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Say Hey (Rest Well 24 and 30) 6378.6 109.5 4.23 4.79 2439 609 97 5 76 209 24 45 16 760.2 27 19 714 219 21 83
Lou Brown's Shitburgers 5993.8 39.9 5.52 5.01 2465 637 145 8 116 255 31 55 13 481.0 50 14 501 149 17 62
Empire 5900.7 92.8 5.64 4.80 2335 596 113 14 120 307 26 37 13 485.1 1 2 523 121 13 58
Rigby & Pops 5777.7 87 4.63 5.61 2482 633 116 19 59 240 33 65 19 503.2 51 18 503 146 18 41
Jobu's Cigar and Rum 5629.3 164.4 4.63 5.32 2423 617 116 4 81 246 22 25 10 499.0 43 3 499 177 27 35
Heirwagner 5585.4 116.2 4.75 4.46 2385 577 121 8 94 274 31 63 12 551.0 13 11 541 180 30 66
Dyer Jays 5408.3 64.7 4.85 4.48 2460 615 127 19 92 237 23 58 15 498.1 24 27 455 186 19 60
Cans of Corn 5303.6 142.2 4.33 4.28 2394 594 115 9 67 213 28 46 16 605.0 24 14 570 234 33 73
Bat Flip Heroes 4885.4 76.1 4.41 4.63 2171 526 115 8 74 227 27 53 22 483.0 14 26 556 183 24 65
Into deep left field by Castellanos 4712.1 10.1 4.00 5.00 2343 515 100 17 75 231 29 59 17 447.1 24 23 461 139 10 53
Something Out Of Nothing 4381.8 116.3 3.98 5.01 1778 454 86 7 49 168 27 46 14 445.2 28 17 462 153 10 49
LT Rising 4283.5 53.8 4.88 4.37 2129 530 109 14 84 203 19 51 14 351.2 1 19 359 109 15 50

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Empire 92.8 636.1 2,899.1
Bat Flip Heroes 76.1 636.5 2,493.3
Cans of Corn 142.2 612.7 2,403.4
Something Out Of Nothing 116.3 584.3 2,450.1
LT Rising 53.8 580.1 1,977.6
Into deep left field by Castellanos 10.1 511.0 2,274.7
Heirwagner 116.2 616.6 2,507.5
Rigby & Pops 87.0 829.9 2,940.8
Jobu's Cigar and Rum 164.4 661.2 2,856.0
Say Hey (Rest Well 24 and 30) 109.5 670.7 3,154.6
Lou Brown's Shitburgers 39.9 658.7 3,139.9
Dyer Jays 64.7 670.8 2,504.1

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Empire 49 54 50 50 52 53 273 52 485.1
Bat Flip Heroes 36 56 46 52 47 49 266 49 483.0
Cans of Corn 66 52 52 48 52 44 257 55 605.0
Something Out Of Nothing 43 52 40 45 41 45 226 47 445.2
LT Rising 55 55 52 54 49 47 198 53 351.2
Into deep left field by Castellanos 47 49 50 55 54 56 255 53 447.1
Heirwagner 56 54 54 54 53 54 276 57 551.0
Rigby & Pops 54 52 54 55 54 52 264 52 503.2
Jobu's Cigar and Rum 49 57 53 54 52 55 270 53 499.0
Say Hey (Rest Well 24 and 30) 55 58 56 54 57 54 256 57 760.2
Lou Brown's Shitburgers 55 56 54 54 54 54 266 56 481.0
Dyer Jays 58 54 54 58 55 52 267 56 498.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Empire Lineups 152 168 155 155 162 165 848 162 1508.0
Bat Flip Heroes Lineups 112 174 143 162 146 152 827 152 1500.2
Cans of Corn Lineups 205 162 162 149 162 137 799 171 1879.2
Something Out Of Nothing Lineups 134 162 124 140 127 140 702 146 1384.2
LT Rising Lineups 171 171 162 168 152 146 615 165 1092.2
Into deep left field by Castellanos Lineups 146 152 155 171 168 174 792 165 1390.0
Heirwagner Lineups 174 168 168 168 165 168 858 177 1712.0
Rigby & Pops Lineups 168 162 168 171 168 162 820 162 1565.0
Jobu's Cigar and Rum Lineups 152 177 165 168 162 171 839 165 1550.1
Say Hey (Rest Well 24 and 30) Lineups 171 180 174 168 177 168 795 177 2363.2
Lou Brown's Shitburgers Lineups 171 174 168 168 168 168 827 174 1494.2
Dyer Jays Lineups 180 168 168 180 171 162 830 174 1548.1

  • Empire
  • Bat Flip Heroes
  • Cans of Corn
  • Something Out Of Nothing
  • LT Rising
  • Into deep left field by Castellanos
  • Heirwagner
  • Rigby & Pops
  • Jobu's Cigar and Rum
  • Say Hey (Rest Well 24 and 30)
  • Lou Brown's Shitburgers
  • Dyer Jays


  • Empire
  • Bat Flip Heroes
  • Cans of Corn
  • Something Out Of Nothing
  • LT Rising
  • Into deep left field by Castellanos
  • Heirwagner
  • Rigby & Pops
  • Jobu's Cigar and Rum
  • Say Hey (Rest Well 24 and 30)
  • Lou Brown's Shitburgers
  • Dyer Jays
