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Get a Leg Up 19846.2 52.3 6.48 5.03 7247 2027 436 28 419 813 117 72 23 1495.0 76 83 1695 1337 422 42 226
Sandpipers 19728.7 14.7 5.89 5.48 7362 1968 396 40 392 827 79 55 32 1511.0 164 15 1788 1315 427 59 202
🏨 The Tunnicliff Inn 🏨 19096.8 258.3 6.12 4.83 7376 2005 386 38 372 858 111 166 55 1521.1 81 80 1603 1452 463 45 207
That Maine Moxie 🥤 18855.4 20.1 5.69 5.24 7295 1936 421 44 336 840 61 120 30 1495.2 79 79 1793 1222 519 72 210
Expos' Hawk Legends 🦅 18028.9 63.3 5.63 4.89 6926 1795 374 30 366 840 82 93 23 1500.0 85 57 1691 1370 492 70 208
Vaas' Pirates 16437.2 13.2 5.21 4.52 6879 1778 348 30 307 698 95 110 31 1501.1 58 36 1512 1404 419 50 221
Double Time 16425.3 7 5.14 4.42 7185 1896 370 31 315 605 64 112 34 1506.0 62 52 1548 1400 516 69 220
Ace’s In The Hole 🃏 15946.5 34.1 5.79 4.68 6659 1770 401 36 366 737 100 52 25 1142.1 110 37 1222 1027 388 55 183
The Sound and the Fury 15599.7 96 5.50 4.55 6714 1805 396 37 287 690 85 106 33 1257.0 54 55 1344 1150 477 68 174
Atonal Free Jazz Skronk Bandits 13963.0 60.5 5.03 4.04 6304 1723 356 37 234 472 85 123 38 1331.1 26 68 1293 1316 419 63 211
Ghost of Joey Votto 12709.2 46.7 4.98 4.14 5848 1495 315 25 265 606 78 93 35 1089.1 8 79 1111 1060 359 61 172
Darnestown Demons 12613.7 65.1 5.12 4.48 4685 1193 243 33 226 453 46 94 35 1345.2 25 71 1335 1184 487 54 188

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
🏨 The Tunnicliff Inn 🏨 258.3 702.8 3,286.9
Atonal Free Jazz Skronk Bandits 60.5 484.5 1,634.1
Double Time 7.0 205.3 1,576.7
Ghost of Joey Votto 46.7 351.7 1,758.5
Expos' Hawk Legends 🦅 63.3 448.7 2,957.3
Get a Leg Up 52.3 841.7 3,598.5
Ace’s In The Hole 🃏 34.1 514.7 2,459.4
The Sound and the Fury 96.0 408.7 1,989.0
Darnestown Demons 65.1 322.3 1,633.7
Vaas' Pirates 13.2 190.8 1,454.3
Sandpipers 14.7 262.5 3,024.8
That Maine Moxie 🥤 20.1 477.9 3,199.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
🏨 The Tunnicliff Inn 🏨 162 162 161 162 162 154 802 157 1521.1
Atonal Free Jazz Skronk Bandits 162 159 162 162 143 121 639 160 1331.1
Double Time 162 161 159 156 162 159 788 153 1506.0
Ghost of Joey Votto 110 107 115 156 141 151 730 138 1089.1
Expos' Hawk Legends 🦅 157 151 154 154 152 162 810 161 1500.0
Get a Leg Up 159 162 159 159 157 158 792 158 1495.0
Ace’s In The Hole 🃏 162 159 136 161 162 149 742 160 1142.1
The Sound and the Fury 152 140 149 152 143 157 742 162 1257.0
Darnestown Demons 156 136 102 145 45 103 549 51 1345.2
Vaas' Pirates 162 162 162 158 131 150 764 162 1501.1
Sandpipers 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1511.0
That Maine Moxie 🥤 162 162 162 162 158 162 809 161 1495.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
🏨 The Tunnicliff Inn 🏨 Lineups 163 163 162 163 163 155 807 158 1531.1
Atonal Free Jazz Skronk Bandits Lineups 163 160 163 163 144 122 643 161 1340.0
Double Time Lineups 163 162 160 157 163 160 793 154 1515.2
Ghost of Joey Votto Lineups 111 108 116 157 142 152 735 139 1096.1
Expos' Hawk Legends 🦅 Lineups 158 152 155 155 153 163 815 162 1509.2
Get a Leg Up Lineups 160 163 160 160 158 159 797 159 1504.2
Ace’s In The Hole 🃏 Lineups 163 160 137 162 163 150 747 161 1149.2
The Sound and the Fury Lineups 153 141 150 153 144 158 747 163 1265.0
Darnestown Demons Lineups 157 137 103 146 45 104 553 51 1354.1
Vaas' Pirates Lineups 163 163 163 159 132 151 769 163 1511.0
Sandpipers Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1521.0
That Maine Moxie 🥤 Lineups 163 163 163 163 159 163 814 162 1505.1

  • 🏨 The Tunnicliff Inn 🏨
  • Atonal Free Jazz Skronk Bandits
  • Double Time
  • Ghost of Joey Votto
  • Expos' Hawk Legends 🦅
  • Get a Leg Up
  • Ace’s In The Hole 🃏
  • The Sound and the Fury
  • Darnestown Demons
  • Vaas' Pirates
  • Sandpipers
  • That Maine Moxie 🥤


  • 🏨 The Tunnicliff Inn 🏨
  • Atonal Free Jazz Skronk Bandits
  • Double Time
  • Ghost of Joey Votto
  • Expos' Hawk Legends 🦅
  • Get a Leg Up
  • Ace’s In The Hole 🃏
  • The Sound and the Fury
  • Darnestown Demons
  • Vaas' Pirates
  • Sandpipers
  • That Maine Moxie 🥤
