' Hawk Legends 🦅
  • Get a Leg Up
  • Ace’s In The Hole 🃏
  • The Sound and the Fury
  • Darnestown Demons
  • Vaas' Pirates
  • Sandpipers
  • That Maine Moxie 🥤
