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Bloominati🌹 18733.2 -5.4 5.80 4.99 7443 1977 392 28 372 807 69 161 38 1500.0 77 60 1553 1308 508 57 183
Shohei Parlay 18687.1 -7 5.67 5.10 7611 2013 413 34 341 756 86 198 52 1503.2 123 43 1589 1361 452 67 189
Who's Your Papi? 18224.4 125.4 5.21 5.40 7171 1821 324 32 311 863 96 134 33 1502.0 87 65 1678 1267 503 61 168
Yaz Cats 18185.5 86.2 5.37 5.15 7405 1911 389 27 296 807 109 223 38 1507.1 125 58 1699 1274 567 63 199
Marcus Semien’s Day Off 17851.2 176.4 5.39 5.17 7219 1865 396 28 320 821 103 103 31 1438.0 41 98 1509 1247 406 55 179
Injured Pitchers Rehab Center 17105.4 12 5.69 4.79 7012 1875 376 42 276 788 118 209 53 1405.2 89 67 1426 1297 470 65 184
Gas House Gorillas 16494.6 34.4 5.07 4.54 7368 1897 383 26 288 684 94 141 33 1490.1 27 80 1447 1428 486 64 183
Blotto Otto 16226.1 35.1 4.91 4.76 6948 1865 377 38 247 534 95 180 34 1462.1 95 54 1438 1318 482 59 193
The Infirmary 15618.4 105.1 4.99 4.65 6717 1730 376 36 252 665 77 150 37 1415.0 41 93 1484 1319 489 69 190
Randy Lahey 14957.4 53.3 5.35 5.28 6498 1640 351 24 287 778 80 103 21 1080.1 71 49 1099 936 314 49 123
I'm not Pfaadt, I'm big boned 14180.7 44.3 4.92 4.17 6118 1571 311 42 232 553 57 169 42 1472.2 63 32 1521 1415 558 84 214
Wam Bam Goodbye Sam 12488.3 35.3 4.56 4.96 5918 1461 301 23 239 508 75 122 31 1023.2 64 11 1138 886 412 48 118

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Shohei Parlay 7.0 448.4 2,741.8
Marcus Semien’s Day Off 176.4 770.6 2,905.9
Injured Pitchers Rehab Center 12.0 409.0 2,385.6
Randy Lahey 53.3 477.2 2,116.1
Who's Your Papi? 125.4 653.5 3,175.5
Wam Bam Goodbye Sam 35.3 440.5 2,135.1
Gas House Gorillas 34.4 524.9 2,545.2
Bloominati🌹 5.4 171.8 2,216.3
The Infirmary 105.1 431.7 2,292.3
Blotto Otto 35.1 366.5 2,397.3
Yaz Cats 86.2 404.6 2,447.9
I'm not Pfaadt, I'm big boned 44.3 266.3 1,937.7

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Shohei Parlay 162 162 162 162 162 161 810 162 1503.2
Marcus Semien’s Day Off 162 161 158 159 161 162 808 162 1438.0
Injured Pitchers Rehab Center 133 160 151 160 156 150 775 140 1405.2
Randy Lahey 162 160 151 124 150 153 670 158 1080.1
Who's Your Papi? 162 162 162 159 162 162 810 162 1502.0
Wam Bam Goodbye Sam 162 127 149 157 158 144 609 120 1023.2
Gas House Gorillas 161 162 162 158 158 162 794 162 1490.1
Bloominati🌹 162 160 161 162 161 162 810 162 1500.0
The Infirmary 158 150 152 157 162 150 732 151 1415.0
Blotto Otto 162 159 149 162 160 155 783 157 1462.1
Yaz Cats 162 162 161 161 162 162 810 162 1507.1
I'm not Pfaadt, I'm big boned 160 106 150 156 151 118 646 147 1472.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Shohei Parlay Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 162 815 163 1513.0
Marcus Semien’s Day Off Lineups 163 162 159 160 162 163 813 163 1446.2
Injured Pitchers Rehab Center Lineups 134 161 152 161 157 151 780 141 1414.1
Randy Lahey Lineups 163 161 152 125 151 154 674 159 1087.0
Who's Your Papi? Lineups 163 163 163 160 163 163 815 163 1511.0
Wam Bam Goodbye Sam Lineups 163 128 150 158 159 145 613 121 1030.0
Gas House Gorillas Lineups 162 163 163 159 159 163 799 163 1499.1
Bloominati🌹 Lineups 163 161 162 163 162 163 815 163 1509.0
The Infirmary Lineups 159 151 153 158 163 151 737 152 1423.2
Blotto Otto Lineups 163 160 150 163 161 156 788 158 1471.1
Yaz Cats Lineups 163 163 162 162 163 163 815 163 1516.2
I'm not Pfaadt, I'm big boned Lineups 161 107 151 157 152 119 650 148 1481.2

  • Shohei Parlay
  • Marcus Semien’s Day Off
  • Injured Pitchers Rehab Center
  • Randy Lahey
  • Who's Your Papi?
  • Wam Bam Goodbye Sam
  • Gas House Gorillas
  • Bloominati🌹
  • The Infirmary
  • Blotto Otto
  • Yaz Cats
  • I'm not Pfaadt, I'm big boned


  • Shohei Parlay
  • Marcus Semien’s Day Off
  • Injured Pitchers Rehab Center
  • Randy Lahey
  • Who's Your Papi?
  • Wam Bam Goodbye Sam
  • Gas House Gorillas
  • Bloominati🌹
  • The Infirmary
  • Blotto Otto
  • Yaz Cats
  • I'm not Pfaadt, I'm big boned
